Open the border boys
Open the border boys
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Trump is more open borders than any president in history. He just lies to his fans and says he’s going to stop immigrants while he allows more in than ever. He’s a great con man
well if some random thot on twitter says it then it must be true
Oh look another made up word
finna need a better source
(((A person familiar with Kushner's thinking told us)))
Well he is chabad lubavitch and life long Dem.
They're right.
Majority of people don't mind legal immigrants, they just don't like illegal ones.
Trump has said this mutiple times at his rally so for her to be surprised is disingenuous.
lol, this isn't really the knife in the back. That shit happened a while ago.
>Kushner has been talking up his immigration plan with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, which detractors have derided as laughably simplistic. In the version he debuted to lawmakers on Tuesday, the slides showed circles placed next to each other representing different potential immigration reforms and flags denoting “peer nations” that have adopted merit-based immigration systems such as Canada, Australia and Japan, according to two Republicans who have viewed the presentation.
>Kushner has ramped up his private briefings and public comments since the departure this winter of White House chief of staff John Kelly, who chafed at the young real estate developer’s attempts to insert himself into the policy process and worked to curb his influence in the White House. In fact, Kelly, Trump’s first homeland security secretary, viewed the immigration issue as his responsibility and pressed Kushner not to work on it at all, according to a senior administration official.
loving every kek
for fucks sake, it just keeps getting worse
Fucking kusher is the antichrist, what did we expect. Kushner playing 4d chess with trump like a fucking fiddle.
>Immigration restrictionists are a fringe group.
If a referendum were held next week on a 100 year moratorium on all immigration, it would win as a bipartisan landslide. All of Trump's voters and 50+% of the blacks with sprinkles of legal immigrants and even normie centrist Dems like my mom. Fact. All the polling says this.
Trumptards will defend this kek.
Remember screaming :Israel first, kushner president, all our money to israel? At rallies?
We voted for a KIKE loving Narcissist who doesn't give on single FUCK about his base.
could be, isn't there something about one beast giving power to another beast or something?
A whole lot of things in this country wouldn't be so fucked up if we all got to vote on it. Remember, even california voted down fag marriage.
They also voted against sanctuary cities.
>but mister president, virtually every one of your supporters put stopping immigration as a top 3 pick
Oh well, maybe it will make you feel better to make a joke about our faggot PM? Maybe a dog fucking joke? Maybe nothing can help you now.
The oven just got 10 degrees hotter
Why would any illegals want to come here under Obama's bad economy?
absolutely MIGA
'immigration restriction' is not the same as enforcing law and order and curbing illegal immigration.
jews gonna jew
The gay marriage thing they used in 00s is over, so republicans needed a new carrot to dangle in front of the voters to get them to turn out. That's immigration. They will "talk tough" on immigration, and will probably be able to milk that issue for the next 15 years (while doing nothing on policy to change it whenever they happen to be in power).
Sorry, but you’re the Jew if you support DACA. Youre also a nigger since it was king nigger’s policy. How does it feel to be a nigger kike?
Why are you posting pictures of yourself?
>you’re the Jew if you support DACA
Correct, but Donald Trump is not a Jew. He's just a shabbos goy
Even in the worst American economy a spic can make more here than in shithole Mexico
Not an argument
mor elike : the Israeli double agant Kushner is backstabbing Trump and his supporters.
Yeah he is fucking dead to me. We hit the demographic point of no return this year or next. Trump was the worst thing that could have happened for us. At least with Hillary they would have resisted open boarder policies.
Trump was a once in a lifetime opportunity for someone to solve the problem without violence. The left (which now includes all Republicans) are al insane if they think we are going to just sit back and be turned i to slaves for brown people.
Would have been nice if the Us could have managed to avoid a civil war in my lifetime.
YES!!!! 36% white here we come!! Great for America
poor trump dindu nuffin, it's the dude to whom he gave his prefered child to, and also most of the control of the administration.
We are Jews for commenting on Trump's total submission to Jewry...
...dios mio
They won't learn.
