How can you say that the Germans weren't the baddies in WW2?

How can you say that the Germans weren't the baddies in WW2?

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Forgot your memeflag there, Hans.

>Jews starve 20 million Germans.
>One German holds a jew by the locks.
ergo, all Germans are evil

Lol jews are simply bad news. They destroy the countries they infest. Even with their own country of israel they just can't help but toss rocks at the hornets nest.

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If the holocaust did occur on any level, which it most likely did not, it was definitely a necessary evil.

everyone was a "baddie" in ww2, especially the britbongs and soviets

I don't give a fuck what you did to those locks, but you shouldn't have occupied us, you sperging autists.



It was necessary though.

They treated us like shit despite considering us their Germanic brothers. My grandpa had to go to Germany for forced labour, was only able to avoid it because he worked in his dad's butcher shop and they were able to pull some strings with the Dutch Nazis as they were well known in their community. They stole all our shit too.

Needed the labor and manpower for the Endsieg. Russians sent millions of unexperienced peasants against the Germans and it was very effective.


I am sure they had a good reason. What type of criminal was your grandfather?

Put all neets in camps

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if Hitler was bad™ then explain this!

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They were doing him a favor,
He looked ridiculous with that haircut

or this

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Even joe Biden hugs kids that aren’t his

Okay THIS I can’t explain, hitler is honestly a good dude

Hitler literally did nothing wrong.. that was his only mistake

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Was Hitler a Disney princess?

Because this is the result of jews being allowed to exist.

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It's a matter of belief, and the concept of "good" and "evil", plenty of people thought eugenics wasn't a terrible idea, that wouldn't make it an "evil" thing because the conditioning is dictated by society as a whole, as well as just people.
There were no bad sides, just differing ideals.

except you can clearly see the discomfort of the children joe "hugs"

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He was a god.

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i cant

>>Jews starve 20 million Germans.

The present situation of the world should be a very good explanation as to why the Germans should have won the war, and how they were infinitely better for the world than kikes ever will be.

>which it most likely did not
any reason for saying this?

How the fuck is it our problem you were fighting with Russia?

Hes refering to the holodomor which is white nationalist propaganda

post ww1 and post ww2

No, just a 14 year old working in his dad's butcher shop.

These are obviously propaganda deer.

Imma no blamin no puppet of another puppet

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typical traitorous rat. they should have gassed you first

you do not know about the Nazis taking people for slave labour?

they took thousands of French men adn women too.

Have an amazing song.

the nazis we're the baddies

too evil for my taste

could be a better world

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the fact there were close to 6 million survivors

that wasn't germans was it?
can you be more specific?

source for those figures?

the harder question is prove that jews have done nothing to deserve getting randomly holocoastered

How could that be “white nationalist” propaganda you retard, the Soviet incompetence, and maliciousness led to the deaths of over 10 million, and you can get that source on wiki of all places, and much of the early soviet government was composed of kikes who most certainly don’t give a shit about Slavic Christians.

Are you sure he wasn't lying to you?

not in europe.

about 5.5 million killed, and about 4 million left in the mainland europe area. (Britain and ireland should not count, but for some reason now they do as "survivors" Every jew in europe even if never under threat directly is a survivor. plus algerian jews...

but three million Polish jews didn't... 80K french jews...

Oh no, the Germans made criminals, ex soldiers, and French scumbags work, how diabolical.

Hitler was in fact god and everyone who came against him are demonic subhumans

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Have sex

Because the soviets were in the war too.

My grandpa fucked up too. He couldve married a german lady but he went back after arbeitseinsatz ended. He learned to be a taylor and i have a suit made by him for me. I read his letters. We were, are and will be one people with two different countrys. Ich liebe die deutschen, ob es schwaben sinds oder die bayrischen oder pottleute. Berliner sollen es auf die schnautze kriegen.

Nederland en duitsland. We hebben mazzel dat we een koninkrijk hadden dat sterk genoeg was om niet bij eenwording van bitchsmark te worden ingelijfd. De moffen waren goed voor ons. Honger kwam pas toen die kk geallieerden niet wilden doorstoten tot beven de rijn. Naive bloedhonden

How am I a traitorous rat when we were neutral in the shitstorm that was WW1 and wanted nothing to do with this retarded shit, and then got invaded in WW2 while Switzerland got to stay nice and neutral?

why assume he was a criminal? (or lying) Does it hurt your feelings to know that the Nazis enslaved innocents?

treaty of Versailles (ww1) post war world 2 relocation schemes and internment camps for pows, deliberate bombing of infrastructure etc

lol look at that thing.

