Pakistan + US = Allies

We’re gonna be on the U.S side against Iran. Fuck Iran and fuck all clerics and mullahs the Iranian revolution of 79 was a mistake

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guess what

Kill yourself. You are fighting with the devil.

Better than standing with Iran. They’re filthy backstabbers that were sending terrorists through our “friendly” border. Fuck em lay flat their shithole

t. Persian rapebaby

fuck you and fuck sunnis you fucking traitor you will get the rope

>shite sisterfucker detected

Based as fuck.

needs more hair product

Don't die for ZOG.

I saw pakies one day.
You're small and smelly. Almost apes.
Indians are much better then you.

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*and very dark

it's the mahajirs and punjabis who marry their sisters all of them sunnis, in Iran marrying your cousin is frowned upon cuz it results in deformities and diseases you fucking sindhi

Okay bud
Shut the fuck up, shias fuck their own family after beating themselves up in muharram look up mutah marriage that degeneracy came from iran

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that's just propaganda you fucking mahajir' literally nobody does that

>seething shiate sisterfucker

Get the fuck out of my land you subhuman sun worshipper

based sharia sand nigger 2020!

Good luck Pakibro. True warriors are always glad to have allies.

Nah fuck porkistan. Your much worse and filthier than them in every way. I’d rather live in Iran and I’ve lived in your failed shithole. I’m ashamed to be associated with you muzzies

Aren’t they the same shit?

cocksucker fuck your mother you muslim dog let me call my police they will fuck your asshole fuck yuo nuke pakistan bitch muslim i will rape your pakistani ass before you even have the will to come up like a football bitch lasgan i will turn you into a trap fucking paki bitch

Lol you land is cursed and shit no one would want to live there. India should own you terrorsits

You ain’t foolin noone pajeet

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Are all Pakis this kiked? Can't wait for Iran to glass this shithole

>assblasted poos

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Get fucked, you kid fucking, acid throwing, India rejects.

pajeet is hot today.

Sunni scum are. Crypto’s to be precise

>no nukes

Nobody can fuck with us, even the US gave up trying to fuck with us and pajeets were dry raped just recently. Fuck iranians, poos, and JANNIES

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Iranians are ARYAN and based. unlike pakis who LARP as arabs N SHEEEEIT

>inb4 this paki claims to be Muhammad Bin Qasim n sheeeit

>Get fucked, you kid fucking, acid throwing, India rejects.

Imagine the smell

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we wuzz persians, indians arabs n shit.

>shitstained ID


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>we wuz superpooper n shiz

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>t. streetshitter

>coping subhuman streetshitter

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Okay subhuman

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Show bobs and vagena bitch lasagna

Sounds like just another reason we should hate you disgusting paki scum.
>Be me, Norwegian
>Grow up in Oslo
>Peaceful city, have your city infested in late 70s by disgusting pakis
>oh no, dont be racist they are just innocent muslims, their kids will be just as Norwegians
>fast forward to 1990s
> only violent criminal drug peddling scum are 2 disgusting paki gangs
>Literally perform the first shooting on Norwegian streets since ww2
>d-dont be racists they are just poor and you racists cause them to do this
>fast forward 20 years
>same paki scum now are sunni extremists calling for sharia and go to Syria to fight with daesh
>t-they are just Norwegians goy, dont be racist
And for no reason at all, Hitler was elected into power
May God have India destroy every filthy paki and their offspring

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Iranians aren't Aryans you retard.
Afghans and Pashtuns, who have the highest Steppe %, are.

Iran is a sanctioned shithole hated by literally everyone except wh*Toids on anime forums.

who gives a shit all goatfuckers have to be glassed before or after iran. you cant ally with a traitor

fuck off leaf, i might dislike pakis but they're still bro-tier. leafs are monkeys

the entire middle east and the US and the whole world should be united in all conflict against israel. the fact that we arent is why we deserve to get kiked

just don't come to europe op

>implying goat fuckers can actually build missiles capable of delivering nukes
Pakistan is literally irrelevant, might as well suck your Iranian overlords' cock.
Nice try Moshe

Poos are the new jews it’s seems like a new sith and apprentice relationship

have seen your shithole cities? nobody wants to live there, i live up in frontier where everything is clean and mahajirless come and make me..... oh I forgot you faggots can't bear the cold

Great post. Based as fuck.

you guys hate Muhajirs?

