Do you view them as equals or do you see them as a race of goblinites brought about by your own greed?
Spaniards, how do you view our spics?
Fuck the Spaniards.
>how do you view our spics?
We don't have Mexicans/ Centracas here, we really h8 Dominicans
>Do you view them as equals
Maybe 30 years ago when we had almost noone, nowadays averrage Spaniard despise all the Hispanoamericans because the mass migration, separatist h8 them more because they are culturally full Spaniards. But they are also better than Moors, Niggas or Gypsies ...
Fuck the Dutch
Fuck the eternal Anglo too.
spaniards and dutch have this air of contempt
theyre assholes that act like royalty
mexicans aint nearly as bad irl
>theyre assholes that act like royalty
In Spain you have no problems if you are from another European country America Canada or from China, if your comunity of expats is a piece of shit the people get prejudices
We share religion and language. They have one of the most powerful music industries (which helps selling a lot of alcohol here in Spain, which results in more nation-wealth). They have a solid variety of accents and a similar worldview. If a Spaniard says otherwise, he probably lives in a rural area and hasn't ever met one.
>we really h8 Dominicans
lol, why?
A la falta de civismo añade que son los principales miembros de las bandas latinas aqui, los colombianos estan al 60-50% en esa mierda tb