Are you ready for war with Iran, user?


Attached: iranian_military_march-554x350.jpg (554x350, 50K)

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can we start with israel first?

the kikes did 9/11 after all

cant tell if those are Jews or Iranians

Attached: noteheovenagain.jpg (640x400, 48K)

>dying for Israel

Jews or Iranians?

Attached: jewss.jpg (1440x720, 969K)

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Creating shit holes by bringing (freedom) since ww2.

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Attached: IForgotPoland.jpg (750x503, 48K)

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they can be Persian Jews.

What a fucking kike

no u


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Iran is a great country. Why would we want to fight Kike wars.

>no u
>implying I will believe anything a kike says

>those goys really are fighting our wars and dying for our land

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Attached: IForgotPoland2.jpg (640x360, 61K)

this is nothing compared US deaths, even per capita

on one side we have iran*ian gays
(iran's northern part belongs to Azerbaijan& Armenia)
and on the other ISRAEL...
i personally want Iranian state to crumble, more than 9mln Jewish microstate

Where is the phillipines or the med sea in this picture?


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Typical amerimutt is a consuming creature. He cares not for anything other than his next burger and chance to shout "muh freedoms". He tries to assert his "dominance" over the world but ultimately all his plans backfire. Even with their superiority in almost every aspect, they're retarded and don't have much foresight

Attached: downloadfile-36.jpg (474x512, 47K)

Attached: hezbollah.jpg (1002x564, 93K)

Lmao implying pathetic amerilards would stand a chance against iranian chad soldiers. Just face it most iranian soldiers will be infinitely more successful than you fat americans.

I'm really sorry about the OT win today. You guys didn't deserve that loss.