>Iranian overlords

Pakistan saved 20+ IRGC guards from BLA and their Quds commander started barking.

Iran also is against making a fence to stop Iran terrorists from getting into Pakistan and because they want to smuggle oil because they're dependent on that shit.

Also Pakistan shot down an Iranian drone while Iranis couldn't do shit.

Can't wait till Majoosi get invaded by mutts.

Where do you live exactly? Islamabad is the only legit city and everything up north from there is cool. Rest is trash literally

Inch 'Shalla
Die for the goy you stupid Indian Muslim rape baby

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I've heard Lahore is beautiful, my ancestors were actually from Lahore before they migrated into India post-partition.

US boutta arm tf outta Pakistan and let them fight Iran for us. Then after Iran gets decimated Pakistan will fall apart and create Afghan conflict 2.0

Pakis and afghans are literal subhumans next to poos. stop calling anyone who doesnt like ur arab shithole an indian nobody likes india or pakistan kys

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I doubt it, Pakis have actually managed to secure themselves thanks to China.

that's because you are sunnis and they are shias. Jews are playing you like a kid's foreskin

what the fuck are you talking about bong? Iran literally means Land of the Aryans and almost 90% Iranians are descendants of the ancient persians don't talk about the things you don't know

Aryan refers to the Steppe people who invaded India.

Iranians are just Turks/Azeris LARPing as Aryans.

by US you mean israel right?

Lol my ancestors were from India too before they migrated to Pakistan too

Aryan refers to Indo-Iranians. The descendent of the Andronovo which migrated Southwards into Iran and India after fall of the Oxus Civilization.

i live in Abottabad, it's named after an Alexanders general who made his stronghold there

post arm abdul

Indeed. That makes you to allies as well.

He believes in the "Aryan invasion" theory yet doesn't even know what the word Aryan meant in the old world.

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wtf goolag

almost everyone hates mahajirs, bcuz they made a plan in 1992 to seperate Karachi and were caught red handed

you are a paki fucktard. indians are darker ragheads. the ragheads migrated there during the ice age

Hell yeah just like old times

>arab shithole
That’s an oxymoron for them. They want to be Arabs.

nope, Abottabad is named after James Abott, the British general who annexed Punjab from the Sikhs. He got pretty Desi though.

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why did you lose consantinople again faggot?

there was no mixture of arab blood with Iranian blood, Iran never actually submitted to the arab rule and it was plauged with constant uprisings and rebellions that the arab completely withdrew from the country and made it their vessel state, your low iq nigger

Indians and Pakistanis are same people. lol

kek wrong. your just light turks/chinks/jews

Bro, Iranians are 80% arabs. Only 20% of them are Persians or the Jow Forums likes to call them, Aryans.

Iran is only 60% Persian, the rest are Turkic, Azeri, Arabic and other peoples.

i will never understand this beef between pakistan and india, when theyre pretty much the exact same


Who is this guy? Looks exactly like my cousin, we’re Nepali lol.

>is a seething paki
>uk flag
Unsurprised to say the least. May the anglo finally wake up and exterminate you filthy roaches from their sacret lands.

I'm CIA.
Persians are dying and they will go extinct by 2050.

One simple word. Islam.
Soon coming to your country.

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Maine bro?


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>sides with kafirs over another Muslim country

You’re apart of the problem

migration paths and sieges for one. every white army was utterly btfo in proto times it why they went all the way north from the middle east and africa because of hostilitys and cannablism. your not white and there not white either

aryan refer to yamnaya people
who spread the r1a haplogroup
The closest proxies to Yamanya in Europe are Lithuanians, Some Russian and Scandinavian population.
In Asia are, some Tajiks, Nuristanis, Kalash and some Pashtuns

Sandniggers with 0 historical achievements (arabs, turks, etc) often want to attach themselves to Persians by claiming they're mixed in with them, despite the fact that Iran has 90% genetic continuity since Sassanid times. Keep seething, niggers

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So that confirms that they are whites too, die together with whitey. Where’s your proof your cia? Tell me about Iran war

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>this is how pakis unironically view themselves

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only through rape in asia

Fuck white subhumans. They are worse than niggers. I want to kill all you snow niggers

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There will be no war but Pakis will sever ties with China in coming month. It is highly likely that the US will take advantage of this and pour billions of dollars into Pakistan to get them to side with them.

what are you actually doing here