Damn, they got us. I don't see a single counter argument that's not retarded.
Well that's it
Other urls found in this thread:
all of this bodily autonomy goes into the trash when it comes to male infant genital mutilation then harvesting of Fibroblast cells for rejuvenating facial skin is not an issue.
The fetus also has bodily autonomy.
She's right, but I bet she has no problem circumcising boys.
>Response to pathogens, skin aging, wound healing, gene delivery, skin diseases (e.g., scleroderma)
>skin aging
they are harvesting foreskins in order to make 45 yo hollywood actresses look 25 year old
only because YOU decided it does. leave it to mom to sacrifice her bab- er sack of cells to moloch you sexist bigot
>get pregnant
>"I regret this, let me murder a child"
All of that word play and mental gymnastics just to defend killing your kid.
Also, you chose to have a child when you had sex, if you don't want a child, you shouldn't have had sex in the first place, this is your responsibility now, own up to it.
If you've been raped, sure abort it, within the first 2 months though, past that point that's at least on the same level as voluntary manslaughter
Actually yes we can force dead people to give up their organs. A lot of states have passed laws saying that you are automatically registered to be an organ donor and you must go through a lengthy process to option out. We also are starting to pass laws mandating that you must be vaccinated against certain diseases or else face harsh legal penalties. And pretty much every state has Good Samaritan laws stating that if you had the ability to save someone's life and refused to do so you can be charged with accessory to a crime.
So this argument doesn't really hold up if you have an elementary understanding of sociology and law.
What does this point prove other than the fact thar abortion is as reprehensible as letting a family member die becuase you refused to help?
Consent to grow a fetus inside you is given when you have sex.
While you cant be forced to give blood, you are not allowed to deny your own baby vital nutrition either. so why should you be allowed to do it through abortion?
When you remove blood from a body, especially a blood donor who is alive, is not even close to removing a living human from the body of a mother. Only a simplistic, ignorant, medically-retarded moron would try to make that argument.
>man and woman have sex
>life now exists
>where there was once nothing there is now something
>this is the essence of creation
Call it whatever euphemism you need to help you sleep at night, abortion is the killing of life, the murder of something that did not exist until two people created it.
Btw I’m actually staunchly pro-choice. I just call it what it is. Murder. It’s you scumbags that go around trying to manipulate language to assuage your guilt and shame.
>The fetus also has bodily autonomy
so set it free to be autonomous
bitch should have sucked dick instead lmao
Imagine being so obsessed with letting random men ejaculate inside of your vagina, that this is even an issue
Argument that's not retarded: in America, a DUI checkpoint or traffic stop means the police can forcefully remove your blood. You don't own your blood; the state does. Don't believe me? Look it up. Tons of legal cases, all decided for the police. So, yes, your ass can be forced to go through with supporting the life you created. Nice try, jew.
It really is like they’re a bunch of sheep saying muh body muh rules. There are good arguments for and against abortion, but these people are just retarded and should be aborted themselves. They’re a danger to society.
false equivalency
she equates her sister to a baby and donating blood to the pregnancy
in her first example there is no third party
if she was pregnant there would be a father
a better hypothetical scenario would be this
sister get hit by a car needs blood transfusion
you want to donate blood and your siamese twin (still attached) does not want to donate blood
>maybe if i take my retarded childish 9 y/o tier opinion, but if i underline, bolden and put sentences in italic maybe then people will think my mental diarrhea is clever and that i don't have giant, sore, aids riddled vagina wings from taking a thousand cocks !
>Just hearing about this argument now
Jow Forums doesn't prepare you idiots. This is a very very old argument.
I agree on her with one thing. Organ donation should be opt out, not in. It should be assumed your organs are fair game after death. I mean shit, I won't be using them, so I don't give a fuck
I will have no problems if the people going that far make a public statement that they are adults, they realize they are committing a full muder, that their government endorses it and does not punish them and write that down in history. Not the worst thing humanity has done either.
Make a paper that they are required to sign for abortion saying "I fully understand that I am terminating a life and take full responsibility for it". As long as everyone making the choice (including the father) realize what they are doing I will not voice any objections.
That's why we don't make sexual intercourse a casual thing, because it threatens the bodily autonomy of roasties and the financial autonomy of us men. Why is the act of copulation never brought up in these retarded arguments, it's like their precious autonomy just vanishes when they hand it out like candy to whom ever makes their loins gyrate, THEN whooop! Out of no where their autonomy matters again.
