Do you think the officers went to In-N-Out Burger to celebrate?
Another Day In The Police State Of America
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Maybe... then paid leave and comped tickets to Disneyland?
The guy in the truck should have not been playing stupid games if he did not want to win stupid prizes.
God, driving down a residential area shooting out the windshield looks like so much fun.
Don't care. It's one less nigger.
pretty exciting desu.
Ok what's the actual story?
Based, one less spic in America
Dindu din do nuffin. cops din do sumfin
dindu din went to Watermelon Valhalla..
retard cops got their training from GTA
As if a 9mm (or 40 s&w whatever it was) inside a car wasn't bad enough, the cop is passenger seat shoots a fucking AR inside the car. lol
>We can't hear anything.
You don't say?
One less shitskin. They're doing the lord's work.
>Watermelon Valhalla
This place still has some gems
>pumps him full of lead
>"are you okay buddy?" unironically
Turns out the weapon he was threatening everyone with was an airsoft made to look like a fully automatic rifle. Even his own family reported it to police as being the real thing. He kept firing at them, so they shot him, as they should have.
No, it did not have the "orange tip."
20 gunshots later
The guy should not have played with his gun. Aiming at a cop gives cops the right to use lethal force in the USA. So yeah stupid guy.
he's talking to his partner
he refused to wear his seat belt
Wait, once he started shooting the airsoft gun it should have been obvious it was an airsoft gun. That's the give away.
Guy was on drugs and acting like a moron, refused to accept directives from the cops, drove through a residential area waving a gun around (it was a CO2 Air Pistol however), and ultimately played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.
I'd say the cops handled the situation rather poorly though all things considered. They had every reason to shoot the guy but firing almost 80 rounds in a residential area with kids running at 11% accuracy is a bit ridiculous.
Anyways, he was a good boy and a dindu. Waving a gun around with kids and random people present all over the place while refusing to comply with police is admirable behavior and only a racist Trump supporter would shoot someone for that. In fact, this is directly Trump's fault and he should be impeached and then jailed for 1st degree murder and treason.
California cops are crazy as fuck, it's best not to fuck with them.
> shot the man to death with 100 bullets
> start talking to him saying help is coming
> proceed to handcuff him as if a dead corpse is still a threat
Why are yankee coppers such doodles?
>Aiming at a cop gives cops the right to use lethal force in the USA
Aiming a gun at a person anywhere in the world gives them the right to lethal force. They're not toys.
That's procedure retard, they always do that. If they don't do it they get in trouble.
Cops are scumbags
he could have been trying to shoot them with a real gun but it was jamming or he wasn't operating it correctly. they didn't want to give him the chance to unjam it or get his shit together and actually start shooting.
>nog gets shot
>im supposed to care
get fucked op
>shooting through your own windshield
>firing 76 times
>barely hitting him
Put the cops to death
OP Here. This is an interesting one. An illegal vs an Arkansas Sheriff's deputy.
Suicide by cop and cop delivered everyone wins what's the problem
Everything is mindless bureaucracy and protocol now. Discretion is being weeded out. A society of mindless drones is the ultimate goal, we'll be like ants.
More like Anahymie
>what's the problem
dead guys family wasn't sent a bill for the bullets
>police state
>just killing apes
Exactly. Cop should just be briefed again on when it's appropriate to use so many shots while moving, because you're just praying at that point.
But then for the dindu - these people that will be outraged about this always fail to realize the polices actions are a reaction. Something has to happen before he feels it's necessary to shoot. Waving an airsoft gun around with the tip removed is more than enough cause to call for lethal force.
To think he only ran a stop sign
He misgendered someone.
sick mother fuckers
Did he shoot it before the real guns were pulled? Because if you had a chance to hear it, you'd know it was fake, it's a dead giveaway.
Seriously the way that cop was acting I wouldn't be shocked if he reacted that way even knowing it was an airsoft gun.
You yuro's don't realize how much of America is still like the old west.
You sound like the biggest boomer or generation X lacky I've ever heard.
Please kill yourself as soon as possible and stop wasting my air.
The person who backed up that faggot crossover cracked me up. It was a shock they didn't crash.
>be American
>get shot
>(in cruel way)
This had me almost crying laughing. More please.
I hate it that the public always outraged when someone points a fake gun and is shot. They're also likely the same who want guns banned.
