>chinks seething
>all these shill threads
Good. Fuck you faggots. We're going to re-elect this guy too.
Chinks seething
> We're going to re-elect this guy too
kek. Democracy doesn't exist in U.S.A
>We wirr wait for Joe Biden to give us good dear he weak and dumb
Get what you deserve you little fuckers
this, mutts actually think we dont have an army of elite hax0rz to hack every election
We're a republic so it doesn't directly exist, no.
only niggers want democracy. we're a republic.
niggers, you are an oligarchy.
says the shithole that is heading to a bolivarian dictatorship.
Obama isn't President anymore.
yeah trump has worked out real well for your country too
Trump has unironically helped Russia since we're not at war with them.
He will win the popular vote and carry more than a dozen permanently blue states too.
It’s a Republic you dunce.
>chinks seething
I'm loving every second of it. Their economy COMES FROM US. There is literally not one fucking thing they can do about Trump's tariffs. They dredged up everything they had to use against us and it was one sixth of what Trump tariffed. US industry will REPLACE Chinese industry. They are fucked.
China, Israel, and the UK teamed up to interfere with our last election, too.
Doesnt Chinkdom have a raging pork plague that banks estimate will cause a 5% increase in inflation?
Trump should ban exports to China just to destabilize their economy even more.
This is great!
>be america
>have massive trade deficit with China.
>impose tariffs. China retaliates
>MAGAtards think this hurts China more.
>president thinks he can win.
The absolute state of a country run by a business genius that lost billions and went bankrupt six times.
China can no longer tariff anything because they already tariffs everything, PaoHuang.
Based. Can't wait for 5 and a half more years of MIGA!!
There’s nothing you can do to stop Trump so you might as well enjoy yourself!
the absolute fucking state
MAKE ISRAEL GREAT AGAIN, GOY! Remember to vote for Zion Don in 2020!
No wall for you and no end to illegal immigration, but Israel's getting another 38 billion of your tax bucks!
The second amendment? Yeah, ban bumpstocks through executive action. Due process? Nah, fuck that. "Take the guns first!"
LOWEST BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT EVER! Those working class whites who put him in office? The ones killing themselves in record numbers and dying to drug overdoses? Lol. Who gives a fuck?
Those felons who are selling the drugs? Yeah, they're getting out thanks to the First Step Act. Bipartisan support by the way!
>We have the stupidest people folks. Absolute smooth-brain morons.
You know, Trump was right. He could literally shoot someone dead in the street and you boomers would still keep supporting him and waiting for the 666D dreidel plan to come to fruition.
and they still lost
Seething discord trannies lmao
kill yourselves.
Remember, if you piss off the wumao you're probably doing it right