Jeeesh, it's almost like like it's a crime to violate their autonomy by force, woooow it's almost like they surrender their autonomy by having sex!!!!
It's almost like there is a reason for limiting ones sexual urges and that the free love meme is a horrible idea.
She got a good point. Same thing goes for vaccines and the legal ownership of ones own body.
After acknowledging that a single fertalized cell IS A PERSON.....
...welll......there are legitimate reasons to kill a person of any age......
My serious gripe with pro-choice people who claim 'its not a person' is that they are lying.
It is a person.....and there are reason to kill people.....
>what are good samaritan laws
Literally kill yourself.
I don't care if people get abortions I just don't want to pay for it once leftists redefine abortions as a "human right"
Rare to me. Nice.
Bodily autonomy was infringed the moment you put that baby into your snatch
wrecked. also who the fuck cares what women think
Don't want babies? Don't fuck.
I too agree that women should be completely autonomous.
1. Males no longer have to pay women if they have kids.
2. Women as robots is a way better deal overall.
This. Women are so fucking retarded it makes my head hurt. The fertilized egg/embryo/fetus/baby is not a member of the woman's body, it is the combination of a PRODUCT of the woman's body (egg) and the PRODUCT of the man's (sperm) body to make a life with unique DNA that is neither the man's nor the woman's. Just because it's in you doesn't mean it is you.
There is a difference in that a parent is generally expected to take sole ownership of their children's safety and well being
The only acceptable abortion is that of rape and nothing else.
Need more people who think this way. First time I ever agreed with a Leaf.
That image is so ridiculous. There has always been whores throughout time. Its just that they were seen for what they were and put in their place.
They make it sound like an abortion is the same as having your appendix removed, as if pregnancy just spontaneously happens like appendicitis.
No it doesn't. It's not a person.
she created the child - she is now responsible for it.
If she kills it - She should be killed.
>implying a fetus isn't human
notice this point first - their argument / logic is built entirely on dehumanising a human. without which, roastie cunts couldnt emotionally justify infanticide .
the car crash is based entirely on a .001% scenario - something so unlikely to happen, it begs why (and how) someone could use it to then somehow justify infanticide (read; whataboutism)
neither are related - it is akin to using rape to justify infanticide
organs != pre-birth human, and never will be. A logical fallacy only psychopaths / niggers will only put forward.
>what YOU view as a human life
it cannot be anything else. there is no other scenario, where a human fetus is not a human life.
>pregnancy is evasive / difficult blahblah
mindless gobbitygook to justify the previous irrational position
nobody cares about bodily autonomy when it’s circumcision
Thing is rape victims are more likely to choose the plan b pill which is more of a contraceptive than an abortion.
Most abortions happening are by people who are perfectly capable adults.
This is dangerous territory. What exactly is stopping a medical facility from a bias towards killing a patient in critical condition, if they know they can legally harvest the organs (and profit immensely) due to the outcome?
Why do they always compare things that are not even remotely similar?
Yes, sure you can't be forced to donate blood, or organs etc. and it should be that way even if it means someone will die because of it.
But how does one go from that to being granted the right to kill another human life because you don't want to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Prostitutes should hab body otonomeeeee
t. Roastie..
but, muh pro life
The fetus exists because of her decisions to partake in fetus-making activities. She knew the risks. She is responsible for it.
This is why the "rape" exception exists in many people's philosophies. Even if they haven't thought it through the reason they believe a woman can't abort is because she has claimed responsibility for the child by making it. In the case of rape, they don't believe it was the woman's choice and she therefore doesn't have a moral obligation to keep it alive.
Read my second post about conception idiot.
this. i hate spermtoiletsplaining.
Nobody who has had an abortion is happier because of it. Maybe better off financially. But that's about it.
Well I’m pro abortion do I agree with it. But the reason I like people being against abortions is because it just gets liberals to get mad and makes them promote abortion and have MORE abortions. So I’m happy.
