Where are all the blondes?

I live in Southern Connecticut, and I could days without seeing another adult with natural blonde hair. What the hell happened? Why are there so many Third Worlders and white mutts in New England?

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Because of the Jews

They moved into my house to suck my BWC

>Where are all the blondes?
Don't tell the mutt, he will mutt the blonde women.

Good thinking
The Blondes are in Mumbambu, Africa.

>Why are there so many Third Worlders and white mutts in New England?

Same here. Can go weeks sometimes months without seeing a real blonde. They all dye it. Norway has like 90% less real blondes than you would think, and it's supposed to be the last bastion.

Jews have genocided the blondes.

Attached: soy jew and shiksa jew.jpg (696x696, 74K)

Tons here in California along the coast. Thats the only place you will find a lot of White people nowadays. My time is California is coming to an end, makes me sad anons but i must leave my home state, for it has been destroyed. I must try my luck elsewhere.

talians and jews
go to minnesota or some place

>*whoops looks like your child had an accident at birth. So sowwy*
- t jew/arab doctor consolidating blonde couple

Attached: Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany.jpg (960x754, 247K)