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like any millennial is going to care.

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thats like 1/1000 reduction or something



Sending bad vibes for total crash.

I bet the hebrews are at fault for this.

2% is not a crash you dumb cuck

This isn't even into correction territory, let alone a crash.

buy the dip goy

How much is a crash?

Hurrrr, ornge man crashed duh market

Attached: Screenshot_20190513-131757_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 212K)

People think that economic wars will erase their debt and give them homes for free

three fiddy

Attached: pepesmartato.jpg (680x521, 63K)

USA is really desperate for Oil, because they are going for Iran and Venezuela. God damn golem factory of a country, and God Emperor Kikey who gave rats 38 billion like their holy books say.

Checked. Collapse soon.

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It will rise again. Unless it's falling 20 percent or more its not a happening.

I just want free land. Not a home. Just nice land out in Idaho. I'll build my own home.

We have plenty for us.
We just want to control everyone's.

HOLY SHIT! DOW IS STILL OVER 25k! It wasn't like December. It's going to crash but during/after Trump's second term

What is a bubble?

Literally just bought my first shares of stock yesterday.


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dont know how much that is but not much

Sadly market can no longer "crash". Government AND private investing sectors have triggers for STOP/GO if the market were to wipe out too many money.

Yea it would still be big percentage around 11-20% range before freeze would be put in on all order but, more or less, besides some ripples here and there, society would be stable.

Point is,you're wasting time if you're waiting for crash close to what you "want".

>It will rise again
just like the confederacy

Vote in 2020 #MIGA

Maybe it won't maybe it will. Still for now it's nothing. The chance that there'll be a srs crash is minute

No, it's not. The US is over the world's piggyback ride. China BTFO, along with the rest of the world.

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hahaha look at the libtard butthurt fellow migapedes, we did it they are angry, god bless trump, this is why we voted, to see our country slowly die and make libtards butthurt lolololo

The United States is bullying Iran because Iran supplies money and weapons to puppet groups in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain and other regions with large Shiite populations in a large scale proxy war with Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian economy is on the brink of collapse, much like the USSR. It is in the Iranian interest to cease their "little cold war" with KSA and make peace with USA and KSA so that all sides can dial back conflict in the Mideast.

Venezuela is literally a Sino-Russian forward base to spread anti-American ideologies to brainlet mestizos in Latin America. It is in the American interest to not be bordered by anti-American nations.

Trump and America is acting in the national interest. If Trump was a neocon he would never bother with Venezuela or Korea and focus exclusively on invading Syria to isolate Iran. The fact Assad is still in power is because the US does not have the military power to was on Syria because Trump doesn't actually give a shit about destroying Iran, only making them fuck off.

You are a memeflag.

Your people won't stand for that, will they?

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A crash at 25,000

Best crash ever

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Buy bitcoin instead

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Don't worry, goy. As long as you send money to Israel everything is alright. :^)


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>day stats
hopefully all chink money is being removed

Sell pretty soon, its gonna crash again

Trump is doing this on purpose so him and his Jews can make money off the downfall.

This desu and i even got short positions

Must be a lot of libtard jews with money in market...

you'll know when the kvetching intensifies

sell cash secured puts in vix. whenever qanon posts "boom" or "boom boom boom" there is a spike in volitility...he posted it again last night. made for a nice payday. its half past noon and the market bought be a nice prime rib and scotch dinner. dont be a poor.

you cant have ww3 with 2 countries that lack proper toilet facilities...

Hahaha, I'm rich, bitch

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we are all going to die of starvation. this is what happens when we become dependent on a foreign country

5% is a correction so more than that

The US is a net exporter of oil.

siding with saudi arabia. Fuck off crypto jew.

>Your people won't stand for that, will they?
nigga don't act like you would stand for that too

Wake me up when it goes down to 4

>all growth is a bubble

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Fucking hell..
But what about the USA's debt?


china is dumping the US

>be a jew
>get gassed "at least 6 times"
>i'm fine now

Attached: 6_gassings.jpg (735x866, 336K)


Hardcore trump supporter here, but Trump took a stable market with steady growth and a small manageable "bubble" and threw it into over drive, fucking the whole thing. He's playing the numbers game thinking that he will benefit, from an ego perspective, that such high numbers are great and hopes to be out of office once once everything fucking crashes and doesn't take the blame.

Deregulating can be good but the levels that he did is only for a short term gain. Basically if you dont know when its going to pop its going to fuck you six ways till sunday. Billionaires are going to benefit while others are going to see financial windfall that will look like the 07-08 recession looks like the strongest market we've ever seen.


Our economy is going to get fucked hard again.

>be a jew
>go to auschwitz death camp
>do some work
>get paid

Attached: camp shekels.jpg (600x426, 68K)

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first day watching the market? lol
literally a tiny dip

I know I do

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I'm curious about this too. I think the world will willing pay our debts for our naval help. They will be grovelling at our feet, begging for help. Feels good to be in the good ole US of A.

inb4 it goes all the way back up by the end of the day

10%+ is crash territory

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crash would be -2000 in a few hours.

You have that backwards.

Top kek


>be a jew
>get attacked by musical genius nazi dogs

Attached: nazi_music_dogs.png (800x798, 91K)

Are you sure bud?
Cause we said the same thing 2000 years ago here in Italy..

>be a jew
>go to get gassed
>get a stomach ache
>go to nazi hospital instead

Attached: gas or hospital.jpg (350x502, 83K)

dow is fine above 20k

>he thinks you can dump china
it's way different kind of economy, state-run, the US has much much more to lose and we both know

>Market surges to all time high
>Takes a dip before stabilizing
>Stabilizes back to high
>Takes a small dip

God I hate you faggots.

wow 3 whole percent. end of the fucking world huh

t. cryptocurrency veteran

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you are overreacting

calm down

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S&P 500 is getting buttfucked too. But it won't drop below 2800. I predict it'll rally back up to 2900 by the end of the week.

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This is good for bitcoin

>oy vey -2.6%

>idz practically anodda fackin' holocaust!

Shut the fuck up you retard.

Its called cornering the market it's not enough to win everyone else must lose.

Goooood I hate this fucking place, can't wait for it to fail

Working there for 4 years sucked, trying to get people to sign up for credit cards that they can't afford.

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Who said the last piece retard.


Are you just larping as a nigger or are you legitimately retarded?


Again? Do you never learn stock market behavior? I bet you'll cry the next time it dips too.

Hasn't this happened like five times in the past year? I'm sure this time will surely be the end of days.

It's only monday

Dowry Industrial Index is up

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most of our debt is owed to american citizens retard.

This is like the 15th 2% drop all which have recovered. Remember the economy was "fine" under Obama at 18k. Now at 26k under Trump its "crashing" because we are down 2% at 25k kek. of course when the market is good its thanks to Obama but when its "crashing" at 2% its Trumps fault

DOW is already starting to recover the days losses.

I'm flying this flag just for you, faggot.