Is Trump trying to start a war with China?
Is Trump trying to start a war with China?
The UK and Israel teamed up with China to interfere in our last election. You should all be nuked.
I wish
Fuck the world
i hope so
I wish I was American.
CYNA is about to be raped
Doesnt Chinkdom have a raging pork plague that banks estimate will cause a 5% increase in inflation?
Trump should ban exports to China just to destabilize their economy even more.
This is great.
China large intestines about to get SAVAGED
China has no leverage whatsoever
We just happen to be the new Rome. We are making a small addition to the deposit of the glorious history of Rome and her children.
Don't you idiots know china is the biggest cryptomining country?? lmao tariffs aren't gonna do shit to china. They'll keep colonizing Adrica and setting up the new silk road as they've been doing the past decade and dominate trade from the sea of china to malta
Its what Bannon wanted, and hed be right. There is no peaceful resolution with china. The writing has been on the wall since the 50s.
Fuck China. We should wipe China and India off the map. Polluting faggot insects.
The same guy that got 5 medical deferments for Vietnam?
This. Daddy has cut off their allowance and they are saying they will "retaliate" by not giving him any pennies they find in the street.
No, he's just trying to avoid admitting he didn't understand the difference between tariffs and taxes his entire life.
Pretty funny actually.
Thank you Mr. Zeihan.
That's a great read... looks like its all happening now
Everyone should read this. I am also starting to believe that Trump is a genius.
Bump for China butthurt
Dumbest post ever. There's only no "peaceful resolution" if you're an imperialist.
what should america do then since china already has massive tariffs on everything we produce and steals all of our technology?
Use Mexicans as cheap Third World labour, like now. Turn the whole southern border into a factory zone. Stupid to ship stuff half way round the world if you can make it closer to home.
great advice shlomo, thank you greatest ally
No he's in the process of achieving trade parity with China. And the US holds all the cards.
>Implying I wouldn't fucking team up with the shekel horders instead of the slanted eyed commie fucks.
China should be nuked and don't get me wrong so should Israel but I hate the commies more.
Only problem:
>Pulls out of Syria
>Immediately goes back for Iran
>Europe is importing shitskins for the economy
>not because (((they))) wrote entire books saying they were going to do that to destroy Europe
Purely coincidence goyim
>implying two-for-one deals don't exist.
god this guy is a brainlet
No, he just has a personal obsession on global trade while paradoxically having nearly no understanding of it. He was ranting about Japan abusing our trade policies for their advantage back in the 80s. After Japan started to stagnate, his focus shifted to GY-NA
faggot. he's 100% correct.
2 for one as in they destroyed America demographics too, guess you have a point.
I'm ashamed of having such braindead fellow countrymen.
China has a billion more customers than the US. US businesses are willingly in bed with the Chinese gov because they desperately want access to that market. Bottom line is China is a fucking giant and saying they have no leverage is absurd.
We have an (((expert))) here guys. Guess we better think about the (((economy))) and the state instead of our people and communities
This is how it works you NEET. I worked for tech giants and every year China became a bigger and bigger slice of the pie profit-wise. It's the same pattern for the automotive, chemical, pharma, and of course manufacturing industries. If you think companies will walk away from billions of dollars because orange man said so I have a bridge to sell you. It's a fucked up situation but that's how the incentive structure is laid out atm, and tariffs don't do jack shit about it. Big-picture-wise we are getting outplayed by China hard atm.
>I worked for tech giants
So basically you have awful judgement and no understanding of how fine rural communities will be if it all crashes?
Do you guys realize rural America does not need you city geniuses and your economy?
Farming industry is in bed with Silicon Valley you brainlet, all that work is going to be automated away in a generation. The reason you don't hear people like Yang talk about it is because there are so little farmers left it won't be as massive of a displacement as self-driving trucks or McDonalds cashiers.
I hope so we're so covered in nig nogs I wouldn't mind an invasion
The trump family is securing hundreds of Chinese copyrights.
We don't need (((industry))) to survive.
You guys are way out of touch with what we been doing in the appalachias for our entire history. We don't need an (((economy))), we never have.
Do you realize how protectionist China is of their industries? Our industries are not selling to 1 billion people, you pseud.
You guys are so out of touch it's crazy, rude awakening I foresee in your future user. We all know it's gonna tank eventually, let the chips fall where they may. My region is comfy.
Yes and that mobile phone you have and internet you're using just fell out of the fucking sky as well, right? Everything is connected and interconnected. Rural flight will continue to happen because there will be no jobs. And unless you're stocking up on MREs I don't buy the self-sufficient BS. Even Kaczynski had to make trips to the grocery store every so often.
nothing ever happens
You don't buy it because you've never lived it. I assure you, telling someone from the appalachias we need tech or the economy to survive is laughable. We don't need you, I promise.
>Our industries are not selling to 1 billion people, you pseud.
Chinese aren't driving Chinese made cars. Not yet anyway. It's happening on the hardware, chemical, and pharma fronts as well, and it's big money for American business.
I've lived near enough to rural communities in the midwest where I could smell the cow shit day-in and day-out so I can make an educated guess. Aside for diehard survivalist/militia, it's a dying community.