Why's Japan the ONLY based Asian country? All the others are filled with soulless insectoids who rip off Western ideas or just have shitty ones. Japan gave us
>Sexy riceburners
>Ninja Warrior
How are Chinks and gross Southeast Asian "people" supposed to compete?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cause japs are honorary

It is pretty based i went recently with a tattoo on my shoulder. I was not allowed to do anything at all that requires removing a shirt there. They crack down on that degeneracy hard. I couldnt do the beach a cop came up saw tattoo told me to leave. I went to the bathhouse they saw tatoo said i had to leave because of it. I didnt even know that was a thing they even have no tattoo signs everywhere. I was fucking surprised. I wish i knew beforehand about this rule.

Because we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. IMO, they got off lightly for their war crimes. THIS is also a good argument for nuking Korea and China so they will become based as well.

The Yamato People originated from the State of Wu (Wa) and later colonised Nippon, the Chinese are covering up links of the Wu (Wa) People to the Yamato (Wajin). This could be used to argue that Japan has a legitimate claim to Chinese Clay.
It is established the Wu didn't speak Old Chinese. In Old Chinese it wasn't called Wu it was called ŋʷˤa which later evolved into Wu, cognate to Na or Wa of Modern Japanese.

Attached: Tibetan = Yaoi, Jomon Japanese.png (350x330, 111K)

Western propaganda, japan already had the start of the anime industry by the 1910's.
The nukes did not do anything but make america look bad.

Yeah, its true. The japanese are awesome. We should give them their military back.

They do that in part because the yakuza are tattooed from head to toe.

The whole country needed to be glassed after WW2. Fuck Imperialist Japan. Now they're filled with naive, effeminate wageslaves. It's a hard tradeoff.

>not muslim
>not mongolian rape babies
>not southeast asia niggers

Anime is degenerate trash. Every Jap before 1945 would commit seppuku out of shame if they could see those Herbivore "men" of today and the cartoons they produce.

>Japan is based

No guns, high suicide rate, full of beta cucks

USA has higher time spend working compared to japan.
The jap wagie thing is a meme, though they are bored as fuck since they can't go to war anymore.

THIS. Japan isn't based, but it's the closest there is in Yellowland.

What's wrong with Taiwan & Korea?

Because the jew Fears the Samurai

Taiwan is just a gay offshoot of China and South Korea wants to be white so bad

>a meme
LOL, some literally work themselves to death for pocket change paychecks.


>Taiwan is just a gay offshoot of China
But they were the nationalists? Chiang-kai-shek was pretty cool
>wants to be white
Doesn't japan too? It's endearing

>soulless insectoids

If you’re going to use that term, at least do it with the understanding that the Japanese are the most overworked people on the planet. All they do is work, which is one reason (apart from also having the oldest population in the world) why so many anime focuses on school.

>someone who's never been to Japan or ANY other asian country

aw shit, here we go again, post some qts faggots

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Not true. That is so overblown that it's actually misleading. The stereotypical asian parent that pushes their kids toward death is an Asian American thing. Regular Japanese work just as hard, probably a little less actually, than white Americans.
Been to Taiwan and much of Southeast Asia. Never been to Japan but have seen much footage of it. Obviously nothing's perfect but everything else nearby pales in comparison. Fuck off olive boy

Haplogroups =/ race

Attached: 1556608703130.jpg (1101x1920, 464K)

Many Japanese have a original gene (in Honshu, about 35% Japanese have that gene).
(Haplogroup D-M55)
The most closely-related gene is Haplogroup D-Z27276, and it is same as Tibetan one.
Of course, part of Japanese have it.
probably, the reason why so many Japanese have a original gene is that Japan is separate by sea of Japan and people who have new gene of east Asia couldn't come to Japan.

Attached: 1600px-Haplogroup_D_(Y-DNA)_migration.png (1600x944, 373K)

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Quick somebody post that image showing all the things Japan ripped off from China.

also the japs never got mongol'd since both times they tried to invade it didn't work, the rest of Asia and even Eastern Europe have at least some mongol in them (excluding poo in loo land ofc) but the Japs have none

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no it isn't

>it's endearing
it's pathetic

well, they sure are 100 times better off than you muttboy

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>No guns
No blacks and low crime rates, no need
>high suicide rate
Not even number 1 anymore (30th actually), the difference between the US is a mere 0.6 >full of beta cucks
Says the land of the land whales with cali/nyc libtards and feminists

>No blacks and low crime rates, no need
yes, but there are guns
>full of beta cucks
there's more s o y b o y s in cali alone than in the whole of nipland probably

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When 元寇 (Mongol invasions of Japan), Japan was in a critical situation.
But when Mongol invaded Japan, 神風 (Kamikaze (typhoon) drove out them and Japan was saved.
BTW This is a Japanese woman who lived in Japan 3800 years ago.
modern Japanese women's face hasn't seemed to change from this face very much.

