I will beat up any fascist I find! I am against racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, antisemitism and bigotry! I will beat up nazi bigots and all fascists will go crying home to their mommy!
>Pic is me holding what any fascist can expect to find up his ass once were through with him!

Attached: stickupafascistsass.png (658x608, 477K)

Other urls found in this thread:


la creatura....

hey man this picture may ONLY be used for TURK threads

anyways kara boga

Look at this mutt.


Attached: 20497222_1.jpg (1015x313, 26K)

At least use different flags, faggots.
remember to sage

lmfao he's like a IRL 17% face

Attached: EL GOBLINO.jpg (1017x1979, 399K)

Try hard.

yea whatever you fat fuck

Shut up Chang

Timestamp or gtfo

After one swing and a miss you do know you will run out of breath right?

You are fat.....Always were and always will be!

Deal with it fat fuck!

Attached: 1539268734378.png (400x300, 77K)

Is this the Turk who posts BBC threads?

Cool stick Mohamed why don't you being it and show it off in the white house

ooga booga nigga

imagine having this many chins! yikes

Yea, go ahead and approach me with that,faggot.

Attached: this.jpg (1600x1093, 91K)

Great time to get the war started now that the market's crashing

Mr.potato head! That's a good way to get shot in America, you see we value freedom and the right to bear arms. If you threaten someone with your new toy you can expect to get shot, unless you're in new york or california

>mutt commercial pop culture slave with his $250 The Walking Dead memorabilia


Attached: 9303766-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 121K)

I have the real deal

Attached: SZCO-926795.jpg (510x600, 51K)

come at me bro

Attached: +++1523593922232.jpg (1042x1024, 595K)

Well, i will just shoot you.

jesus christ what an ugly and shitty fucking AR.


You’re as sub human and ugly as fuck. Do the gene pool a favor and kys

remove kebab


Canada is based today

Attached: 53564.jpg (480x516, 94K)

it's literally at La Luz Extinguido tier
t.actual goblino

Try me faggot. I can out run you.

>”my body is immune to the bullets from their guns because they look ridiculous!”

using violence for your political ideology makes you a fascist

Attached: operationmockingbird.jpg (480x360, 46K)

el americano...

Attached: 1537187001979.png (304x306, 8K)

>Brings in the Nazi Gang

Attached: german-army.jpg.jpg (750x578, 128K)

Ok nigger

fuck off liberal.

Hallo i am retarded

Fight me !

Attached: 1553676131833.png (1271x678, 1.55M)

Lol kebab

¡Dios mio! ¡El goblino antifa de las américas!

Attached: 1548652173959.jpg (334x322, 7K)

>unironically implying their semi automatic weapons won’t eat through squadrons upon squadrons of men with bolt action rifles

Assuming that’s what you were implying. Otherwise, that’s gonna be a lot of dead nazis.

Attached: IMG_20190511_212506_594.jpg (320x286, 17K)

You holdin a kebab?

>white people smdh

Attached: 155498841.jpg (900x598, 73K)

That's such a beautiful rifle

What's a fascist m8?

I dont fight fagots

That bat would really hurt going up your ass. I suggest you stick to shrieking and screaming at people for bans on Twatter.
Happy larping, don't hurt yourself.

You look like something from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon you fuckin goblin. You and your posse of lefty faggots currently raiding the board will one day swing from the trees.

Attached: 36477C83-C9AE-4B1A-9D91-61901F79286D.jpg (1125x648, 447K)


So what makes these religions special?

You have one chance to swing that before you get a mag full of 10mm center mass. Make it count.

BBC as in TV or BBC as in BigBlackCock?? The latter wouldn't surprise me he looks like a niggerdick lover. Kek!


You do realize that everyone carries a handgun with them, right?
Or is this bait... fuck you it is bait. god dammit.

Attached: 764813241`2.jpg (600x315, 11K)

Favorite meme from 2017 haha

>mongrel mutt telling people he's gonna go caveman on someone

Attached: Really.gif (220x171, 527K)

Is it a humor thread?
>being against xenophobia
>hates those who are different from him
>being agains biggotry
>being a bigot

Attached: words-of-the-day-bigot-and-bigotry.png (585x496, 14K)

Try me faggot OP, i'll gas your jewish ass

>comes at me with barbed wire wrapped bat
>catches 2 124gr jhps in the chest
>i grab a hamburger

look at this faggot mutt, ew

You should.

Attached: Rohm.jpg (640x960, 57K)

Imagine saving this picture and keeping it for the last eight years or so

No you won’t, bang .45 to the head

I have Glock 19 waiting for you pal. cant wait for you to drop by. maybe your iron levels are low, I can help you bring up your levels with 10 tiny shots.

>having guns means they will win
>even though none of them are carrying extra ammo for their rifles
>and two of them are wearing bright red right next to their dome
A firefight isn't a trip to the range. These dipshits are asking to get shot.

>8 years old
Fuck! Time flies

Always so many words.

>implies a shooting
>iron levels


Come at me faggot, I'll whoop you up, or rather do this world a favour and kill yourself

Attached: holup.jpg (768x460, 142K)

> (You)
>You should.
Maybe faggots. Never a fagot I appreciate your cultures advances in weapons.

I honestly thought it was a kebab.

Oh nigel we have discussed making assumptions. But to be fair I absolutely get it.

>I will beat up any fascist I find! I am against racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, antisemitism and bigotry! I will beat up nazi bigots and all fascists will go crying home to their mommy!

Attached: 1556919800096.png (426x309, 97K)

Auntie Fa... bring sticks to a gun fight.

based lesquin poster

Attached: THIS MAN WILL DEPORT THE CONGOID.jpg (536x530, 25K)

We'll just shoot you, Achmed. And in most of our communities, we'll be treated as heros for it.

lol dude you live in America.
Gun beats bat everytime

dios mio... el abominacion

Attached: Capture+_2019-05-13-13-08-36.png (127x183, 41K)

U basically raped that rifle

mfw no mlp mauser

You will be shot in the face.

these "people" wouldn't last five minutes

You'll die of a heart attack in your before you manage to walk to your car you fat sack of greasy taco.

>catches 2 124gr jhps in the chest

What the fuck is that?

lol you fat fuck. I've got a black friend that will take care of you

Attached: RRSPXDM9201HCE.jpg (2000x2000, 351K)

Go ahead. If you succeed your victim becomes a martyr. If you fail you just die or go to jail. It's win-win for the cause.

What does a nigger have in common with a soda machine?
They both don't work and always take your money.

Attached: hahaha.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

Attached: 1509489147248.jpg (540x691, 46K)

What's the difference between bigfoot and a hard working nigger?
Bigfoot has been spotted.

Shooty shooty stabby stabby always beats swingy swingy

>Jow Forums takes the bait
ffs this nigger is from a walking dead meet up on facebook
get it together Jow Forums

Attached: 1556165658890.png (400x333, 105K)

What race isn't he?

Do that shit on Facebook.
I want to see you get 8 years for making death threats on the internet.

What the fuck is that thing? God damn, that's the future of the human race right there. I must marry and breed a white woman.

this is the enemy white man. we can't lose unless we choose to.

Attached: 1533982581282.jpg (500x396, 35K)

Pensicola Florida meet at the park off hwy 98 at noon Friday. Bring your friends faggot I want the fight to be a challenge. You may also want to get medical insurance

cool fashion statement