Was Die Glocke a real project? What was the aim for creating it?
Was Die Glocke a real project? What was the aim for creating it?
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Time travel.
Ask me anything.
Where are they now? In the distant future?
No, it was not.
The earliest claims of such nature came up in 2001, by SciFi Author Nicholas Julian Cook in his book he Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology.
I remember seeing pics of this when I was a kid.
>Reminder, lambright is a scam artist.
I don't know but I just want to say Nazi UFO threads are my absolute favorite so have this bump.
No one knows.
Этo вcё хyитa. Tы чтo, в 2007 живёшь, дpyг?
Just now found Blurry Photos podcast, eh?
The bell was some kind of energy experiment. Nothing to fly around or stupid as time travel.
If you google it, it says they used "Xerum 525" which is based on Mercury. And Mercury does nothing special.
They probably tried some magnetism experiments. Just my guess.
>Reminder, lambright is a scam artist.
Oh really? How so?
weaponized sound, similar to the devices used in the book/movie Dune.
Never worked, but the concept is feasible. Modern LRADs are a decent example, so is using soundwaves to break up kidney stones.
Red mercury?
In every way possible.
because advertising on Jow Forums is against the rules, and all namefags are shit
It created a space time curvation.
You need to know that.
Getting in this bread in hopes of summoning German user who used to post all the Nazi ufo/Antarctica stuff. It was a comfier time
it probably wasn't real, if it was then it was probably just another shitty experiment that failed
>used to
nigger he's been posting it for years and still posts it
nothing to see here
just a regular bell
pls move along sir
So big it needs extra big gas cans.
>Was Die Glocke a real project?
Yes, it was an attempt to create a rocket powered helicopter. Many countries after the war also tried and succeeded in developing the technology, it was difficult however due to the instability issues at low altitudes.
I haven't seen one in a few months
Xerum 525 is an Mercury Isotope mixed with some other different Isotopes(maybe even radioactive ones) to turn Violett/Purple in color. That's pretty much everything the Americans found out.
I wish the Americans would've shared their knowledge about "The Bell" with other nations. Combined Brainpower is always better. But I can understand why they didnt in times like that. Fuck humanity.
I think USA pretty much yoinked alot of german technology (operation paperclip), also germany had the first jets but I believe they didnt get used on real battle because of the time rush but dont quote me on that
that tank was just added so it would look like something the Russians made, it wasn't connected to anything
crashes were always fatal in tests, they found that by launching vertically and then maneuvering at high altitudes/speeds it eliminated these issues, also the cot pit had to be placed in the center of the vehicle and stay stationary while the craft rotated around it.
>shit, I forgot about the flag
vid related is better than die glocke
This. Completely fake. Made up by a scifi author and the only claims of any "PROOF" comes from a Polish fraudster who claims his buddy had access to secret archives where only he could see these documents but no one else can see them to verify. You're supposed to take his word for it and buy his book and pretend that if these plans really existed the allies would have taken them immediately after the war ended.
they were used at the end of the war to great affect but much too little too late.
>I think USA pretty much yoinked alot of german technology
absolutely, they got the scientists and with it all the hard work and research invested by the German government.
germans are swarthy
They like to play for a winning team, so when given the opportunity many signed up at NASA. Some cared about the German cause but I think most cared more about the science.
Nazi ufo film footage
We all gotta thank your grandpa's for not killing the brainpower they acquired. Definitely a push in Human development.
> germans are swarthy
Do you even Sun bruh?
Post manifesto or stfu.
>We all gotta thank your grandpa's for not killing the brainpower they acquired
I have to agree, if they had killed them then I wouldn't be here.
Coanda Effect Vehicles were a popular experimental vehicle in the 1940s-1980s but were too unstable compared to autogyros.
We had one in South Africa in the 80s at a military base, used to freak people out because it looks like the classic UFO. Which may be the source of the myth, erratic flying saucer/ flattened bell thing.
They are interesting to research tho.
>Post manifesto or stfu.
it's on Lambright.com
Have a taste
ofc americans or russians stole it
Correction, the earliest scource is not Cook from 2001.
Igor Witkowski wrote in 2000 a Polish language book "Prawda o Wunderwaffe" (The Truth About The Wonder Weapon, reprinted in German as Die Wahrheit über die Wunderwaffe)
>see pic
>the repulsine
My maaaan
How the hell is this device even supposed to work and what is it supposed to do?
I hope Hitler escaped somewhere far into the future and far from todays society
For those who don't know, we have an epidemic in the US that isn't talked about on the news. Thousands go missing every day, hundreds of thousands a year. A lot of these people go missing in and around our National parks.
Why am I bringing this up you might ask? Well over time one of the researches who has been looking into this for years mentioned that one of the subgroups that has the highest rate of disappearances are ethnic German physicists.
