Jow Forums unironically cheering protectionism and attacking free markets

>Jow Forums unironically cheering protectionism and attacking free markets

Why have you forsaken him, Jow Forums? Pic related, newfag boomers from r/the_donald don't know his real name and just know he's the "it's happening guy."

Attached: le ids habbining guy.jpg (220x276, 16K)

God Bless the good doctor. He was the greatest president we never had and did not deserve

Attached: not happening.png (611x404, 246K)

We'll never have another chance to have someone like him again. We have failed as a nation and a civilization.

>>Jow Forums unironically cheering protectionism and attacking free markets
Don't confuse Jow Forums itself with MIGA kike shills on Jow Forums.

2012 was the best time on Jow Forums

The only reason I supported Trump was that he was a wrecking ball to the GOP establishment that screwed Ron Paul so hard in 2008 and 2012.

Attached: tweet related.jpg (600x1065, 90K)

Because he was a kook and a loser.

Libertardians support open borders and would trade our futures for a little silver.


except now you have open borders but the little silver goes to the capitalists and you get nothing


I want to believe.

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His ideology won't hold against the cancer of Marxism. We need something with a higher muzzle velocity

The free market is a myth when kikes control the banks and government's.

The economy should serve the people

I agree, Shlomo. Let's Make Israel Great Again! Only Zionism can keep the commies at bay!

Hello juden

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(((Libertarians))) are sub-humans that deserve extermination.

Attached: LolbertCorporateFeudalists.png (1800x1200, 271K)

>The economy should serve white people

Yes, the democrats are shit, what else is new

so are republicans, both are two heads of the same hydra

How is free trade with a communist country "free market"?

Reminder that Ron Paul endorsed Tulsi last week

Attached: Tulsi.jpg (1160x773, 124K)

Of course he did. Trump turned the Republican Party into the Democrats, but with less niggers and spics and more kikes.