Jow Forums makes fun of stuff like groupthink, herd mentality etc. with the NPC meme

>Jow Forums makes fun of stuff like groupthink, herd mentality etc. with the NPC meme
>Jow Forums also supports political systems where any kind of dissent or criticism can get you jailed or killed
Can you guys explain this to me?

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Welcome to Faggotland.

>Jow Forums is one person

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cyka blyat

Yeah. Jow Forums isn't one person.

I dont see the contradiction

>Jow Forums also supports political systems where any kind of dissent or criticism can get you jailed or killed
which political systems?

Of course


>Jow Forums isn't one person
>two individuals
>same exact answer
really makes you think

Who is this four chang guy?

he's a far left hacker

So how are they a contradiction?

Who's this "Jow Forums" you're talking about? Have you met him? Does he work for Jow Forums?

if you mock herd mentality, like the NPC meme does, but at the same time wish for fascism and/or nazism, or just old school conservatism, feudalism or monarchism, then you're a hypocrite suffering from severe cognitive dissonance.

>then you're a hypocrite suffering from severe cognitive dissonance.
No because I dont support those things because everyone else does
I support them because they are correct

Delete this

I’ve never seen more extreme groupthink than that among Trump supporters. They change any opinion they have to defend trump.

>Jow Forums is one person

I dont defend Trump

it doesn't matter why you support them, what matters is that said ideologies are based on herd mentality.


I am Jow Forums

>it doesn't matter why you support them
Yes it does
How does supporting fascism and/or nazism, or just old school conservatism, feudalism or monarchism, imply not thinking for yourself
>said ideologies are based on herd mentality.

The meme is about how the left have certain buzzwords that they repeat over and over like fucking robots

dont worry this thread got a nice sage

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>implying Jow Forums aren't just LARPing as Nazis to be edgy

Memes don't need to make sense. Jow Forumslacks are just lemmings who will follow the thing that is spammed the most at any given time.

Try it yourself, spam some idiocy 6-7x a day for a few weeks. Jow Forums will start to believe it.

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>How does supporting fascism and/or nazism, or just old school conservatism, feudalism or monarchism, imply not thinking for yourself
because it implies that a ruler will do do the thinking for you, a führer, a king or a despot/dictator and that within said systems dissident thinking is outlawed. Voting is out.
>>said ideologies are based on herd mentality.
everyone follows the leader.

>Can you guys explain this to me?
You're a cherrypicking faggot, as simply as that. You can go to any thread and you'll see people from every conceivable ideology, meme or not, throwing shit at each other: anarchists, fascists, conservatives, social democrats, monarchists, stalinists... It's not our fault you can't take a dissenting oppinion, you fucking jew.

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>6-7x a day for a few weeks. Jow Forums will start to believe it.
Gun control has been spammed her forever and is still just as unpopular

>Jow Forums is one person
It might as well be. Everyone here on Jow Forums thinks the same.

It represents the duality in human nature sir

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>because it implies that a ruler will do do the thinking for you,
No it doesnt
They just run the government
> dissident thinking is outlawed.
Why should I support dissindent thinking of a government that shares my views
>everyone follows the leader.
Only if we agree with him

>Your king will do the thinking for you
You can have consultive representative institutions and political authonomy under a monarchical system. It's just that the keys of the central state will be in the hands of the legitimate ruler instead of the jews controlling the media outlets and greedy politicians.

>the left have certain buzzwords that they repeat over and over
oh, like..
>the absolute state of..
>welcome to Clown World!
>I wonder who is behind this post..
>liberalism is a mental disease
>hey rabbi, watcha doing?
>Jow Forums isn't one person
>she lost kek

>posting fag memes in an unrelated thread
Is there something you want to tell us, user?

Ok nigger

>No it doesnt
>They just run the government
same thing lol
>Why should I support dissident thinking of a government that shares my views
you would if you were for free speech, freedom of thought and assembly and against herd mentality.
>>everyone follows the leader.
>Only if we agree with him
if you don't follow a despot leader, you die.

>dah jooz
k den

k fag

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Yeah everyone agrees you and OP are complete faggots.

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These phrases do not represent ideological constructs, unlike the left wing new speak. They are just slang. Come the fuck on.

You wouldn't understand...
>Sage goes in MOST fields

>no arguments

>you would if you were for free speech, freedom of thought and assembly
I am not
> against herd mentality.
This is a different thing because I only would suppose an authoritarian government that shares my views
I am not just going to support them because everyone else does
>if you don't follow a despot leader, you die.
No you fight back

The NPC maymay is targeted at people who buy into the current ruling ideology. But mainly it's for shitposting

Not all discent. Only Degeneration and communism

>disregard entire post just because he used the j word
Since you might be left leaning just replace jews with bourgeoisie.

>I'm going to argue with people who's minds can't be changed, I'm gay, I'm OP.

lol k

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>implying slang cannot be ideological constructs
I guess "workers of the world unite!" and "all white men are evil" are just "slang" too, eh?

>I only would suppose an authoritarian government that shares my views
until they don't, then..
>you fight back
and then they kill you.

>>Jow Forums also supports political systems where any kind of dissent or criticism can get you jailed or killed
I don't
Jow Forums isn't one person

well, I'm neither gay nor the OP.. but, your point is otherwise valid.

noice argumintz boddi boi

>until they don't, then..
Then I no long support them
>and then they kill you.
But how does any of this prove I support a herd mentality

I just told you it isnt.
You cant seriosuly compare "all white men are evil" to onions or leaf meme. Its literally hermetic humor unlike what you just posted.

