Is there really a race mixing agenda, or is modern preference just triggering to Jow Forums?
Is there really a race mixing agenda, or is modern preference just triggering to Jow Forums?
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No agenda, keep watching your Blacked porn and drinking sюy
>modern preference
Bout to do that in a few seconds.
Dating preference. What's wrong with that?
I will aggressively push an agenda, thus popularize it. And that's ok since it's gonna be everyones preference!
Where does anyone say race mixing is mandatory? Just more people are liking it. Like incest. Nothing wrong. Just nature and love.
Yes, because both inbreeding and crossbreeding are totally common in nature.
this has to be shopped, right?
like that's not an actual advertisement for something, right? what is is for?
Just a coincidence
idk but those sure look like white guy hands that have been painted black
It's real.
>Tell your daughter to come pet him goy, he's friendly!
“Agenda” might be too strong a word for it. Leftists push it (on other people’s kids) because virtue signaling is their new religion and flouting your wokeness is how they’re keeping up with the Jones.
Corporations look at twitter and the MSM and think that’s real life. So they’re playing up their woke credentials in the same way they all used to slap a “Green” label on everything ten years ago.
Go break it.
>Leftists push it
Think why, where is this all coming from.
So they nigrified Spiderman huh?
watch your back nigger
When the ant hill falls over. your hoods will burn.
Different country. Slovenia or something.
They were supposed to make him gay, guess that got a rewrite too.
Idk my wife is Asian though lol
This isnt appropriate for the public space, what country is this?
A few weeks ago I saw a billboard with white man/ white woman pairing. My thoughts went like this:
>Huh? That's surprising.
Immediately followed with
>How long will that last? Not long probably
A week later, it was replaced with white man / black woman pairing. At least it was different to White woman black man but still.
There is definitely an agenda happening, can't look anywhere now without seeing it.
There absolutely is and all you have to do is spend 5 minutes watching (((television))), or maybe take a drive and pay close attention to your local billboards and stuff of that ilk.
t. 56% face user with more sentience than the average mulatto
what did they mean by this?
I tend to think a lot of the mixed race stuff you see in media now is just an easy way to stuff more diversity into the cast. Hollywood wants to have more diversity to point at but they still don't want to risk banking on black actors to carry a show.
So the quick and easy way to get a black guy or gal into the show is to make them a random boyfriend. People are also quick to over look look that race mixing or more to the point men of color looking to date white leaves women of color with a very, very small pool of men who are successful.
Being a black women is like the asian man of the dating world, the least in demand.
>Katarina is a performance artist in Slovenia, but her outdoor poster in Ljubljana advertising her upcomping piece #hatebetter, may have turned into another piece of performance art, as it has provoked reactions around the globe. Roni Kordiš spotted the ad when he was out for a stroll, and shared it on his website, and soon his photo spread like wildfire.
>On the web peoples reactions are very similar: Why is there a mostly naked woman being grabbed by many dark hands? What is the message here? Why the hashtag? Is this about gang rapes? Is this a comment on current European politics? Is this another Tom Ford ad? So many questions.
Jow Forums is triggered by everything. 90% of all threads are created from something an user is triggered about.
A few weeks ago I was having drinks at a friend's house. Their kid was watching TV and some ad came on with an interracial couple so I said something about how prevalent it is and how it's always a white woman etc. Of course his wife is a liberal and was kvetching about me bringing it up but I just saw him again last Saturday and sure enough, after a few beers he says "I have been noticing that shit EVERYWHERE now". It really is something that can't be unseen.
No there's no agenda
Keep walking and don't worry goyim
>Jow Forums is triggered by everything.
The normalisation of miscegenation is a genocidal tactic. But fuck white people, right?
Its art
>hate better
Waaaay ahead of ya.
So, is your question:
> Is something being presented more in media than it happens in reality?
A couple of britbongs larping as niggers
>white hands painted black
don't worry she was in no real danger
It's fucking blatant and everywhere. Judaism = Leftism = Cultural Marxism = Destruction and Subversion of Whites.
You aren't allowed to openly oppose interracial breeding, that kind of makes it mandatory
Is it trying to imply that the spike in rapes is not due to (((refugees))) but white people? Or that white people are the real rapists? I'm not sure, but it looks "woke".
I would say there are several such agendas, but no coordinated effort. There is a convergence, but no connivence.
