Climate Change

so are we just gonna ignore this and keep shitposting?


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But I'm just living in the world, lol.

Yeah it's fucking nothin

We're gonna die anons?

Yet we pretend as if we know exactly what happens on planets with this much CO2.

How is that possible if it’s only year 2019?

ignore this pls


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yes, i can guarantee it

have you died?

the whole climate craze has been going on for almost 100 years now.
no one cared up until now

Two Carbon Dioxides just flew over my house folks, this shit is real.

Also, weren't we all supposed to drop dead when it hit 300ppm ten years ago?

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Millenials like the OP need to calm down and stop eating so much onions... It makes them hormonal, check it:

You know damn well that they changed it to climate change and not global warming and/or cooling because now it can go for longer and ofc the climate changes.

>What is the medieval warming period?

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If only you stupid selfish goy would have paid carbon taxes to the elites we wouldn't be in this mess.

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you are fucking mental mate
cant help you if you are unable to use logic on your own

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If this is what it takes to exterminate germans for good i will gladly keep burning all my trash in the open field.

reminder that the ONLY WAY to stop radical, extinction level climate change is to depopulate China, India, and Africa, make a hard switch to nuclear energy, and invest in locally grown aquaponic produce
Traditional farming can't keep up and the hordes of nearly-retarded brown skinned savages will only further strain the system, rather than relieve strain

just explain it

nah its already too late
you cry about arabs and niggers moving to better places
just imagine how much you will cry once all the arab and nigger places are deserts and they move in mass.

A. It doesn't matter
B. It can't be helped

Could have sworn that it's been established that CO2 levels aren't any higher than they've been in the past due to ice core samples but whatever.

OMG all that plant food in the atmosphere? Thats going to be terrible! Trees are going to get too big and then we will be at risk of war with the Ents!

Care to explain? What I said is logical. They are using it for wealth transfer. Next you'll go on to say straw men arguments about me hating the environment etc.

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I am. Humans survived the ice age, I'm sure we can survive the jungle age.

Why would I give a fuck about what happens after I die?

Focus on the real issues

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Just imagine how much fun it will be defending ourselves.

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Look up Natalie Grant Wraga. There's your answer. It's communist propaganda.

Who took the measurements 3 million years ago?
What date 3 million years ago did it hit this record level, specifically?
Why did it reach that amount then?

do you not have family
also do you want russia to be overrun by nigs?

Just make sure to take this pics advice and I think we will be fine. I however did not, I have 3 little white polluters. We do such terrible things as mountain biking and hiking.

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News subtitle: "How is this not Breaking News all over the world?"
Picture: Smiling male and female activist looking powerful

I wonder who this is targeted towards and what they are trying to convey with this article.

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not gonna happen mate
we are past the time of strong men killing to defend their property.
we are currently in the time of women emotion and female mercy

>do you not have family
No. And I don't want to make one so they don't have to suffer in the future.
>also do you want russia to be overrun by nigs?
There are already tons of central asia niggers so it's too late.

I mean jews can get elon musk to launch sun reflectors to deal with rising temperatures but its far more profitable to tax entire countries to do more tranny ops

>scientists can trace what was going on in the climate 3 million years ago

do you even realize how retarded you sound?

When are they going to stop shipping in millions of immigrants who stop to the west who will adopt western lifestyles and put more demand on Earth's resources?

When are they going to destroying green spaces, cutting down trees and paving over entire ecosystems to house aforementioned immigrants?

When are green parties going to stop being open borders globalists who paradoxically love economic growth and millions of immigrants who need housing?

When are people going to admit that the majority of world population growth is in the third world and take measures to stem that growth instead of invite them into the west to consume more carbon?

When are they going to stop cutting down trees and scouring the rain-forests for the resources to set up 5G communication network and obtain the precious metals for mobile phones which all the shitlibs who go to climate protest use?

When are the globalists going to stop using air trave and sea shippingl for their cosmopolitan lifestyle and to facilitate global trade?

When is the capitalist system that only cares for profit and infinite growth with finite resources going to be stopped?


So this is why I stopped caring, there is so much hypocrisy and the reality is they will never do what is required to solve the problem.

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Even if you don’t believe in climate change surely it’s not ok for companies to pollute the environment and destroy eco systems around the world for profit.

Look at China with its smog or Brazil with deforestation, America fracking and fucking up the water. Why are we worrying about what fucking rubbish goes in what bin when these fuckers are doing far worse?

nah mate, lets just terra form fucking mars

we do.

It helps the plants grow... and it does not do much else because CO2 at 400 PPM is still NOTHING, in fact in the past it was triple to quadruple that and the planet was fine, it had even more life than it did now.

We barely dodged a bullet to be honest, because we almost had so little CO2 that the plants were going to fucking die.

All this "world ending" propaganda is just trying to part you with your shekels and put them into the pockets of those motherfuckers and the government.

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>3 million years


rocky numbers
wake me when it hit 1000

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Awwww man, just when the niggers were about to take over and all the white people die out the world ends.
What a jip.

>Brazil with deforestation
it was wild watching this shit live.
I was in bolivia just to see the jungle for once in my life
I was surpriced to see companies lumber trees like they are corn

If you see the jungle for the first time its so dense and full of life and the contrast to the cut down land is heavy.

And guess what having more plants does? It lowers the temperature.

Wow, it's almost like the planet is a self-regulating system or something!

This is just the new line of shilling. They have to tweak the narrative and one-up the previous tweak ever so slightly or else people get bored and stop caring. Have you noticed in recent polls people don't seem to give a fuck about climate change? This is the response to those polls.

It was wooly mammoth farts! Veganism naow!

Looks like another year of record breaking crop yields and food production. Oh no.

