Can an anonymous forum that blocks government agent glowniggers and NGO shills be created?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wish.

Why would you want that?

So that libtards like you can't post here.

Factual and logical

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If you have doubts about if you're reading a post by one you just ask them 'what conspiracy theories do you believe?'
If they answer with
>something fucking stupid
>something from 70 years ago
>or don't answer at all you have a shill

Maybe anons can have a profile with their reasons why nobody was shot in Las Vegas or something.

BTFO of libs who visit here is half the fun though

Daily reminder that if you see a post on Jow Forums advocating violence, it’s a glownigger 10 out of 10 times.

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Just block Canada and Israel

already has been, and the whitepaper was posted on /pol

No, but the issue is the mods allowing glowniggers and NGOs to do whatever they want.

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Fuck off cia niggers

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Please go back go R*ddit. r/the_cuck misses your valuable insights.
We love our glow niggers here.

Only boomers watch Fox News
Other conspiracy theories held up by the MSM and late night shows:
>we live in a patriarchy
>there are more than two genders
>masculinity is evil
>diets don’t work
>trans women are women
>the US is a white supremacist nation
>gun violence is a problem in all parts of America

No. The best we can do is ridicule them for being ordered to monitor an anime image board.

I mean duh of course you just block the registered IP range for selected agencies. It's all public information however you can't stop them from using a vpn/proxy and obviously they would be using one to begin with if they are watching your site.

Welcome to anonymous-super-secret-political-

To post please complete our new captcha.
>are you a federal agent?
yes || no
>are you sure you're not a federal agent?
yes || no
>are you really really sure you're not a federal agent?
yes || no

>nearly there...3 more captchas to go...

>are you a member of JIDF / Antifa / Reddiator?
yes || no
>are you sure you're not a member of JIDF / Antifa / Reddiator?
yes || no
>are you really really sure you're not a member of JIDF / Antifa / Reddiator?
yes || no

but why block them? it's better if the FBI and CIA monitor this board and see just how much of a groundswell is rising against the system and they see how fucked they really are.
USA 3.0 is going to shoah all tyrants and commies and their enforcers.

>when a glowinthedarkcianigger creates an anti-glowinthedarkcianigger thread
fuck you are bright as fuck.

I have no problem with the FBI monitoring this board, since they will steadfastly defend the American right to Freedom of Speech. However, you'll find that not every country in the world has such luxury. For example, in Russia it's now illegal to criticize the Government.

Seems impossible.

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they'll defend us if they know what's good for them. at least that'll be a good defense at their trial.

I don't care if they are watching they have absolutely no interest in 99.99% of the posters on this board. I would be happy if they catch people who post on here that are legit pedophiles or mass murderers.

they don't have jurisdiction over saudi arabia

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Good fucking KEK!
The idiot Left STILL can't fucking meme worth of shit!

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Lol there is literally nothing you can do to escape green luminescent negros. We are too based and lit.


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How many gallons of AIDS-infested nigger-semen do you swallow on a monthly basis?

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Why, you don’t like talking to me?

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I'm an older fag, but not completely immersed in this board, (until recent) but I remember during Chanology, anons getting visits from the FBI and being scolded and arrested for censoring (e.g. with ion cannons) the Scientologists' right to 'freedom of speech' on their website. Even though, most would find their Hubbard Sci-fi 'belief's just crazy, and if not dangerous, the Feds still defended the constitutional rights -which I thought was admirable.

In the US, it seems rich or poor, black or white, all are equal under the law; which is alot more than can be said for other countries. In other countries around the world, whatever the State decides is final, you are as an individual and your life and so called perceived rights are of little consequence.

why bother, it's not like they're achieving anything of value by being here.

The BEST the Left can ever do is STEAL Righty-memes, and play the "I know you are but what am?"----game that is common among 8-year-olds?

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What if trolling was banned on Jow Forums?

its about right.

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Anonymous, decentralized message boards are already under development on the blockchain.

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that's why we'll put them on trial. some of these government agents, i suspect and maybe wrongly so, are good and decent people.
we'll air all the US government's classified and top secret dirty laundry for all the world to see, and a candid audience will decide their fate.

Sell the utilities to them

A decentralized chat client that doesn't allow 3rd parties to peer in or goes out of its way to protect it's users privacy? I'll do it... wait nevermind I am going to get high and play video games instead. See ya.

Like what? Are any of them good for politics?

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how do you block if it's anonymous?

there is no solution other than awareness

>didn't even mention jew
the left truly cannot meme. I'm saddened that you left us out, goyim.

trapdoor functions

No, but we do a pretty good job of pointing the shit out on ours.

pic related is you

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The difference is you don’t get banned from pol for political dissent

The tech is under development. There are many companies racing to be first-to-market with their offering.

There are also companies developing decentralized VPNs.

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Having people call you names is different from being banned and having all of your accounts deleted for voicing an opinion that goes against the virtue signalling agenda

maybe if you weren't such a racist that wouldn't be a problem

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Difference is, you DON'T get banned from here for being a faggot.

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I'm quite obviously not a white man, schmuck.

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>that picture
wow talk about cope

Create many encrypted networks where all anons are vetted and tested for over a year before they get onto the real free network. Even if they spend a year and infiltrate one group it is unlikely they can infiltrate all of them.

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are these supposed to be examples of glow niggerdry?

its currently in development


its the first ever decentralized chan.
should be finished by end of 2019

and here's the namecalling

retard alert

why would you butcher chloe khan with richard dawkins face?

no because it would have to abide by their rules inb order for them to not pry....
>and we all know the nature of man on this forum

thats not a real pic is it?
>emma doesnt have THAT body.
fuck please tell me this is fake so that i can go back to not jerking off.

its not real
they ruined a good pic with "her" ugly mug