Shocking video has surfaced showing the brutal moment a young man punches a Hasidic Jewish man in the head without provocation in Williamsburg,

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Two hats?
Why two hats?

> brown
> anti-semitic
There's zero chance he's not a Jow Forumsack

Good, I hope more Jews are attacked and hopefully killed, even if it's by blacks.

one was his hair

Punching from behind is niggardly.
He should have just walked up shot him 6 times in the chest like a real white man.

When Pets Attack... new episodes tonight on FOX

Don't worry user the Jew special forces is on the case

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The black cries out when he is striking you.

Like watching a man attacked by his own dog.

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Real quick, how did you pay your rent last month?

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It's like one of those russian egg dolls

>without provocation

>without provocation

user I...

for once the jew is the one getting stabbed in the back.

ha! back in Brooklyn when i was a kid... 30 years ago we use to bum rush them and steal their hats.... later we throw em around like frisbees or just use em as a seat cushion when sat on our stoops. didnt know they were worth so much money back then.

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The kid was black so... peaceful protest.

so that he could give a detailed description to the cops? i think not. Jews aren't courteous enough to do what they do out in the open why do them any favors?

Heard about this in on the radio in the car the other day. No description of the attacker was given. Why's that? His description is right there on video.

a jew getting niggered has some poetic value in the irony the jew brought them here.

Attached: kerryjew.webm (485x274, 2.84M)

> without provocation
Well, it is always "unprovoked" when dealing with the self-chosen ones...

>didnt know they were worth so much money back then
Is there some place you can turn them in like scalps?

Any hate crimes like this against jews should result in a life sentence to prison

>without provocation
Well, if you ever opened a history book, you get enough provocation.

Who cares? Hershel deserved it.

>hate crimes

looked like a random "knockout game" punch to me. leaf, where do you get a hate crime? simply because the victim was dressed in black?



Former slave attacks his generous owner. Hmmm.

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the dude probably thought the jew was just a white in a funny hat
>dis nigga be buyin' from the thrift store yo sheeeiiittt

>s a Hasidic Jewish ma
stange - if it wasnt a jew ( or black, or woman ), NOBODY would care.

Really makes you think.

wtf this is ANUDDA SHOA
USA must pay 40 bil reparations to israel for this heinous crime

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It's so sad when they get attacked by their pets.

T t they xame f from b be hind!

based now get that nigger a white girl

I give the jew props. He took it like a champ. Turned around ready to fight but of course the cowards a block away. Beat his ass schlomo.

hoist by their own retard

Probably was told he would get 300$ to sleep with his jewish wife then after the black guy was done screwing the jews wife the jew wanted to haggle instead of paying the agreed amount.

I didn't know kikes had kippas under the hats. How retarded isn't that?

>I give the jew props.

Ahahah it serves him right,filthy kike.

These pedokikes brought them here on their boats and sold them at their markets. The inbred pedokikes should have to deal with their pets in between sucking, cutting and killing their own children.

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Ask me if I care.

Was that his jew gold that fell out of his hat?


I worked with orthodox and non-orthodox Jews here in NYC.
The men are based and totally cool but the women are pushy cunts.
So fuck all you live in the middle of nowhere hick hillbilly white trash faggots.

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We tried to warn you about pitbulls, kike.
Have nigger pets, win nigger prizes.



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Retarded enough to turn them into lampshades.

Can someone translate this goblin speech?

>without provocation

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What I wanna know is, what was the jew possibility going to do if he caught up to the guy? Sternly shake a finger at him? Lmao

>The men are based and totally cool
Yeah no they are not. I have worked with them too and they are the furthest thing from cool and based. I honestly don't know how you could ascertain anything at all with how shifty and awkward they are. They are weird, clammy, and autistic. Physically revolting and unkempt. It's almost as if they have something to hide. I agree with you on the women tho they are all huge cunts.

Unlikely to have been premeditated.
A well-prepared attacker would have scattered pennies as he ran away.


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Dare I say... /ourmutt/?

Thanks user, this made my day! :)

so we should demand reparations from africa ?

Yes. And open your borders.

What a KANG.

they are open, if you're a fan of the good old 5.56

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Lol. You're gonna get nuked.

the headline should read: pitbull owner attacked by his own dog: heroic pitbull travels for miles to attack his owner after not feeding him enough.

That's not what niggardly means, the word you are looking for is niggerish.

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>Hurr I live in NYC durr

You live in the most pedophile and incest ridden shithole in quite possibly the entire world and yet you're here bragging about it like a trisomy 21 victim. Every day your inbred pedokike buttbuddies snip and slurp their own inbred progeny and what do you do about it? You lick their infected kike assholes while they slurp from the infant phallus fountain.

>On September 9, 2015 after coming to an agreement with the community The New York City Board of Health voted to repeal the informed consent regulation.

You just sit around idly while "based and totally cool" pedokikes produce yet another generation of inbred pedophiles. They have only been doing this for over 5 thousand years, why stop them now. Even the "liberal" and "secular" kikes are pedokikes with an insatiable lust for infant cock in their collective mouths. Your nigger and pedokike infested city is worse than any hillbilly town.

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back to work justin

Just turned on CNN and saw this

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i convinced my ex that i was on reading rainbow when i was kid. then when i told her i was joking she didn't believe me. she still thinks i was on reading rainbow.

Can someone spoon feed the baby?

Oh OK I'll just forget all my personal experiences and replace it with yours.

Get back to me when you have a coherent response you trailer park meth head.

You say he can't keep getting away with it.
>Gets Away With It

Still not getting through...
Seriously, does no one here speak Puerto Rican?

Still no rebuttal.
Does someone here speak special education?

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He's Tasmanian

thoughts and prayers

under rated


It's alright little trisomy 21 victim. You'll get your turn at slurping an infant cock while the pedokikes cheer you on. You just need to keep on sucking adult inbred kike cock like a gud lil boi and someday you'll get your prize.

Attached: Jews are pedophiles.jpg (265x190, 9K)

based Kang

Underrated kek.

Still no response that makes any sense.
Put down the meth pipe hillbilly boy.

That was a Arab man

Why would any of that make sense to you? When you're sitting on a stolen chromosome everything must seem cryptic. You're a poster child for free and on demand abortions with a complimentary tubal ligation.

Here's some more pictures of your pedokike faggot friends doing what you wish you could do and get away with. You'll just jerk off to it anyway.

Attached: inbred kikes and baby cocks.jpg (2534x899, 1000K)

Literally obsessed with jews
How does it feel to know they run through your head 24/7

>When the pet bites the owner

People should be punching Jews every day.

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is that the shomrim?

Holy kek!

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Yeah idgaf what they do with their kids.
I just know they were cool to deal with.
Unlike your sorry criticizing butt hurt shit ass.
Wtf do you care what they do in their own world?
Do you have nothing better to do?

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Fake and gay

>a young man

That means he has twice the wealth of a normal jew and his nose is twice as big

Where’s the gif?

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God I hate this stupid colorful hair trend. It doesn't look as good as most people think it does.