Is ovening JEWS on TV BASED pol?

And i bring you Fire dadada

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honestly never seen anyone as brave as him pushing it so far on fucking TV

link retard

why can't they just fuck off out of europe and the west in general?

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Literal Übermensch

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its in german, no user translated it yet..

Attached: Shoah.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

In front of a soap factory on a Christmas market for Red Ice Radio, hilarious

Attached: 2019-05-13 20_28_37-German Christmas Markets Still Culturally Enriching_ - Vaterland Report - YouTub (1131x593, 1.22M)

Quick rundown on what happened:
Blonde guy (German, based af) discusses with your regular jew (oy vey muh shoah) on whether he is an antisemite or not.

The entire interview consists of the jew completely losing his shit and calling antisemitism countless times while he is bombarded with redpills (Weimar jewish degeneracy etc.).

Interview ends with pic related

its time to introduce Nikolai the Volkslehrer to the world

actually really a shame that he doesn't get the awareness on Jow Forums that he deserves

fuck thats hot

>t. cucks who suck Merkels feet and love it

not wasting my time with a 3rd world user here

nice cope mohammed

we need to push him on Mark Collett, more Red Ice, The Public Space appearences, the german market is destroyed for him, they taking his videos down reletlessly lately

Seems pretty based. Who is dis?

It would only ruin him, let him stay out of Jow Forums radar. This board has become a cesspool and every pro-European public figure receives nothing but hatred and slander.

How about you link it anyways?

This video does not relate to anything in the OP or the webm. Are you stupid?

they shoahed his channel 4 days ago, here is a substitute for the interview

Someone tell me the best and easiest way to put subtitles on a video and I'll do it.

how about you fuck right off faggot? Who sounds that to you ? This is an official Nikolai tribute thread, 3rd world agitator and german liberals not allowed.

Attached: Hitler-mit-Schaeferhund-in-den-Bergen-Foto.jpg (1024x1001, 242K)

my man, am proud of you, but you need a video editing software first, after that a tutorial video how to do it, very easy achievable.
If you got a mac, use free ivideo software, for pc premiere pro for example.

Attached: index.png (224x225, 7K)

its possible on Youtube also, you need a account with fake email account

Attached: 2019-05-13 20_55_26-Add your own subtitles & closed captions - YouTube Help.png (1619x852, 110K)

His arguments were pretty infantile as well, even if I agree with the general logic, he did not have well thought out responses.

Also, it is hard to support any German nationalism when the majority of Germans are pretty shitty to each other, and to everyone else.

I have access to a fagbook. I'll look into what method is easier.
I'll post the translation here in a few days probably. Maybe someone will beat me to it but I'm on it.

You can try this
... and so on

Ich nehme dich beim Wort, das wäre eine wahrhaft heroische Tat mein Lieber, ich würde das Video täglich auf 4/8 chan spammen! Heil Victory!

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Aww! He seems so excited to be there. Germans are adorable when they smile.

>lets just all die togehter because some Hans was mad to me once
No one is askig for your support faggot, go suck some Kebab cock traitor while your people get eradicated because of spineless whiney faggots like you

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Meine Ehre heißt Treue.

Attached: 6aefff916f57222dc130ab8415e2ccd6586c10f845d89b0d83d963e9b5248e94.jpg (511x696, 46K)

Bump for justice

Attached: Volkslehrer.jpg (300x168, 15K)

You can download the german SRT file with JDownloader, so you dont have to create the whole file from scratch. JDownloader and SMplayer can download/play the video without using a proxy inside of germany

Agent provocateur and AfD supporter. Nothing based about another paid shill.

>That gunt at the end

explicitly no AfD supporter, always shoots against them, promoted die Rechte and NPD the last week, fuck off shill. Btw i know based goys in the AfD, approximatly 15-25% within the AfD are pol tier.

You aren't supposed to support German nationalism. You're supposed to support nationalism for everyone.

Literally everything Hitler said about jews was true.

This is like a fucking caricature. A disgusting, pudgy, balding, big nose thick lower lip, swarthy, chinless, jew with glasses VS a man with blonde hair, nice haircut, European forehead, prominent chin and in shape body.
Jews are fucking monsters

Vielleicht möchtest du noch eine throwaway email posten, damit ich dir das video auch direkt schicken/linken kann, wenn ich mit den Untertiteln fertig bin. Nicht, dass du den thread verpasst.

take a hike kike

Sag mir einfach wie du den thread nennen möchtest in dem du das Video auf pol verlinkst und ich versuche ab Samstag an täglich ihn über die Suchfunktion zu finden?
Wegwerf emailpostfächer haben immer nur eine begrenzte Haltbarkeit.

Ich posts einfach auch auf 4+Jow Forums. Die Threads leben da ja bedeutend länger. Im Titel werden auf jeden fall "Jakob und Esau" als auch "Nikolai" vorkommen.

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Großartig, ich freue mich drauf, ist auch wirklich ein legendäres Interview, Gut vs Böse, muss die Welt sehen dürfen. Viel Erfolg überbased user

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When dialogue stops, things get even more interesting.

Always thought that this would end better with that Jojo ending to be continued

>Those fucking nos feratu ears

Literally goddamn vampire rats feasting on host nations

abominations, mixed breed stock inbreeding for 2000 years isnt a good strategy it seems to be

Jews hate whites, but they absolutely despise a based German.

The "Blood Libel" was not a libel.

just being curios and wanting to know the correct German spelling it supposed too be schaferhund and not schaeferhund

Schäferhund, so Schaeferhund

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so either way is correct ?

Very rare to see a based kraut that embraces his history

False is Schaferhund, because in german an A is not the same as an Ä with the two points on top of it.
Schäferhund or Schaeferhund correct
Schaferhund false
Schäfer is the guy owning and controling the sheeps
Schaf is the sheep.
A Schäferhund is the dog of the Schäfer. Not the dog of the Schaf sheep.

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A femanon translated and dubbed it a while ago.

where to find it though?

ae is equivalant to ä


>the schaf sheep
But it's only the cut version from the german TV

This Nikolai dude is great.


Working on it... at min 3 of 43 ;(

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Parasites don’t want to fuck off the host until they are threatened

A lot of worthwhile people arent properly platformed on Jow Forums, theres an Australian guy that comes to mind name Blair Cottrell for example.

Agree. But Cottrell isnt nearly as Reichpilled as the Volkslehrer though.

very nice