I live in Southern Connecticut, and I could days without seeing another adult with natural blonde hair. What the hell happened? Why are there so many Third Worlders and white mutts in New England?
Where are all the blondes?
Because of the Jews
They moved into my house to suck my BWC
>Where are all the blondes?
Don't tell the mutt, he will mutt the blonde women.
Good thinking
The Blondes are in Mumbambu, Africa.
>Why are there so many Third Worlders and white mutts in New England?
Same here. Can go weeks sometimes months without seeing a real blonde. They all dye it. Norway has like 90% less real blondes than you would think, and it's supposed to be the last bastion.
Jews have genocided the blondes.
Tons here in California along the coast. Thats the only place you will find a lot of White people nowadays. My time is California is coming to an end, makes me sad anons but i must leave my home state, for it has been destroyed. I must try my luck elsewhere.
talians and jews
go to minnesota or some place
>*whoops looks like your child had an accident at birth. So sowwy*
- t jew/arab doctor consolidating blonde couple