>be at local bar
>used to have a lot of fun here
>now it's the local hype spot and we get tons of non-regulars who take up the center of the bar while making unnecessary noise.
>They are making the noise because they perceive it as their turf and they are celebrating the acquisition of it.
>whatever, I live in Commiefornia, every day is a waking nightmare
>head down to the bar, hanging with some acquaintances.
>We're near the end of the bar so we can hear each other talk
>some skanks are being skanks, me and my temporary bro are flirtin and mirin
>mexibro behind me drinking his beer quietly, we share the space without acknowledging each other
>but then his latina spicween shows up, drunk as fuck, probably pregnant, screaming in mexibro's ear
>she inserts herself between me and mexibro, leaning on him (which is fine) and leaning on me (which is not fine)
>lean back to push her a little and remind her she is a human being
>which fails
>she pushes harder back, she's having fun now, a white boi is daring to show resistance, what the fukk's this lil white boi going to do anyw---
This is how the White Revolution will happen
Other urls found in this thread:
broken eye sockets for everyone
Guy pushed himself into the couple looking for a fight. Should be executed.
whith a whitey dickhead pushing others
yeah, complete fucking asshole. barman shouldda jumped on his head
I wish I was able to extrapolate such fantastic stories from a simple webm like you OP. I guess I'm just not a (((creative type)))
when it starts she and the guy are sharing a look. they had a moment the editor decided to cut out.
is it because the one fella had a red hat on?
Still waiting for the rest of the story OP. Yeah some drunk bitch has no right to physically hang all over you especially when you are both strangers. Maybe a polite nudge would be in order or I hope you spoke up and said something.
That's autism.
Plus why are you at a spic bar? I love in the Bay Area and know of plenty of WHITE people bars.
SLO city manager calls actions during bar fight by city employee ‘appalling’
"hey guys i antagonized this couple for no reason and knocked out a woman are you proud of me for starting the race war"
he politely nudged her and she assaulted him back with her hip, so he defended himself
red hat is mexibro itt actually
Cool story bro
because in 10 years every bar will be a spic bar, unless people defend themselves and their culture
But that’s because you are a faggot and a nigger. Zero straight white males of any caliber “love” San Francisco.
Fucking candleja
Look at that passive aggressive piece of shit white guy. I’m so glad you fuckers are going down with a whimper
alcohol is not allowed in the ethnostate
Why are so many niggers and spics on this board?
ts eliot was a white guy. he's the person you're quoting in case you didn't realize.
>Knocking two people out
You beaners are dumber than niggers while also being shit at sports and music.
What chu gone do about it white boy ?
fracture your orbital
I have no fucking idea but it is disgusting.
Are you positive about that ?
White revolution is going to happen because too many whites are low class low IQ femininebrains like yourself.
This isn't your country anymore, it's time to leave
I have three slices of watermelon filled with razorblades that says yes
I really don't care, it just seems odd that subhumans would come here just to seethe and get their panties in a knot over a non-event like this.
Your watermelons can't stop a million black bulls from impregnating millions of white women. Just give up.
Forgot to include this pic of a black bull.
>being this 2010s
the meme is over nigger
keep posting it, see what my elbow does
You'd be surprised by the ratio of spics with the americano flag.
In fact there are so many spics posting from americaña that when i see the flag i just assume full blown spic or mutt gobliñós at best
I will die for Israel
ok Chris
all memeflags are jews
I could post a pic of some white lift-bro to prove a point but I'm not a faggot with pictures of buff dudes saved on my computer.
this is gayer than it is toxic
What do you mean?
Guy who knocked the woman out isn't even white and he punched the other guy too.
nothing's gayer than using the word
might as well start taking estrogen
>t.76 year old boomer who doens't know how to open webms