Attached: 3800 years ago Japanese.png (521x467, 582K)

>But when Mongol invaded Japan, 神風 (Kamikaze (typhoon) drove out them and Japan was saved.
They were defeated on land battles prior to that. The typhoon wiped them out after they retreated back to their ships.

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based and kikepilled

>drove out them and Japan was saved.
yeah meanwhile china was getting buttfucked to oblivion
>BTW This is a Japanese woman who lived in Japan 3800 years ago.
I'm not much for those facial reconstruction, because muh (((modern science))) n shiet, but yeah ever since the nips came and fucked over the ainu, they've had very little mixing with outsiders so what we see today is mostly the natural development of their genes
oh yeah, also that was the second invasion, the first one the mongols one a couple of times, but then got beaten again

>one a couple of times

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radiation poisoning?

Korea is top tier mate

but ya chinks are disgusting

>Fuck Imperialist Japan
They literally did the same shit that every European power (and China) was doing up to that point

They didn't take Vietnam from the Vietnamese, they took it from the French
Malaysian islands were being held by the British and Dutch
Philipines weren't taken from Philipinos but from you Mutts

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This, and Thailand (the only independent Asian nation) was allied with the Axis
Also to mention the countless Japanese soldiers who remained in those places to fight for the independence of Vietnam and Indonesia after the war ended

I've long been fascinated with Haplogroup D... outside of the usual whitey haplo's (R1a, R1b, I) 'D' has always struck me as the most correlated with high-status, ability, IQ, real-world performance.. human decency...
One of the many reasons I admire the Japanese and Tibetans relative to the Asiatic norm

Japan is always improving shit

They take Mickey Mouse, add a naked chick fucking an octopus, and call it a day

Attached: iwata.png (598x598, 255K)

the japs were far more brutal when it came to how they handled their POWs. Bataan death march, using pregnant chinese women as target practice, gelding captees and stuffing their mouths with their genitals,etc

all their war crimes make the holohoax look like childs play. Getting nuked to oblivion was a fitting retaliation

because there half white. the aino were white russians that interbred with the proto-vietcong there. its also why 2 bombs will never be enough

>add a naked chick fucking an octopus
pretty much, they've been doing it forever

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Yes, of course Japanese soldiers fought against them.
And many costs (money and war goods and lives of soldiers) were took, and Kamakura shogunate government which burdened many costs was collapsed after the war.

Attached: 元寇.png (1443x733, 2.05M)

Wrong buddy. Japan is totally original. They created an 800 year old fox girl who only wants to please you and take away your stress.

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Japan is actually an Indian country. When the first settlers arrived in Japan, they were called the "Ainu", in Hindi, the word "Aina" means mirror, which is often used as a way to refer to self. Therefore, there seems to be a connection with the Ainu and the Indians. The even more prominent evidence that the Ancient Japanese were Indics is that the Y-DNA of the Ainu is similar to the Y-DNA of the Andaman islanders, who were the pre-historic ancestors of most modern day Indians. After the Mongloid races invaded Japan, the Ainu merged with the locals but some of the Ainu remained. The Ainu have very Indian looking features, large nose, eyes, as well as lots of hair.

Therefore, we may conclude that Japan is an Indian nation and that the Japanese are lost Indians. Indeed, the Japanese follow Buddhism, which is an Indian religion along with the fact that many Japanese manga and comics contain Indian religious Dharmic references. If it were not for India, Japan wouldn't have been so successful. Unfortunately, in the 1800s, the nefarious plans of the white subhuman race took over who began to subvert the Indic origins of the Japanese because they couldn't deal with the fact that the Asian waifus they lust so much after were created by INDIC BVLLS. This caused a massive whiteoid chimpout across the world leading to the enslavement of many African brethren.

Now, Japan and India have very good relations and the Japanese should once again go back to Dharmic culture rather than whiteboid westoid culture. The Westoid subhuman shrieks in anger as his nation becomes subservient to BLACK BVLLS. The futile resistance by the whiteboi takes shape in the form of snowflake nationalism and anti-immigration but this only excites us INDIC BVLLS, and our urge to penetrate firmer and harder into the pussies of Japanese women recreating the Great Nippon as it was before whitebois destroyed it.

