Ok incels

Before we start

>Yes Rhodesia was a pointless effort it's impossible to start a white ethnostate without resistance unlike native Americans.

>Whites/non blacks in south Africa deserve their genocide what are they expecting going to Africa

And no I won't apologize for taking back Zimbabwe also Rhodesia is dead get over yourselves.

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how is the life in Malawi?

Kind of ironic how you are now living in the UK

Taking back? Before the Arabs there were hardly any sub-Saharan Africans, let alone that far south. ancient Zimbabwe was a slave trading post, nothing more.

>Rhodesia was an attempt at a white ethnostate

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stop making this thread, you already got btfo the last time

Why do I like this...

Rhodesia was 10/10

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Rhodesia was going to turn into the U.S. when it reeducated the native population in order to have a functioning society and government.

>what are they expecting going to Africa
What are you expecting being in the UK? Go back to Zimbabwe and your previous thread, colored user.


Fucking incels get over yourself and live in current reality, if you realizes you're whole society in crumbling in front of you

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Post the gore pics and leave, monkey

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>Thinks I'm on the wh*toid's side.
>Doesn't even realize that Anglos and Africans fought together against commie scum.
Dumb nigger.

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It was already great , even when they were fighting over it.

Fuck off

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You can't compare white trash South Africa to Rhodesia.

Both are pretty great , mon ami

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Amazing trips.
They don't want us to work together.

White Rhodesians didn't want a white nation and never tried to create one, they wanted a white ruling class and were shocked when the proles they ruled over didn't want likewise.

Ironically, Mugabe's Zimbabwe came way closer to being a (Shona) ethnostate than Ian Smith's ever did. The takeaway is that its way easier to get away with exploiting people if you look like them, and buying into nationshit is a fool's game.

Commie user gets it right for once


TLDR , Commie

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Flase memeflags get the gas

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(i mean, to some level, not entirely agreeing with you)

>Rhodesia 10
>All blacks 8
What did they mean by this?

Are you retarded?

Rhodesia was a glorious nation. Ian Smith has a special place in my heart as the man who gave it his all to save the closest thing to paradise on this earth.

but that image is bullshit tho