JIDF shill tactic you forgot the swastika flag Moishe.

No, of course I can't be sure. But I have no indication that he did.

Germans worked on medieval German law if you are related to a terrorist then you'll get the punishment same thing with the people who came from a Village to do sabotage then the SD/SS came around and collected every people in the Village.

In the Netherlands for example people kept ambushing Wehrmacht Vehicles and then the SicherheitsDienst or the Schutzstaffel came around and collected some people and sent them to labor camps guess howmany vehicles were ambushed afterwards

every jew that died in ww2 was killed by allies. end of story

most of our jews survived the war though and they are everywhere. some stayed untill 60s, some stayed untill communism collapse, some are still here

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This whole channel is mind blowing. Very nice.

that's depressing..
if germany had hidden their power level a little bit there's a chance the US wouldve sided with them

dude is a purity spiraling retard, theres nothing wrong with not wanting to help kill millions of young white men.

You think your grandpa should have married the German lady? Why?!UKYCyAYa!jIOym22KaX4POD89VEKEOA


Actually they took slaves from all over europe.

British POWs were used for slave labour.

But I suppose you don't mind the idea of slavery. Until it turns out you are the one in chains.

why did they need a swimming pool in a death camp?

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David Irving faggot

no I mean a source for those figures. Have you census data, or a population of germany data, or something to confirm your numbers?

for officers?

you mean a traitorous COWARD rat. in that situation (ww2) if you're not part of the Axis you're a subhuman Bolshevik rat. motherfuckers want to be neutral as the mindless hordes sweep over humanity. no way bitch. either you're with us or against


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I’m married, and have three children you fucking retard, why don’t you get a woman, and maybe you wouldn’t be such a pathetic faggot.


so did soviets.
why promoting communism is still legal?

>wars in reality are about good vs evil

Go play with your harry-potter dolls or something.

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Nazis were as bad as the British. None of the winners of WW2 were the "good guys".

yes I am aware of the barbaric and not even as civilised as the mediaeval era nature of the nazis.

however the enslavement of french people was not in retaliation for resistance activity, it was simple slavery.

Old enough to serve his people

as opposed to what? Being executed? Yea I would much wrather work than be killed. Also too the fighters in the west were alot more chivalrous than the East, Germans and Anglos/French were civil with eachother for the most part as POWs.

Why are you assuming he wasn't?

The US was kiked to the fucking core, you were just a puppet government, and you still are.

hitler allied with bolsheviks to destroy europe though. and he never did anything about solving jewish question even when they caught fucking ROTSCHILDS

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traitors get the bullet first. if you know subhuman animals are raping and killing your people but want to be (((neutral))) you should be forced to endure exactly what you let us.


I want my country to be banned from posting on Jow Forums.

Didnt the guards live there also?

>end of story
cool story Bro. I love alternative history, like Man in the high castle.

but it has to have a ring of truth and plausibility about it... this one doesn't have that.

>Haha what do you mean a communist Jew named Genrikh Yagoda, the first head of the soviet secret police ,the NKVD, and the man responsible for the Great Purge as well as for the Ukrainian famine of 1932 is just completely glossed over by historians and history teachers user? This guy must've killed twice as many people as Hitler! That's crazy! Haha there's no way somebody would just forget about that!

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this topic has been exhausted to death. find it yourself. I'm not here to hold your hand.

Using POWs for forced labour is a very common tactic, and I would be happy to use it on my enemies, it frees up men for fighting, and those prisoners don’t have to be paid.

The swimming pool was built as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting (there were no hydrants in the camp), that the diving boards were added later, and the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged Aryan prisoners.

funny you say that, given the proud way the Nazis reported they had killed so many...


> How can you say that the Germans weren't the baddies in WW2?

By taking a good look at the current state of the West.

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where did we got all those germans from damn it is like someone wants to ruin our K/D

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