White is a broadly term

white is a broadly term

everyone in this pic is white?

Attached: Collage.jpg (2000x5000, 1.98M)

About 25% white

Why are there so many Russian ethnicities here and so little Western European ethnicities?

All except the baby dick mutilator. They are not even human.

none of them are even Anglo so no. None of them are white.

White is an American exclusive term. Generally refers to anyone who is European in America. (Yes this might Include "Hispanics" who are 90%+ Spanish)

Everyone except the circle and whatever-the-fuck a Reunionais is are at least "white enough." I doubt any of those ladies chimp out or do other things that "not white enough" people are prone to do. Shit thread, flaggot.

'white' means European
Jews are not from Europe. They are Arab.
Arabs are not white.

Why the fuck is Reunionais and Jewish on there? All white apart from those two.

Probably a collection focused on Eastern Europeans,i mean look (((who))) leads the charge.

Anybody who has brown eyes is not white


Attached: 1540360985509.gif (500x375, 891K)

>ashkenazi jews are not from europe
fucking retard

everyone in this pic is indian

Attached: Races_of_India.png (2896x588, 2.24M)

Even kalmyk? Eyes don't look too white there.

i have brown eyes and am white what you gonna do about it

Jewish, Kumuk, Reunion,Tunisian, Ingush, and Kalmyk aren't white.

You are idiot, cossack is not nation

>Yes this might Include "Hispanics"
No it doesn't.

Attached: arethey.png (476x401, 138K)

here’s (((your))) (you)

Where's the potato

stay coping muttboy

There was no concept of "white" before the united states. Polish people were Polish. English people were English. German people were German.

"white" became a thing in America because of niggers but is used today by the enemies of Europen peoples to destroy European heritage by blurring all the European cultures and ethnicities together under the umbrella of "white" and associating "white" with things like genocide and slavery.

The word "white" weapon used to destroy cultures.

Only 2 and 5 are "white enough", but 1 is pretty. 1,2,5 could poop in my yard if they want.

Polish kek

No one in that pic is white except the Georgian

> Cossack is a nation

Are peasants and soldiers is a different nation too?

Attached: 000009.jpg (311x501, 19K)

call you a kike.

Damn, I need to get more worldly. I don't even recognize almost half those words.

>Are peasants and soldiers is a different nation too?

Yes. I'm cpp bydlocoder by nation btw

Why do Finnish and Udmurt look best? Because they are both of same tribe.


Kalmyk is full on chink desu.

didn't know Siberian Russians could look so Europeoid, because most that I've met were blonde gooks with slanted blue eyes

Nice, I'm white too

Claim your waifu, Jow Forums.

>tfw no polish gf

For these specific individuals-

Yes: Abkahazian, Chuvash, Cossack, Estonian, German, Polish, Siberian Russian, , Belarusian, Finnish, Udmurt Russian, East Ukrainian, Serbian, Lorrainer, Breton, Occitan, West Ukrainian, Southern Russian.

Maybe: Bulgarian, Ossetian, Georgian, French, Portuguese, Romanian

No: Kumyk, Tatar, Armenian, Tunisian, Réunionnais, Ingush, Kalmyk, Lezgian, and of course Kike.

Yeah, she's out. I'll admit I barely glanced at this fucking shill thread.

Lezgian looks whiter than most brunette Europeans

or maybe I'm prejudiced for CHG phenotype and it's all subjective

why does the french mutt have darker eyes than the reunion halfnigger?

Attached: 15444606328650.png (789x577, 375K)

Obviously because a north african nigger made this pic and post.

Deutscher Waifu, wanna lift that dirndl and pump out some Bavarian babies.

Looks kinda chinky to me, but I'd be willing to shift her to the maybe column. She do be cute.

French one is like the least huwhite one lol
Also, goddamn Ukranians really are hot
The memes aren't wrong

Did they pick the prettiest girl in the whole of the UK for this picture?
Like holy shit I fucking WISH our women looked like that

Attached: 1529258937831.jpg (550x650, 130K)

White is a mindset, and my people are becoming niggers.

Attached: 1557173173065.jpg (600x718, 225K)


Attached: 14995379563630.jpg (750x701, 65K)

She is French :)
Breton, not Britain
sorry Nigel

Actually, none of them are white.

I wish German girls would look like OP's pic

Attached: 1557421058147.gif (800x600, 2.88M)

I like the Tunisian girl the most.

>post the picture of a portuguese woman who has never seen the sun
>it doesnt take into account the 90% of the population that is yearly tanned by the amount of sun we get

Attached: 1542566878213.jpg (660x574, 31K)

>just googled average british girl
>get pic
My condolences

Attached: gwfWYm6.jpg (1714x1227, 199K)

Georgians look better than this desu

Attached: Georgian.png (361x524, 384K)

She already looks hot though

She looks pretty good to me, long as she keeps that unibrow and feminine moustache plucked like in pic related I'd say she's gtg.

Most are caucasians all right and some are eurasian

Attached: 1557775481070.png (650x400, 379K)

there needs to be a 23andme archive wiki or something with pictures of people and their race percentages

Are Spaniards White?

utterly disgusting

do you have no shame poland?

And every single one of them will get BLACKED in the future.

how do basedboys compete?


Attached: forgiveyourmother.jpg (463x527, 36K)

because this is her grandpa

Attached: nice-fellow.jpg (225x225, 6K)

the race of plastic and make up

everyone left from Germany is not white, noone south of Barcelona or Florence is white either.

Everyone in this pic is white

Attached: Untitled.jpg (2000x5000, 1.66M)

Its meant to be retard. Thats the whole reason in your fucking graph you were capable of classifing those SubRaces of people.


Im a nordcuck with brown eyes am i still white

Lezgian girl is beautiful, most kavkaz girls are stunning too.


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well yeah I guess they are all white. They all look like alien elves to me though.
Everyone of them would stand out as unique here.

wth is Reunionais? doesn't seem white to me

that the most stupid definition for a color ive seen in a while

well sure they all look Indian to me. Looks like 3 different people though which just goes to show how I cant fucking see any differences between browns. Sorry

>just googled average Danish girl
got this monstrosity. What did jewgle mean by this?

Attached: v1.bjsxMDEzMjQ4O2o7MTgwNTY7MTIwMDszODQwOzIxNjA.jpg (300x300, 14K)


Attached: Swans of Norfolk.jpg (960x815, 124K)

Don't even see a Brit on the list

im glad youre people were used as sex toys for arabs

Fun picture OP. Very truthful representation

Attached: can you spot it.jpg (2000x5424, 2.94M)

That's the problem with identifying as "white." It's hard to specifically state that a particular thing is a piece of "white culture," because it may only apply to a geologicially specific varrient of "white identity." It is Handy as a basic visual identifier and it's way easier to just say "I'm white" if someone asks, but when you get into the minutiae of race identity, you'll always have the occasional faggot that will tell you that ____ isn't white.

Danes btfo