Embattled Facebook slams antitrust breakup, says it would 'penalize success'


>Facebook is pushing back hard against calls to break up the embattled tech giant and unwind its purchases of WhatsApp and Instagram.

>"Chopping a great American success story into bits" won't stop foreign election interference or "poison" spreading online, Nick Clegg, Facebook's vice president for global affairs and communications, told CNN Business in a Sunday interview.

>The tech giant, which accounts for 85 percent of the revenue in the social networking space and has billions of users across its family apps, has been in the crosshairs of Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, as well as co-founder Chris Hughes — who penned a scathing 6,000-word New York Times op-ed on Sunday calling for Facebook's breakup on antitrust grounds.

>Clegg, a former U.K. deputy prime minister who joined Facebook last year, elaborated on why a breakup of America's largest and most profitable social network isn't the best course of action.

>"We need to do more," he said in the interview, but he added that they "won't suddenly evaporate. There will still be Russian trolls."

>In his op-ed, Hughes lambasted what he called Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's "unchecked power" and influence "far beyond that of anyone else in the private sector or in government."

>During a recent interview with "CBS This Morning," Hughes framed the debate in the context of American antitrust enforcement and said that consumers have few choices if they want to leave Facebook.

>"We have a long tradition in America of holding power accountable," Hughes said. "What keeps happening now is there's another privacy scandal or another election scandal seemingly every week. And then people get outraged, and then they become resigned to the fact that they can't do anything. We can't vote with our feet, we can't vote with our eyeballs."

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>stop using your monopolistic power to censor your political opponents
>"but breaking us up won't stop the Russian trolls"
What kind of pilpul is this?

no hope pilpul

Anti trust won't change anything. You already have multiple different companies even fron different industries taking action together on people they don't like. If they're separate companies they'll still just coordinate behind the scenes.

True, and this activity falls under anti trust laws as well. I can't remember the legal term but it's basically something along the lines of "cartel". Basically means companies can't conspire to fix prices and other shit.

Leftist love regulation, until it's them being regulated.

Oh yes it will

You hurt their income and make it more feasible for their competitors to rise to the top.

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>anti-trust won't do anything, they will get broken up and still act as a trust
stop posting

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This, it's a fake and gay narrative set up to distract from the actual problem. (((Big tech))) must be regulated as public utilities, like telephone service is, to force them to stop deplatforming people for perfectly legal wrongthink.

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Big tech will be broken up. Not regulated.

The problem with these services isn't that they're big, or really even that they have de facto monopolies. It's that they're run by evil jews who abuse them to deplatform bad goyim and manipulate public opinion towards globalhomo policies, while pretending to be neutral public forums enjoying CDA 230 protections. Unless you're solving that problem, you're pretty much wasting your time. The phenomenon of "network effects", which mathematically exists for any communications platform, will mean a new de facto monopoly corporation will soon arise.

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big tech will be broken up

fuck faceberg. ruin it for the lulz.

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I get a kick out of these kikes still faithfully leaning on platonics like "success".

Nigger, I don't want to reward the success of Chairman Mao, let alone a lazy kike rough draft of Chairman Mao.

The term is collusion. Sometimes I wonder if the Russian narrative wasn't partly orchestrated to oversaturate that word and make it stop meaning anything.

Facebook needs to die

Yeah, everything they accuse others of doing is what they've been doing. They do it so when the truth comes out people don't believe in it and are so desensitized they don't pay attention.

DARPA creates LifeLog
Gives it to circles to manage while allowing government to benefit from the spying
Circles overreach like they always do and try to use their government created tech against the government
Government strikes back, but probably impotently because the circles have too much influence in government

We don't need the people who gave them Facebook in the first place to regulate the company, we need THE PEOPLE to wake up and realize how gay this shit is.

Listen here you fucking zionist faggot. Israel is getting wiped out. Faceebook is an Israeli surveillance operation.

maybe they shouldn't deplatform pages for becoming too successful

>Do it for Facebook
>Don't do it for the banks

This is the real redpill. Trump doesn't seem to care in the slightest about breaking up the banks, and they are the real cancer fucking the USA in the ass.

This is a battle on two fronts, and it will unfold over the Trump presidency. You are currently in the start of 1.
>1. Deal with DARPA
This is a battle best won by making DARPA hire top-of-the-line attorneys to make bad arguments in front of a Trump-Appointed justices. Caselaw will get made prohibiting a great deal of the faggotry that we see on Facebook. Imagine trying to explain to a 60-year-old Utah boomer why you have the right to censor people, and you will have an idea of why it's smartest to drag DARPA into court and behead them in front of a panel of applauding justices by tying them up in the losing-end of a bunch of long court battles that will eventually come before a 6-3 (RBG) or 7-2 (or worse by 2024) stacked Supreme Court.
>2. Class-Action Lawsuit
This is how you prevent it from ever happening again. Imagine if you were entitled to bill Facebook for collecting your data and profiteering off of it. With a precedent like that set, you would never see anything remotely this bad happen ever again.
Congress is simply impractical to deal with this. The legal system has to set up the correct mechanism to deal with it instead. Lawyers are much better deterrents to this repugnance than laws.

Haha. This is what the glowniggers call Blowback IIRC. Get Fucked Faceberg, Twitter, and all the other morons arguing in favor of censorship. Ya played yourselves.

Not sure if this is supposed to be funny or what, but don't call me a zionist even as a joke you little bitch.

partially correct
but it would still be good because facebook has way too much power

Mark Zuckerberg is BIG BROTHER. And a dork (like most big brothers).

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>Nick Clegg, Facebook's vice president for global affairs and communications, told CNN Business in a Sunday interview.
>Nick Clegg
What the fuck