Conservatives never learn their lesson. They are like a battered wife who keeps going back to her husband.
don't mind me, i'm just here to bump
It was always inevitable. People will be able to look back to the 1960s and see that was when the fuse was lit, just as we can look back at the encroachment on states rights after Washington and pals were gone.
Fortunately I think the good guys will win this time and start something globally. We need white identity. Either way, buckle up.
>and everyone working for shareblue clapped
This. It's going to be fucking interesting living through this next century.
>5 steps of depression
>you're at bargain stage.
Trump only got elected with the support of immigration restrictionists.
Fuck Trump and fuck his son-in-law. He's definitely going to lose 2020 now.
Conservatives still worship Reagan, the man who turned Cali blue.
They still love Trump in spite of him breaking all of his promises.
When did you realize Republicans have a mental condition?
>calling people jews in defense of the most philosemitic president in history
>Hilary would have resisted open border policies
This is such a sad cope
if you go read what was said it turns out some libtard reporter bitch was like "all the nazis dont want immigration and they are the base of Trumps support"
soooo yeah.... response was pretty predictable you fucking simpleton nigger reading faggot
left wants votes
right wants cheap labor
Kelly was absolutely right, Javanka both need to be dealt with. Vote for Trump, get the antichrist. sour deal.
We don't call them cuckservatives for nothing
Keep the tears coming, pede
No, Trump is using Kushner. Trump's MO is to say one thing but do another, and then blame others for doing the other thing. He's done this since January 2017.
Immigrants are not the source of economic issues anyway. They are "taking our jobs", they are doing jobs that no American wants to do like pick fruit for minimum wage or less.
When will he fucking get the gas?
How do you guys tolerate having a synagogue of satan influencing country politics this much?
How come leftists don't disawow this fucking kike now?
>If you don't like Jews, you're a Jew
Cool story schlomo, want to bring it to the white house?
Anyway, immigration is not the problem. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is. Trump has said this all along.
lmao love it how Trump's excuse for having the most immigrants ever since Obama is muh economy muh GDP. It's a subtle pivot to a bullshit selling point. Guess what the stock market will crash and economy will go in the shitter anyway, and then Trump will have literally nothing to point to.
>Trump was a once in a lifetime opportunity for someone to solve the problem without violence.
he meant with hillary, instead of relaxing and assuming Trump was doing something, the right would have watched her like a hawk and resisted.
Well, that settles it, I'll be voting Dem for 2020. They surely want to control immigration.
>Trump is pro immigration!
>He must be pro ILLEGAL immigration too!
Fuckin' retards in this thread are falling for Democrat propaganda. The democrat strategy is to make people think there is only one thing. Immigration. There is no legal, or illegal, immigration, it all gets lumped into the same thing. When discussing crime, the Dems always focus on legal immigrant crime, saying open borders are fine because immigrants commit less crime on average.
It's all a fucking psyop.
Can I fuck your daughter?
It's okay, I'll do it legally
>surge of illegal immigration
She should know better than to make that claim. The "surge" could simply be that we are actually catching more people at the border.
Checked and Trump is done. Kiddie Fucker Uncle Joe is a better choice. [pic related]
peon skynet bot got us there
i guess hillary can be president now
also kill yourself
Half of all Americans want legal immigration to be cut as well. You’re completely moronic
no, Trump created a vacuum call with his bullshit.
he should have built the wall before saying all that shit, now people wanna go in before the wall is built, hence the surge.
Yeah, that can't be proven. Truth is we had no idea how many people were coming across until we actually made an effort to look.
Obama looks better and better by comparison. And I said he was the worst president in my lifetime (Carter including)
All immigration is a problem when the majority of it comes from 3rd world countries who's people place no value on the principles that built the US.
If you weren't underage you guys would remember Reagan, Bush and Dubya were exactly the same
Promises anti-immigration and all the other conservative bullshit, fulfills none of their promises, then bows to Israel and sends young Americans to die in their wars
And all the stupid fucking boomers and rednecks keep singing praises for them until they die
As much as I hate democrats, at least they admit their plans to browning America. Republicans just lie to their white base and allow us to be flooded.
Wow, what a fucking asshole. Everything Stalin did to starve the Ukrainians was legal too.