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Or how about an incel who's anime doll collection comes to life!

Attached: 870.jpg (869x489, 43K)

What's the difference between killing 300 000 people by beheading or torching them alive in firebombings?
And Mutts weren't any less rapey, they just covered it up better, pic related

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>stuffing captives mouths with their genitals
rule 34 pls


>calls the holocaust a holohoax
>yeah man the chink commie BS about the nips is totally true
yeah, nah mate

>using pregnant chinese women as target practice, gelding captees and stuffing their mouths with their genitals,etc
Sounds just like what the Chinese did in the Tchingtow Mutiny to Japanese civilians.

>Bataan death march
>Bunch of Yanks surrenders
>no trucks or anything capable to transport all of them due to capacity issues
>low food and medical supplies
>decides to walk to the nearest camp
>those who were too wounded or sick were disposed to minimise delays and prevent further deaths
What did you want them to do? Kill them all and not bother with them like what Yank soldiers did to surrendering Japanese troops?

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Chinks were on top till communism, our ancestors were nice till Islam

>Chinks were on top till communism
Wrong. Chinks were slaves.

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Both are true (I hope)

>these yellow people are totally different from these yellow people!
It's like saying the British are a slave race because the Queen is technically French with Norman roots

>Why's Japan the ONLY based Asian country
Because they were isolationist and had a very particular form of feudalism / socio-economics.
Also, they fought the chinks for about a thousand years so there is that.

the Japanese cut a head of the messenger who came to Japan from Mongol Empire with an autograph letter of Mongol.
At that time, Japanese had no intention of yielding to them and they decided to fight against them.
Fortunately same as before WW1, Japan could win the war.

Many of us often feel familiar with Tibetans.
And it is very sad that they are persecuted by Chinese in mainland...
Many Tibetan refugees live in Japan.
His Holiness Dalai Lama sometimes comes to Japan.
Back in the day, the Chinese government got angry many times, but as the Japanese goverment continued to ignore them, they became to say nothing.

Kek, you 56% mordor orc mutts literally created rape patrols in occupied Japan where you gathering muhreen orcs in trucks and hit local hospitals full of defenseless jap nurses and raped whole hospitals full of them. You only targeted the places that had none or few jap males defending because as I mentioned earlier, your country being real life Mordor and all that. Cowardly and subhuman.

What a retarded analogy from a retarded chink. The "barbarians" slaughtered tens of millions of chinks and treated them like shit. They weren't all the same "people" you retarded chink.

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Nice proxy chink.

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Read this.

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You have probably more chink blood than based Funlandbro, you mutt.


Attached: 2018-11-19 00.43.25 1915419027180426862_8542216157.webm (480x600, 2.37M)

>muh war crimes
The only war crime was fighting the nat socs


Attached: 2018-09-18 17.52.29 1871000510419271494_6016365143.webm (480x600, 2.48M)

Attached: Hybrid Sweetspot.png (960x720, 262K)

The Viking "barbarians" killed hundereds of thousands of Englishmen (which is % wise equal to millions of Chinks), completely changed their language, culture, sacked their churches and temples and installed themselves as the rulers of the British isles (the Royal family to this day is are descendants from foreign invaders)
Today the Chinks are the ones ruling the Manchus, not they other way around, and nearby Tibetans and Uighurs are getting replaced with Han chinks as we speak
Meanwhile the UK is getting replaced with Pakis now, another group of invaders
Both countries are also creating nightmare police states, pic related
So I ask you:
Which one is more cucked?

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yeah, I'm just baffled by memeflag's "logic"
yeah, in fact the first few mongol victories were against random groups of local lords that were like 100 people, they actually btfo'd the mongols pretty well

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Why are fascists all weebs?


Attached: 2018-10-17 07.32.57 1891707626259245733_8542216157.webm (480x600, 1.57M)

Based Korean, using the flag of his rightful ruler and posting girls who are part of a race that is superior to his own.


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>tfw soon getting qt 3.14 nip gf
Feels good man, I will protect Japan from jews at all costs.

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>Japan is the most based Asian country

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all that radiation made them super fucking smart,

Race mixing gook lovers and their oriental hapa abominations need to be shot on sight.

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Japan is filled with soulles insectoids as well, you idiot. The diference is they were never invaded by someone else and could develop their nice little ethnonationalist hive island in peace.

weeb gf >>>>>>>>>> nip gf

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