What does Jow Forums think of white Muslims, like those of Montenegro or Russia?

What does Jow Forums think of white Muslims, like those of Montenegro or Russia?

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I prefer the white Muslims in Poland.

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any muslim is a bad muslim

A good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

If they were born into it, its whatever
If they're converts then they're probably mindfuxkes from daddy issues
Literally worse than white Buddhists, the road to mecca and nirvana begins with a closed hand to the face

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What's wrong with white Buddhist ?

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all muslims should die, no matter the color

Islam is a Arab chauvinist religion I don't know why the fuk non-arabs would follow it

Every single one that I've met was either pic related or extremely narcissistic with their head shoved away up their ass.
They constantly talk shit about their moral superiority and denigrate other religions (christianity) by bitching about how violent and divisive they are
Real Buddhists are based, fake white ones are fucking cancer

Your average "Buddhist"

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They are like niggers.

>islam is
it really isn't. your problem is that everything you know about islam you probably learned from half-wit goys paid by billionaire jews to spread falsehoods.

White people are disgusting and violent people. The religion they follow doesn't change this.

well, i'd fuck all the ones in the pic.

What is so inherently wrong about Islam as a religion? You can't truly believe Christianity is "white," can you?

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>interested in Bangladesh for 9 years




Ultimate "Trophy Wife" when you take a couple after winning the Crusade, bigly

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It's not a religion, faggot.

>What does Jow Forums think of white Muslims, like those of Montenegro or Russia?
they are as stupid or more so than every other islamists.

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I don't know how it is in Europe, but I've literally never had any problems with Muslims. My state started taking in a lot of them back in 2014 and they aren't bad people. They're mostly quiet and keep to themselves, they don't going around vandalizing shit or littering like niggers, they even try to assimilate. I've seen a lot of Muslims at Christmas festivals and at bars watching baseball games. Whenever we drive through a Muslim neighborhood, I'm never afraid we'll get carjacked or shot at.
Muslims have also never harassed me for being a Christian. White atheists have tons of time though.

>what is subversion?

>my state
which state? probably not Minnesota, Michigan or Maine

muslims in russia aren't related to russians or slavs. They are chechens, tatars, turkmen and other steppe niggers. They aren't what you call white

Maryland. Mostly Arab Muslims, not African

White Muslims are to Arab and brown Muslims what shabbos goys are to the Jew. Any white person who is a Muslim is a traitor to their own race and serves the interests of those who want to taint and destroy our beautiful race.

Montenegro? They're no Muslims, Einstein.

mentally ill bitch. She needs to lose her head.

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If it's Muslim, it belongs in a reeducation camp


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>Dozens attend

You clearly haven't met the Muslim peasantry. The ones that immigrate legally are almost always skilled workers.