What kind of ideas would YOU censor?

If the roles were reversed and you ran a social media platform?

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I wouldn’t censor anything because people would actually know what the truth was and they would know the difference between objective truth and Jewish tricks.


I would ban every verified user for life

>If the roles were reversed
I wouldnt be able to censor anything then


I would allow everything but direct threats and porn. Not because I'm against direct threats but I wouldn't want to be held liable in case something happened.

Censorship is for limp dicked faggots who are scared of their ideas being challenged.

None. If I ran something like YouTube I'd put independent content creators first and give large corporations and members of old media like Kimmel, Trevor Noah, CNN, Fox News, whatever the backseat. It's not even really a political thing there. I'm pissed that so many non-political content creators I enjoyed have stopped making the shit they had a talent for because of YT's direction. Most i'd do on something like twitter is replace bluecheck marks with dunce caps every April fools.

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I would randomly delete personal accounts of politicians.
Just to trigger them.
Never explaining why their accounts specifically.

I'd take the millions of dollars I made and not give a single fuck about it. Pay other people to do the shit. They censor whatever they want. I'm rich biatch.


None, and


Gay shit

Heh heh

>hue hue
fuck off already


I wouldn't even censor progressives. The people would drown out their nonsense with truth.

degeneracy, bolshevism, and heresy. that's all.


real answer: I would make it against TOS to use your real name or real photo.

oy vey antisemite

I would put automatic quotation marks around the word free. Then I would make a glitch that randomly records and posts conversations, but put it in the user agreement so people don't realize what is happening.

Nothing, really.
Not because I'm so generous, but because the people I wish gone are so hated that a lack of censorship would drive them away in a day.

Nothing. Uncensored environments always swing right.

So leftist ideaologies can't survive without silencing opposing ideas. On the other hand right leaning ideas withstand the chaos of challenging ideas. This is fun tobthink about.

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This has always been the case. Even places like Reddit, and Digg before that, were right leaning before censorship and glowing shills.

Mainly this. Not all women by any means but an awful lot just complain endlessly

females. if i owed a famous network i refuse to shit on its overall quality by letting in holes

Only child porn, snuf videos and illegal shit like that. I wouldn't treat my consumers as retarded children that need to be protected from wrongthink.

You are setting up a false paradigm. I would break up tech monopolies first.

people who thing censoring is the way to go

Not censor, but look at incitement prosecutions when faggots with high follower counts publish shit they don't know to be true just to get people agitated.

I hope this place never meets that fate. I was so alone in my own head before I found this place.

Funny, why do we have communist countries but not nazi?
Maybe its rightwing ideals only work when you cant get punched in the face.

None, I am not a Leftist

None, because I'm not a kike.
If your ideas are so weak that people being allowed to question them is a threat, your ideas are shit.

Hillary is on gab lol: gab.com/media/chat-image/bz-5cd9c3c8980e2.html


That's a good idea. Free market of ideas revived.

>no brown people
>no trannies
>no gays
>no jews
>no commies
>no KPOP


I would censor none. Fascism flourishes all by itself in a free and open dialogue

Why does it seek to censor others over morality then?

We'll migrate again.

A one can say whatever the fuck they want, kinda like here.

This. Any true American loathes censorship. The right to free speech is probably the most important freedom we enjoy, and what sets us above the rest of the world.

That kinda talk will get you banned.

Simple rule is you couldn't post anything about kids and sex, gender, sexuality, or the like.

nothing except for illegal content

I would allow everything, just to see how many degenerates, like pedophiles, rapists, thieves and pot smokers there are, get their names and addresses so they could be rounded up and killed on dotr.

What do you mean by morality?

That's probably the intention of the dark web.

Fascism loves to claim works they dont like are obscene.

which would probably result in a festering leftist haven whilst whatever right-wing mainstream censored platform accuses me of whatever

The only thing I’d ban would be spam posts.

Good ideas may get shouted down by the prevailing idiocracy, but at least they’ll be out there in the ether for the right person to come along one day to revive and implement.

Only thing I would censor is blatant racism(for ad revenue) and threats of physical violence. Everything else is fair game.

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I respectfully request you submit an example of your claim.

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Id only censor dishonest content about race, like if someone tweeted poverty causes black crime that tweet would get erased.

If the royals of Europe had censored democratic thinking this shitshow we have today would never exist.

Kek, you're alright van halen

You just demonstrated with your flippancy


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No XXX hardcore pornography

If you cannot legally post obscene pictures on bulletin boards in public, why is it allowed on open Twitter? Jack knows he’s got to clean up his act.

I would censor people who use words like flippancy. No, But seriously, obsenity and morallity are always up for debate. One side could argue that homo-faggotry destroys societies and the other side could argue it's my dick and I can do what I want with it. I think both sides should be allowed platform and neither should silence the other.

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This. Actual threats, pornography, and perhaps content on my platform used for illegal purposes, like trafficking or terrorism, etc. Hate speech would not be a concept because it is not, in fact, real.

Never censor anything. Ever. Sjws and christcucks alike can both fuck off. Only a double-faggot wants to control what other people see.

>wanting to censor this masterpeice

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I would not censor ideas but I would censor attempts to step outside the frame of discussion. ad hominems, strawmen, I don't dispute with nazis, all the leftist ersatz debate tricks == instaban. and I'd designate certain topics as obvious trolling (flat earth, steel beams, that sort of retardedness).


let the world know how stupid some people are
they will eventually shut up on their own

LGBT, don;t take if you're a faggot but the whole LGBT faggotry is designed to appeal to children and it's fucking disgusting.


dont need to censor anyone if all political opposition is dead

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I got banned 3 days for much much less than this.

Porn and porn accessories

None, I want to know who the socialists are so I can throw them out of my helicopter.

Is that loss?


I am at a loss for words

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I'd ban all the round earth shills and all the pro-vaccination shills.


Check the rest of their work

progressive doctrine only thrives in a censorious environment.

I would censor all the white hate and let the nigger hate stay. I'd censor all lefties for ""harassment"", the same bullshit excuse they censored Shkreli for.
Everyone saying they wouldn't censor is retarded. As soon as you give an inch to lefties, they take a mile. They keep moving the posts so better tilt that shit to the right from the beginning.

Theres communist china but no nazi america

>What kind of ideas would YOU censor?

none cause i'm not a faggot

censor all of their subversion.
That's worked out so well for you so far.

support of abortion, communism, pedophilia would be bannable offenses

Nothing at all. Not even literal crime and absolutely immoral stuff. Absolutely no censorship at all.
Hell you'd even be able to go full muhammad imam style with the jailbait


Censorship is for faggots, so none.

Censor nothing, penalize appropriately

This is Jow Forums muh nibba. I'd wager most anons here would not censor anything besides CP

For every post; one hour of mandatory service building the wall at the Mexican border

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t. sandoval


Fpbp as always

This guy gets it.