Even if he did they wouldn't have heard it because dipshit cop shot the AR15 inside the car deafening both of them. I also wouldn't chance my life on hear it. It could sound like that from a bad primer/squib or something else. In the heat of the moment you don't have the same reasoning capabilities.
Yeah I know right? all they would have had to do was plow into the door of that car he never would have seen it coming.
He is talking to the other officer
>a roastie comes out
Fucking ridiculous
Hi Tommy
Say that to my face you little bitch.
these are the faggots that will give you a ticket if you drive with literally anything in your hands. If you're a "law enforcement" """officer""" reading this thread. I hope you fucking die in the worst possible way after watching your wife and young daughter getting raped by 10 niggers. FUCK YOU
>Told to stop
>Take off
>Lead police on a chase while pointing something at them
>Get pumped full of lead
retard running form the cops. But also what kind of cop shoots cowboy style out ot the window in a suburban neighbourhood. Should get fired just for that
The Old West exactly that wild.
>Do you think the officers went to In-N-Out Burger to celebrate?
I hope so.
OP Here. This is a good one.
> shot the man to death with 100 bullets
> proceed to handcuff him
>shot the man to death with 100 bullets
seriously, how fucking retarded are our police?
HAHAHAHAHAHA dumb ass deserved the lead massage. Nothing of importance was lost.
is it wrong if i actually like this kind of video, and actively search for them ?
they missed so many fucking times before 1 bullet dropped him awful aim
Fuck that nigger and all the trailer trash cop watch niggers here
burgers are really sick my fren
Well, they HAD to make sure he's dead, otherwise they would be sure to get some charges for "muh raycissms!!"( like in 100% of all cases dealing with niggers ).
Too bad that niggers always falsely accuse ppl of racism....
>OP Here
No shit Sherlock Reddit POS
That's not the full video. Here it is. Start at about 11:32
This one's better.
>Wrong plates
>No driver's license
>Refuses to cooperate
>Dindu claims that he dindu, and police don't have juremsdaction
>pulls gun @ 21:00 minutes in
And nothing of value was lost
This will eventually result in some thing 1000x worse than the LA riots.
Get out of California while you still can.
You are a hateful person.
Based White cops cleaning up spicland.
Do you see this shit yuropoors? This is what it takes to maintain a "diverse" society.
I agree
Why the hell do so many Americans die at the hands of police? No other non third world country is like this.
It was excessive but you have to be a very retard latino to point a gun to a white merican cop. They are not mexican cops, retard!
No it won't retard.
based hamburger. he killed nigger. with a gun.
Orange tip should never even be a consideration anyway. Otherwise you can just paint a real gun's tip orange and never get shot.
OP Here. Best example of suicide by cop. He actually yells out "kill me! kill me!"
>I'd say the cops handled the situation rather poorly though all things considered. They had every reason to shoot the guy but firing almost 80 rounds in a residential area with kids running at 11% accuracy is a bit ridiculous.
Yeah this. Also why is the driver shooting through the window with a handgun when he's got an officer in the passenger seat with a rifle also shooting
It's so there's zero chance they can get sued by a family claiming police let their dindu bleed to death
This place is going to be as bad as South Africa. Why do you think places like Bel Air and Newport Coast only have 2-3 entry points? So they can put armed guards at the choke points eventually.
Actually this place will become worse than South Africa is right now. It might take 50 years but it will happen.
Maybe you could show us what lead up to having 3+ cop cars chasing him that would be fucking swell.
The orange tip is so kids can play with them and have airsoft wars without some frightened female who drives a faggot crossover calling the cops.
i hope you get shot in the eye with a pellet gun.
you really think someone shooting a pellet gun at cops should not be shot?
>currently taking firearm courses
>everything these cops are doing is basically what i'm told no to do
I think it was a traffic stop but honestly I don't know.
Watching that video felt like a LEO industry recruitment video targeting gamers as well as sociopaths on Jow Forums
Reminder that if you're a sadist and not Jow Forumsice, you're doing it wrong.
Cops are the jackboots of a society that has gone insane. They are epitome of trash. Worse than niggers
He saw it in a movie once and his training kicked in.
One of the officers was immediately fired. The other one with the AR was suspended. But no charges.
So was it .177 or airsoft? Big difference. .177 co2 pistol can hit with like 4 ft/lbs of energy, which believe it or not is enough to be lethal.
Airsoft is designed to shoot at people safely. Except it can do some damage to an eye, but still not penetrate it.
Jow Forums is now reddit 2.0
the police are only this bad because of you fucking nonwhite niggers in the first place