Where are all the blondes?

I live in Southern Connecticut, and I could days without seeing another adult with natural blonde hair. What the hell happened? Why are there so many Third Worlders and white mutts in New England?

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Because of the Jews

They moved into my house to suck my BWC

>Where are all the blondes?
Don't tell the mutt, he will mutt the blonde women.

Good thinking
The Blondes are in Mumbambu, Africa.

>Why are there so many Third Worlders and white mutts in New England?

Same here. Can go weeks sometimes months without seeing a real blonde. They all dye it. Norway has like 90% less real blondes than you would think, and it's supposed to be the last bastion.

Jews have genocided the blondes.

Attached: soy jew and shiksa jew.jpg (696x696, 74K)

Tons here in California along the coast. Thats the only place you will find a lot of White people nowadays. My time is California is coming to an end, makes me sad anons but i must leave my home state, for it has been destroyed. I must try my luck elsewhere.

talians and jews
go to minnesota or some place

>*whoops looks like your child had an accident at birth. So sowwy*
- t jew/arab doctor consolidating blonde couple

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Minnesota is full, sorry.

cheap labor

it's just that white people stay indoors all the time because it's horrible outside now. I bet when you meet up with your extended family there are lots of blondes.

I live in central Connecticut and see blonde women all the Time. Then again, I live next to new Britain, which has a high polish population.

But I also leave my house every day and interact with other humans so that's probably a factor too.

*laughs in med*

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blondes are very very rare, all the "blondes" you see on the street or online dye their hair, just look at their eye brows and hair roots, its always dark, hitler basically sold the lie to brown/black haired people that blondes are superior, meanwhile natural blondes were less and still are less than 1% of worlds population

Try looking deep in the woods. Metro is full of creaturas and goblinas.

She’s a 1/4 pajeet mutt in a wig

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Statistically CT is 70%~ white, but Hartford is less than 15% white. (note: white means not a kike, arab or spic of European descent)

CT seems like an EXTREMELY segregated state

Redheads are most rare in my limited travels. I've spotted only three in the wild.

>implying the 3/4ths isn't jew just because 1/4th is pajeet

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It’s most likely English but doesn’t mean there isn’t Jewish further back like the poo

>It’s most likely English
lol, it's a jew.

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whatever it is it’s some yikes mutt

Colorado is full don't come here. Go to Austin or Whitefish.

just like that other one. and Natalie Porman, and that new Star Wars jew. There aren't Aryans casted in any main roles in this day and age.

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Weird, I thought you would have more up north.
Here in Alabama I see them whenever I go out, I think.

Seriously doubt that. You just don't recognize the tricks of the ((woman))

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If you don’t believe me you can see for yourself. Southern inbreeding produced a lot of blondes and redheads desu.

Because New England is a hotbed of liberal cuckoldry and faggot boomer contractors love hiring cheap labor.

Seconding this. Please move to Austin, Texas. You Calicucks are responsible for ruining Colorado.

>live in Southern Connecticut
You're in fucking jewtopia. Only places with more jews are Jew York, Jewami, and Jew Angeles

despite pol memes I see a lot of natural blondes here still in scotland.

Fello ct'er here... They have ads in central America and in Puerto Rico that say come here, easy welfare and democratic...no shit, sad but true.

White is white even with brown/black hair what's the problem? I'm blonde but I think brown/ginger hair also looks nice. Why are you all whining

Invisble jews & Irish some curly dark haired mix ruining everything

My best friends sister was blonde. She always colours brown since she turned 16 or so.

Lmao I have never seen those kinds of ads then. By the way what welfare? Welfare in the united states is pretty damn low, compared to other first world countries.

Both of these hit the nail on the head. 860 over here. /thread

Good so stay where you are. We got enough of you shitting up the place as it is.

Both the richest and poorest per capita state, only difference being a single county.

there are quite a lot of blondes.
Its the redheads that aren't as common, sadly.

Stealth CT thread? Fuck Malloy and his stadium and tolls. So glad I moved from that hellhole.

Getting fucked by niggers

>rent free
I hope a Kamala Harris voting faggot moves next door to you, fag.

In school, 5 out of 6 of the boys in my class had blond hair. I remember this detail because I stood out with my brown hair.

Obviously natural blonds exist, their hair often gents somewhat darker with age. Especially for men, although for women too. Women that were blonde as children often dye their brownish hair into blonde as adults.

get cücked medboi

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Dude, most of us are almost extinct.
Most blonde girls racemix to be honest.

Where did you go? How different is it? Been saving and planning to move out for a while now.

Do you really think shit-eating beanlets in the San Juan ghetto know that? Mexicans can easily travel to Spain and just live there forever under the socialist government's control, sucking up EU gibs like water. Instead they prefer to hop the border and leech off of America's meager gibs.

The average mestizo is a fucking brainlet.

there are three blond men on this campus of about 10000. In one of them.

Dark times indeed. Come home white man. Come

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No, you don't understand. There are quite a lot of people who dye their hair blonde. It is very common to do so, especially by women who see themselves as Scandinavian, Nordic, Germanic or American. You have no idea. Like 90% of them are not real blondes. But is not very common to dye your hair red. The reality is that there are far fewer real blondes left in the world than redheads. Jews have genocided the blondes. Kaput, finito. No recovery except for gene modifying.

It's just you who are unable to see it. You see blonde and think it's an actual blonde. It is not. Take a look at how many blonde men you see - that's how many blonde women there really are. It's split 50/50, the rest are dye-jobs. Regressive genes don't survive without special care. And that care was burned in napalm and hellfire by the brits, the burgers, the soviets then the aftermath was raped them all in 1944, 1945, 1946 and 1947.

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Nope the gene that produces blonde hair is expressed at 3 times the rate amongst women than men. Count the number of blond men and triple it for blonde women. You are right about most of them being dyed though

Getting blacked


California, I live around a ton of natural blondes and half of them are dumb as bricks and/or super blue pilled

Send bobs and vegene I am aryan