Jow Forums approved literature?

newfag here. Does this board have a recommended reading list? I’m pretty young and still formulating my political views

I’m an avid reader and I’d love to find out what books inform the average Jow Forums user’s worldview. Ty

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Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!o0Uk3KTJ

inb4 mein kampf

read E Michael Jones

Myth of German Villainy redpilled me on WW1, WW2, and jews.

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Read archeofuturism


for my legionaires is a nice read

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To name a few off the dome...
The decline of the west, camp of saints, letters from a stoic.

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>Trump worshippers
>reading books

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Oh the bible! Ya gatta read that.

Jow Forums is not a trump worshiper kike

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Post your shelves nigger. Let’s see what an enlightened soul like you reads. You can skip the Harry Potter and anime shelves.

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All white Anons must read

The Brigade is only available only in electronic format, for obvious reasons, but you can get it printed and bound at staples, FedEx kinkos, or other printing service.

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Here you go.

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Why is it always the same damn books on here in the same damn memes? Jow Forums is not just CofC and Hegel and other babby’s first deep thought. You want real RPs? Read about American involvement in South America and Asia. The crimes of the CIA. The mil-ind complex. Or about the horrors of communism and socialism. It’s always the same shit on here. First year uni edgelord crap.

how do you find time to read if you spend every waking hour shitposting on Jow Forums?

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>Why is it always the same damn books on here in the same damn memes?
If you dont like make a new chart and contribute dont bitch about it

>Read about American involvement in South America and Asia
This is present in green text available on red pill threads you fuckn leaf


Also Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones is a must read

But this isn’t a RP thread currynigger. It’s a book thread from a newfag. Simply telling him there’s more to Jow Forums than this.

Here's a Jow Forums approved guide to starting with the Americans.

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I would also exclusively recommend the reactionary literature, instead of the nazi shit recommended by other members of the community
the neoreaction here is getting thinner but they're the only real conservatives here on Jow Forums
the recommendations in this particular pic are all good

>Read about American involvement in South America
There isn't that much to it desu. Besides, muh Operation Condor was a good thing if you consider the alternative was getting commie coups thorughout the continent. Non-white majority places usually fare better with rightwing dictatorships anyway. See: SA during the 60s-80s, the whole of MENA.

Silmarillion, Three Kingdoms

I dont trust the devil
>Rake for you

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get this shit out of here and go to leftypol

julius evola

The Camp of the Saints, Jean Raspail

>The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
>The Art of War

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I read mein kampf and it was BULLSHIT!!

hitlers main objectiv3 was to protect christiandom

then he blamed all his problems on the jews

shitty porrly writte bootk

He was a master. But I wonder where he got all that knowledge.

>Atlas Shrugged in any tier other than shit


Reading is the most bluepilled shit ever and it really needs to stop being shilled here so much. Books are for children you idiots. You're literally just wasting time staring at ink on a piece of paper. You should be out working in the fields or making white babies, not sitting in the dark by yourself fucking reading children's books. Imagine everything you could have accomplished with the time you wasted reading. Grow up and get a life.

I'd kill myself if I were a drooling retard like you.

he's right though, reading is the most semitic shit ever. jews do it all day.

Lenin, Marx.

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Everything here:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!o0Uk3KTJ

You'll find everything mentioned in the thread on there, and much much more.

Brotherhood of darkness by Dr Stanley Monteith

Might is right
By Ragnar Redbeard

Open wide for this pill boy

Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Shakespeare for literature.

Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Nietzsche for philosophy.

It’s all about philosophy

“This Changes Everything” Naomi Klein

“A Universe from Nothing” Lawerence Krauss

“Upright Thinkers” Leonard Mlodinow

“The Cat in the Hat” Dr Seuss

“Heart of Darkness” Joseph Conrad

“It Was My Fucking Turn” HRC

“I’m Really Transgender” Donald J Trump

Nietzsche is crap tho

How so?

>Michael Jordan and Ayn Rand over Twain, Huxley, and Shakespeare

wew lad

existentialist kike

>Julius Evola
>Oswald Spengler
>Nassim Taleb
>Edward Bernays
>Marcus Aurelius
>Theodore Kaczynski
>Jacques Ellul
>Guillaume Faye
These are some of the authors you should know to understand the Jow Forumsack worldview.

I'd not waste too much time reading classical liberals. Their ideas are based on foundations we know to be retarded such as ''human are equal, rational, and good'' and utilitarianism, progress and individualism. Counter-enlightenment thinkers are much more interesting and you'll hear arguments and ideas you've never before encountered during brainwash.

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the ideas are confuse and just go everywhere, compared to others well know philospohe. It doesn't help that it's also very pretentious because he shit on them without any real reason. His ideas are poorly composed (he really go from one point to another without any explaination or exemple), and claim his ideas will bring a man to a super human being thanks to some very vague concepts.
He is a bad case of everyone else is stupid and wrong but me, despite living most of his life without working and with his sister.

His way of blurting out thoughts is far more interesting than for most philosophers. It's no wonder he has influenced people from all political persuasion. You're probably just a christian. Never met someone who actually has read nietzsche, didn't find his ideas interesting in any way and didn't turn out to be a christian.

>despite living most of his life without working and with his sister.
He was a university professor at age 24. Writing books on pension is work. He had health issues. Working for the sake of working is for the poor.

Jfc. Imagine being this retarded.

I recommend "The Captive Mind" by Czeslaw Milosz. He's writing about Socialist Realism under Stalin but it still works if you replace Socialist Realism with Zionist Realism. The chapters on Murti-Bing and Ketman are excellent.

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I also recommend "Non-Violence: the History of a Dangerous Idea," by Mark Kurlansky.

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1984 by George Orwell should be mandatory reading by all High School students.

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The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant. I read it at my kitchen table but I should have gone camping when I read it. Maps are included in the book but they're hard to read so get some modern maps to follow along. It blew me away.

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One of my favorite books is "The Last Temptation of Christ" by Nikos Kazantzakis.
The movie's good too but the book is much better.

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The Bible

"The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand are great and influential to many. I wish I had read them when I was sixteen. Be careful though, they tend to turn some people into Objectivism assholes for awhile.

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This thread disproves the Redditor's Perspective.
People are reading Culture of Critique.

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Anything by Dostoevsky.


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If you think you're a great writer, please reread the first chapter of "The Great Gatsby" and think again.

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My favorite short story is Lost Face by Jack London.

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