>be American
>allow rat feces into food
>build inefficient gas guzzling piece of shit cars
>airplanes are flying coffins
>nobody wants to buy your worthless shit as a result
>claim this trade unbalance is because EU and China are "taking advantage" of the US and wage trade war
honestly Ameriturds can go fuck themselves
Be American
>honestly Ameriturds can go fuck themselves
Be EU, done nothing hahahaha
Eat shit chink.
Sorry, old colony what?
I know you guys have shitty data caps, but really?
Oh sorry bong, they did keep you!
Leader was Tibetan. Tibetans have the lowest IQ in china and have a living standard like Somalia.
Sorry you cant afford glasses user.
ouch? Who fucked your wife this morning?
An American?
Sorry you can't afford more pixels.
>1 post by is ID
Based EU, Fuck the US&A, this american version of Russia that claims themselves as democratic.
>Eat shit
funny coming from an American
I honestly pray for the best for white, whether its in Europe, southern Africa, south pacific or the New World. I hate to see whites lose their heritage no matter what continent they are on.
>OP's nose cast a shadow
fight us, pussy.
>airplanes are flying coffins
The most produced airplane of all time, the Cessna 172, is based out of Wichita, Kansas.
The U.S. is also home to Boeing and Republic, the two greatest aerospace firms to ever grace Earth.
America hate thread
The men who fought that war hasn’t the faintest clue of what their actions would bring about. Stop being a fucking brainlet
>be American
>eat mostly what you kill and plant
>drive what we want because fuck you
>get blowjobs from big tiddy country girls
>hassle foreigners especially white ones
Between USSR and US, i choose rather USSR
Asshurt as always
i would fly mine upside down these days