Why Germans? Why physicists? If you've dived into the world of UFO's or WWII history you might be aware of the conspiracy that Nazi's escaped for Antartica and the center of the earth. These disappearances could possibly correlate to that, at least I like to think so.
I believe it is either:
1. Aliens abducting Aryan's
2. US government abducting Aryans'
3. Nazi's abducting Aryan's
Either way it's funny that 99% of the time it's White people who go missing, but we know that's because aliens and Nazi's / US government doesn't give a shit about shitskin subhumans and their repugnant genes.
As far as I can tell it pressurizes water and spins like a turbine, generating electricity. Or is supposed to, though they seem to blow up a lot.
And how is it supposed to do that?
The giant shot trap on the Maus makes me laugh.
Depends on which version. One built for an aircraft used an air intake, but as far as I can tell you'd actually have to get the thing in the air and moving some other way.
Another just used a bunch of complicated tubes that tapered down, though the tubes ruptured during the testing. Might also require some kind of waterway / dam system (so water pressure, which we already have turbines for.)
Yeah that missing 411 guy talks about those disappearances all the time. Fucking creepy.
what question will I ask you next?
No, I mean what does it actualy do to produce energy?
The air/water pressure spins the device. Spinning a turbine with magnets over wire is electricity.
Interesting, I've known about the hollow earth thing that was in nazi occultism, I think they thought that the once great Aryan race which very apparently giants or very tall humans with blue eyes I suppose white skin escaped or went into the core of the Earth but I forgot the reason, also got this picture which is some nazi letter to either hitler or some officer confirming that the earth is hollow
So, how is it different from any other water turbine?
Much like any other miracle engine, they never really got around to explaining it.
That sounds like it doesn`t work at all...
I can tell you exactly how this shit gets started.
One paranormal / black project "researcher" "stumbles upon classified documents" and publishes a book about them. Documents are never shown to anyone. Exist only in the authors minds.
Knowing that this is simply a way to make money off of gullible tin foil retards, other authors start writing about this "lost project" as well, citing "classified sources", again with no proof of said sources.
Eventually all these circle jerking conspiracy theorists have built themselves their own cinematic universe of fake documents and fake reports and the lost project enters the mainstream as an "unconfirmed Nazi project".
ANYONE can do this. Simply go move to some Eastern European country, explore abandoned military bases, pretend you found some really top secret documents, write a book about your make believe findings.
Easy as pie. You can make MILLIONS doing this. There's an entire industry based around this.
There have been people in the US who used things like creeks on their property and set up tiny power generators (enough to homestead on) so it's not like a version of that isn't impressive or useful. But they were talking about using it to power cars and planes, which doesn't make any sense to me.
Not saying water turbines don`t work, but that`s not something that was new in the 1930s.
it worked but den da ebil yankees stoled it, we wuz engineers n shit
Checks out.
>googles Maria Orsic
>no wikipedia article
Does anyone know where I can find any information on her?
we mup didda mo po fo da bix nood, jive ass honky
Sorry, but I don`t speak niggerish.
Yes, but it's a neat little device. Would be better if it didn't blow up. Would like to own some property with my own private turbine.
If it existed, it was probably a primitive centrifuge for uranium. The problem being the Nazi nuclear program was pants on head retarded because they killed or deported all their Jewish physicists.
Brain drain might actually be what lost them the war.
lmao stop
>kecksburg acorn
>Phrase not found
Kecksburg acorn. I think it's real, and it manipulates gravitational fields.
That`s basicly a torque-converter, just that it uses air instead of automatic transmission fluid..
Jews sure love their bells
while I think that the whole thing is fake its still interesting .If anti gravity devices could work our views on comercial shipping and travel might change drastically.
World's first EM Drive
Explain David Adair. He testified before congress about his Groom Lake visit and fusion rocket engine
>fusion rocket engine
you mean NERVA?
No, Hitler thought the atom bomb was unethical, like the proposed suicide V1s and V2s. Hitler wanted to an honorable victory, not a kike victory like what the Allies achieved.
This includes a bit about the V1 suicide program, "Leonidas" as proposed by Hanna Reitsch
>Explain Christine Blasey Ford. She testified before congress about being the victim of a secret upper echelon gang rape cartel.
Oh wow, someone testified before congress, it must be true.
Yes it was real. The Germans were working on it in the owl mountains.
Germans create a giant bellend.
Imagine my shock.
Ah, Esoteric Hitlerism thread. Comfy.
That's how they got to the Moon and Mars and started building bases.
This is really a topic for /x/, 2bh.
user. Don't ruin my entertainment. This is actually decent and interesting fiction.
Are you sure? Are you really sure? Are you really really sure?