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explain this

Why do we never see the machines that get these results


Seriously go yell at China.

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They probably used one right next to a freeway interchange to get these numbers.

>how to simplify and look at a big problem in a vacuum

yes indeed!

It's almost like all these cries of "its going to run away" when we look back in time and see CO2 PPM in the 2000+ range but today we have almost none...

Muh hockey sticks!


i'm just tired of these faggot leftists shilling to get more taxes in place to take money out of my pocket for their pet issue that is fake to begin with.

see venus.

why should we give a shit boomers fucked up our futures let us fuck up the next generations futures too.

kids on this board unable to realize resourses arent unlimited

Good video

Also even Nasa fudges their numbers

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Venus never supported life and it gives off twice as much heat as it received from the sun, and no one knows why.
Venus is not a good example for your muh CO2 shilling. Go away brainlet.

PETA must have been the test run for most of these groups.

have they explained why more trees and less deforestation for shit like palm oil won't make a difference, or have they just said it wont?

In all of human history, warming climate has never been a problem but a sign of a golden age when population expands, science and art flourish and food is plentiful. Warm climates are fantastic for humans, this is why 90% of the earths population lives near the equator.

Cooling periods cause famine, migration, pandemics, and war. As long as I'm living in a warming period I'm happy. We have no control over climate cycles and are in the very infancy of understanding the inter-relationship of the millions of variables that produce global climate cycles.

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but it was 2 degrees C warmer and CO2 was 800ppm 56k years ago.

I'm not the one shilling for mass migration overpopulating the entire planet, exponentially increasing demand on international commerce and utilities infrastructure

why does CO2 trigger so many people especially on the right?

the argument switched from "it ain't happening" to "it's happening BUT (greener earth etc. pp)"

This. They also need to be removed from western society, since they leave trash everywhere and don’t care about the environment. You won’t see them driving Tesla’s.

>80-Year-Old Man Hasn’t Watered This Sealed Bottle Garden Since 1972 And It’s Still Alive

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>funded by coal

it can't possibly be because you don't even understand our argument and are making a mockery of yourself with your bullshit responses.

oh wait, that is exactly it.

Dude I saw a tree fallen over blocking a trail. CO2 directly caused this to happen.

>so are we just gonna ignore this
everyone knows climate change is a hoax
and a woman and a faggot holding a sign wont change my mind, faggot

if you believe they have any CO data thats older than 50 years, you are just retarded.... and they claim 3mil + years lel

by the way 415PPM is a total joke

How can anyone take this ridiculous claims seriously anymore?

Global Warming™ is a scam. Stop trying to rebrand it. It's also a cult and we should wako those fucktards.

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well what exactly is the "big" problem?
all i see is a bunch of people freaking out about something way over their heads
happily pushed by yellow journalism and suspiciously backed by lots of shady money
sounds awfully like alarmism to me

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Exactly they were farming further north than had previously been possible and crop yields were much better. What I don't like is the trash that Africa/India/China output yet we are still simply told we much give our money to (((other people))) and they will fix things for us. 9/10 times they go into saying you hate the environment if you're not onboard with their insane plans.

I think you’ve got to be mentally handicapped to ignore climate change.

The important point is, green tech is better for America’s economy anyway. Renewables are more cost-effective than coal.

3 million years ago the earth was apparently cooling dramatically, heading into the quaternary glaciation.
415 ppm is a reasonable level of CO2 for that time period.
Climate was probably similar to today's.
It's not that unreasonable. Rocks store some climate information and don't just disappear.

You're right. The same people crying about global warming also insist that we need to ship all the industry to Asia, throw away all ideas of regulating emissions and pollution, encourage massive development and consumption by 5 billion Asians, etc.
It's batshit insane.
Democratic capitalism seems hell-bent on destroying itself.

they make us pay for recycling and trash disposal when in reality they should be fining global corporations for creating so much packaging that takes centuries to break down. Absolutely everything pollution wise is down to the big companies not giving a fuck. Fucking punish them for what they're doing

Someone might wanna tell China and India

it was always going to end this way. shitskins make it impossible to fix any problem.

>>how to simplify and look at a big problem in a vacuu
The average “smart” person (studied physics) does precisely that when they simplify the entire biosphere to “greenhouse effect”. Lmao. Earth isn’t a greenhouse, just like the sun isn’t a lightbulb.

>1 post
higher CO2 levels can lead to drug induced like paranoia

Somebody tell China and India I guess?

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>higher CO2 in 3M years
>in a 4B yeara world
Literally shakeing

>Earth isn’t a greenhouse, just like the sun isn’t a lightbulb.
i guess all these educated people are just not smart enough for this, right?

(((They))), at the top, know this. They're trying to fulfill their gay little commandments they put on that stone in Georgia. What better way to do that than to gin up climate fanaticism, mix in a little religious chauvinism into it to make it extra potent and resilient? Wind-up toy soldiers.

Lots of valid points here, user.

But it saddens me that you have given up. That means they have won.

china has around 50% of CO2 per capita the US has

Global warming is a man made hoax

the first tree appeared around 400 million years ago

well hans, the only solution is population reduction starting with the most useless people first, but because you sperged out in world war 2 that gets you called a nazi now, so enjoy the ride i guess.

global warming is real
the hoax is the cause and the goal
caused by human
and goal is to fix it
while the reality
caused by natural cycle
and goal is to get money and authority

>>in a 4B yeara world
this is exactly the problem with Jow Forums
not able to research enough to understand basic mistakes in logic like this.

This is water
Water causes whatever it touches to become wet

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what's there to even give up? You can't vote for opposition, and the entire political system in this country at least is a fucking joke completely controlled by those responsible for all this planet killing mass migration. They're on camera listening intently to a 15 year old sperg