But then just because you're not a conspiracy theorist doesn't mean you the nonexistence of a conspiracy makes those many converging agendas suddenly nonexistent, just because there is no evil puppeteer pulling the strings in the shadows doesn't mean the conditions for a white genocide aren't in place.
Simply, we have many different actors, and that makes the issue all the more complex.
Typing out paragraphs of inane bullshit doesn't make you sound smart.
>Is there really a race mixing agenda
Yes, for at least a century now.
Replying with a witty comment isn't enough to make people believe you read it.
The most disturbing part is the two teenage girls about to walk by that, notice it, and the though is already subconsciously imprinted for the rest of the day, week, month. Every fucking time they walk by it.
>Is there really a race mixing agenda
absolutely, globalism at its finest.
Your monkey-man fetish is fucking disgusting pig.
All that you faggots do with these threads is sow division between blacks and whites. You don't really give a fuck about blacks. You are racist pieces of shit like the people you claim you hate.
>Is there really a race mixing agenda, or is modern preference just triggering to Jow Forums?
It's just stupid white kids trying to play "rap music video" in their's just a phase.
After I pointed it out to my wife, she started getting PISSED about it. She was mad at me at first for pointing it out, then she got mad at the Jew for doing it.
Everybody knows women are easy to deceive and delusional. They keep promoting this shit, see it everywhere, it slowly crawls into their mind and they don't even realize.
Let it be their favorite netflix series, shitty ass instagram or facebook posts, books, music videos, onions consumer-grade star wars films.
Sounds like a forced agenda to me
Those are white men's hands painted black that are grabbing her. It's literally saying that white men are doing the raping but blaming black men.
wanted to thank you for posting that so I could complete an SJW comic
kalergi plan
the melting pot the play
the germanic question
burning beethoven
this is a communist protest in Brazil that says literally "miscegenation is also genocide"
Hitler would be proud ...
(ps: please bomb us)
It a part of the agenda to destroy black mans' attraction to black women by presenting wh*te women as the pinnacle of female beauty. Wh*te cuks celebrate this but the reality is that most decent black males go for low to average tier wh*te women when possible, leaving only the scum to breed with black women and thus lowering the racial quality of blacks in the US.
Oh i see, so being interested or concerned about an issue is to be "triggered".
Step in front of a bus, user. Your whore mother is embarassed of you, bc she knows your brain is small like your little pee pee.
Go ahead, say how "triggered" i am.
>Nothing wrong. Just nature and love.
heard this shit b4 fuck off and die faggot
there is not much space left for them to push
Why is literal porn in public display?
save it for your trial jew
based, all western cities should have these posters to condition people to accept what is coming
Have sex with your mechanic pls, I need some fun sexy time. Hands to dirty to touch my pee pee.
I'm sure most are just pandering to progressives.
thought i believe some think that racemixing everyone is a way to get rid of racism.
i don't think it will.
even if it did, we would have each other over some other arbitrary metric, conceiling the fact that its actually cultural clashes, not racial or ethnic ones.
if you havent noticed it you must not get out much or ever watch anything
Just you being paranoid
I fucked a girl that looks like the one on the left. Did I fuck a kike? Crikey mate.
no in this case simply the dragon on the right is albino
If you don't have to balls to take it down at least turn it into a red pill by displaying black on white rape stats all over it.
there most definitely is an agenda
Psychic warfare
Don't get mad
Get a brightly colored paint and wear a mask.
Have an escape route.
Time yourself, once you catch attention - you have 8 minutes to leave the scene.
If you havent heard of it, there was this show on TV called the Fairy Oddparents (Nickelodeon I believe) and they had an episode where the kid turned everybody into the same gray blob creature and everything was gray. So everyone was the same gray blob but they still had snobby gray blobs who said they were the grayest, they had more gray than other blobs. So in a way I dont think racism will ever end. In a world of all mixed mutts you will have 18% mutts claiming superiority over 50/50 mixed niggers or claiming superiority over Hispanics. It wont ever end.
I just don't understand why I have to be born in a time where we are trying to get rid of it.
I swear on my family's life if she ever came to my town and I could clearly get to her I would tackle her like ray Lewis, stand up, and stomp on her head until it caved the fuck in and her kike brains were all over my boots.
I could keep a nasty black greasy piece of charcoal in my house. And I let my dog on my bed lol. Do niggers have bottles of dawn In the showers for all that grease? Serious question.
That's Baltimore I think, I live far away from that fucking hell hole. I'd rather kill myself than live there.
And I meant to say couldnt