>niggers make homemade oil refineries
>pollute the shit out of environment because sub 80 IQ
>white peoples fault n sheit
African oil refining process
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It's in their DNA to blame white people for everything
Every fucking time
Keep these coming. Kek.
Africa is the one continent that has net negative assets in terms of ownership for the native people (africans)
What do I mean by this?
Lets say non-Americans (Arabs, Chinese, etc.) own $1tn dollars worth of America (the land, the buildings, whatever). That might not be great for America. But Americans own $1tn worth of other countries. So, speaking in terms of net ownership, America isn't really in "debt". The same is true for European countries, East Asia, etc.
But Africa... Africa actually IS owned by non-Africans. Not all of it. But a good chunk of the wealth in Africa, say 12% or so, is owned by non-Africans, whilst Africans only own, say, 2% of the rest of the world. So they are sort of owned by, to the tune of 10% of the wealth in Africa, the rest of the world.
Remember when all those Mexicans got blown up after tapping into a pipeline? I hope we get a similar video soon of these apes.
just like it is in the average Jow Forums amerimutts dna to blame the jews for everything. Really makes you think.
Watch the video and tell me if you think they should own or be in charge of anything.
please be fake
>all that pollution
The best part is near the end when the Nigerian military rolls in and dumps the illegal gas into the fucking river haha.
Well white people want that oil, so yeah
No human on earth wants anything to do with what them monkies are doing overthere. Besides the pollution, spilling it all over the ground is incredibly wasteful
I'd just let China have it, to be honest.
>Niger Delta, Nigeria
kek niggers are funny
>this looks post apocalyptic out here, everything is burnt to the ground, the ENTIRE TOWN IS BLACK
what did Vice mean by this?
pretty sure that shit is common in African countries
Why isn't it ever posted on Jow Forums? You're right, though. Looking for vids now.
How South Africa still has not crumbled like Zimbabwe?
I give it 5 years.
I literally dont care what they do on their side of the planet.
>Tfw right wingers in the US have more in common with these people
Wow, that is dangerous.
kek these niggers actually call themselves
>The Niger Delta Avengers
>haha da joos amirite?
>> magnifying glass
This one might be even better