But you put the baby inside of you. How does that have anything to do with saving a separate person. They make this shit argument with home defense as well. They say you can tell someone to leave your house at any time and if they enter by force you can defend yourself. But if I invite someone into my home I cant shoot them legally. And I dont know if the lefties are just too stupid to see this or deliberately ignore it.
dangerous proposition, my fellow potatonigger
what's stopping the HSE from killing you off and extracting your organs ?
t. pacifist who was legally required to register for forced military service
Does anyone actually have the annual stats on pregnancies occurring due to rape/ incest? This gets pumped out a lot by feminists but I never see the numbers. Prob because they’re microscopic and would be laughed at vis a vis excuses for keeping abortion legal.
yeah, "We found this car crash victim and he's ALMOST dead." wink, wink
NatSoc, Here.
1. Countries need wombs to produce children not abort them. I would simply socialize the wombs for the moral good of the people and to ensure their continued existence.
2. I would force fuck face bro to give his brother the blood transfusion assuming his brother is of good stock.
In both cases, I would be doing the caring fatherly duty. Women who have abortions suffer terrible mental issues from them. I would think a brother to scared or angry to give blood to his brother would also suffer terrible mental issues from denying the brother.
abortion should be mandatory
what's stopping medical facilities from doing that now? Surely they can find out who is an organ donor
less than .2%. yes .2.
So of every 1000 roasties only 2 due so bc of rape (which is code for blackout drunk thottery.)
maybe not harvesting dead bodies is the retarded shit?
dude is dead anyway who gives a shit if your organs are taken away
just go and die for this jewish mulatto feminist country.
Also would like to thank Fandomsandfeminism for once again showing that NatSoc is the supreme ideology.
This. I am pro choice early term just out of practicality. There is no way to wash your hands of it morally though. I mostly for because these dumb cunts will coat hanger and throw themselves down stairs otherwise. Also blacks lol.
The Florida stats get passed around a lot on this topic because they are one of the few states to record a 'reason' for the procedure.
Incentivized abortions for those who have not completed our planned parenthood test and have no arranged marriage.
What would be your stance on post term "abortion"?
Unreal. You got an official source on this? Would love to drag it out next time I debate someone.
it's called (((Sudden Infant Death Syndrome))).
You mean after-birth abortion? If that’s not murder than nothing is.
She agreed the whole act of being pregnanent and giving her body to a new life while having unprotected sex (Another thing if raped)
They are passing laws forcing vaccinations, body autonomy has it's limits.
Who cares if they coat hanger themselves. All the more deterrent to not be a slut
Jesus Christ. How fucking sad.
She has a duty and responsibility to the state to produce children. Rape doesn't matter.
Men are forced to go to war and die to protect the future of their people's.
Women there fore must be forced to carry children to protect the future of their people's.
>all of this bodily autonomy goes into the trash when it comes to male infant genital mutilation
P good point desu
I know right. Balkanization when? I've spent some time thinking about why Lincoln was so obsessed with keeping the Union together. When people are so different isn't it better they separate into their own groups?
No it doesn’t. It can’t survive outside of its mother’s womb
These types of people shouldn't be breeding.
None of what you said is true
It truly is sad. State sanctioned baby murder for the sole purpose of convenience. It's honestly the sign of a rotting society in my opinion
Even after the child is born it can't survive on its own, and you goto jail if you neglect it.
>A roastie-toasty-stacey trying to pass off a hypothetical scenario as a (pseudo) fact.
FFS, they cannot even argue with enough coherency to make it somewhat believable.
Yeah, you said you were pro choice which you also recognize as murder so I was wondering does this extend to all kinds of murder?
92% 'elective'
Of course- which has been an issue, and will continue to be. The only difference here is that people have a choice of whether or not they want to take that risk
Why are Redditors so fucking stupid? Anyways, pay for your own abortions. Get pregnant and abort your own babies with your own money and nobody will care.
im for free abortions for niggers
Human artificial wombs are an inevitable reality at this point. This argument is useless
Mandatory vaccinations should be by law.
Circumcisions should be illegal.
No abortions ever.
Think of the consequences of your actions. The chances are of you being raped are lower than the chances of you getting bit by a shark or dying in an airplane crash.
All of what I said is true.
Where do babies come from?
There's a huge difference between people you don't really have any responsability for and someone that you literally brought to live. He talks about the body autonomy of the mother but what about the body autonomy of the child? You're literally bringing it to life then killing it.
Also, he talks about how unethical is to force someone to help but overlooks how unethical it is to deny help that doesn't cost you almost anything.
Kek this
Conception violates the NAP