By the way i never said that slang cant be ideological constructs. What a shitty strawman argument to produce. I literally didnt even say it.

that you gladly give up civil liberties and freedoms, as long as it seems to benefit you.
>You cant seriosuly compare "all white men are evil" to onions or leaf meme
why not? are these memes not political? Or are we still pretending "it's just a prank, bro"?

Can you show once where people haven't allowed more than one opinion, people wouldn't even post here if they did. You are just a gay swede or something, maybe some form of arab...

Goodnight gay troll with no proof of his own aguement. Check the catalogue if you want may examples of the contrary. I'm only posting this if any newfags are retarded enough to take your post at face value.


>These phrases do not represent ideological constructs, unlike the left wing new speak. They are just slang.
>i never said that slang cant be ideological constructs
oh, you sure did imply it.

>that you gladly give up civil liberties and freedoms, as long as it seems to benefit you.
How is that herd mentality?

despite what people think or what system they follow the fact exists that the US National Guard and or local police would end up murdering any of you if any of you tried some sort of 1776/MAGA/neocon revolution, so it will forever be a pipedream as you (unfortunately, and I'm not saying this is a good thing) watch your white race become a minority and watch your country get destroyed

but hey, most of you guys seem to support Trump's incoming war with Iran, so we're all gonna die soon anyway.

weird flex but okay

How the fuck is a leaf and SOl meme political mate? Its just board humour.
Call to hate white men is not humour, nor is it a meme.

>implying the leader couldn't just group any kind of dissent as degenerate

>how is a woman female?
fuck off will ya

>if I don't like it or it's directed against me it's not humor

Meaning of word JUST seems to elude you faggot. You like putting ideas into others mouths to suit your shit argument.

Never saw it used humorously.

Still dont see the connection

>Lefty newspeak is the same as memes
Wait a minute... What if he's right lads? What if the normies are us, and the rest of the world is just memeing IRL non-stop, an intercontinental shitpost?

creating a narrative that says that Canadians are political enemies, is political. Creating a narrative that says that liberals are less manly (because they consume soi products, which is a pseudoscientific myth) is political propaganda. If you cannot understand that, then Hitler was right about Slavic intelligence.

I guess you never will.

mind blown

Because there is no connection
Authoritarianism and group think are two different things

Get a load of this guy.
Fucking kek mate, what a way to take this shit seriously.
You seem to be the guy who would be serious about arguing against "pee is stored in the balls" statement.

If you genuinely belive that is the case then the shitposters are doing an excellent job.

Actual Fascist here I'm a member of the Fascist American Blackshirt Party. Have you ever read a Fascist book? Oswald Mosley specifically addresses this criticism in his book 100 questions asked and answered.

Fascism in Britian would allow free speech of individuals Mosley's quarrel was with private newspaper organizations not individual free speech. Also Mussolini was very moderate in his censorship.

NPC means you're a braindead product of consumerism in a capitalist society. You're incapable of coherent thought. Fascism allows the individual to cultivate their individual identity albiet not as liberally as liberals.

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>if you don't follow a despot leader, you die.
There's hardly any societies that tolerate dangerous political agitators. Imprisonment and total economic disenfranchisement are just as useful weapons for the government/ruling elite. Labeling an authoritarian leader as a 'despot' is hilarious and overly dramatic too. I know you're just shitposting though

Why every time I walk outside, I can’t see real people?. I just see fucking memes. Fucking pol ruined my world.

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MAGAcucks talking about forfeiting civil liberties in the name of protection but thrashed half the GOP candidates in 2016 for saying so


You trying to censor me via violent threats? Highly Jewish

>Authoritarianism and group think are two different things
you cannot have the first without the latter.
I accept your declaration of defeat.

that post really made you nutjobs mad

>13.Will free speech be allowed such as is enjoyed to-day by Parties in opposition to theGovernment ? When the Parties come to an end, their methods will also come to an end. But in place of thatobsolete system the people will possess a much more real freedom of speech than they enjoy to-day. The people have no freedom of speech to-day except in private conversation, which getsthem nowhere. Only the organised Parties can afford to take halls for meetings, and onlyprofessional talkers from Westminster do the talking. The liberty of professional talkers to talkfor ever while the Nation perishes will certainly be curtailed. But idle faction will be replaced byopportunity for the whole people to express their opinions, and to help the Government withconstructive criticism in the great corporations constituted for that purpose. Within theappropriate corporation every farmer or farm-worker, every engineer and miner, every doctorand accountant, every housewife in the special corporation for married women, will be invited toexpress their opinion and their suggestions will be welcomed. That is real freedom of speech

>There's hardly any societies that tolerate dangerous political agitators
all western states does, as long as these are non-violent and does not call for violence. Free speech and shit.

Sure bucko. Dont forget to bash the fasch on your way out.
What a joke.

lol no

>Mussolini was very moderate in his censorship

how's it hangin?

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Yes you can
There is nothing about authoritarianism that implies people are only supporting it because everyone else does

The truth burns these little gnattsie fags like a lit up can of deodorant (or even a regular can of deodorant, come to think of it).

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>I was only pretending

Love you too.

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People just don't understand what Fascism is and call themselves Fascist, but in fact are not, we are right-wing """"extremists""""" not fascist

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