Be american

>be american
>eat literal shit

Attached: us meat feces.png (657x617, 65K)

>become dumb
>get shot

Is that a hint of jealously, Hans? Or do you prefer to just keep it to the bedroom?

Pathetic country this is. Fuck America

The FDA sets the acceptable amount of feces that can be in our foods. It is non-zero. They may have a zero tolerance policy about exceeding the limit, but don't confuse that with zero feces in the food.

>acceptable amount of feces that can be in our foods
>acceptable amount of feces
>in our foods

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>FDA allows shit in a food by certain amount
Good to know every package is inspected thoroughly and it never exceeds that limit. KEK

its good for you

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You think you don't have shit in your hamburgers too Hans?

We just ship the bad stuff to Serbia since we historically love watching serbs eat shit

>daily mail
>credible source

I'm sure if he did that you'd watch, leaf

>hire cheap illegal foreign brown labor to handle all the meat
>it's full of shit

>and get shot

Because we like it.

The seethe

What do plants grow in?

faggot your more gay then liberty village in t.o.
because cheap labour has its costs karl.

>You think you don't have shit in your hamburgers too Hans?

I know what the brown crust on American hamburgers consists of.

Stop eating poop you fucking mutt, world is watching.

>he thinks his food doesn't have feces on it in trace amounts

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Fucking city fags think that shit particles aren't everywhere. No wonder their gay trans city kids can't handle a fucking peanut without dying.

Don't fall for his German Tricks. You know what they do with poo.


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>taken to hospital
>pay USD 500k+25% tip bill

Protip: All the carbon in your body was and will be someone else's / something else's shit.


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>acceptable amount of feces
B-but blue rare steak is also completely safe guise!

Well thank goodness they censored that one part of it, otherwise I might have had some idea of what I was looking at.

Seriously though what the hell is going on here?

What the fuck am I looking at?

I never had any problems with American meat. Obviously the amount of shit in the meat is safe.

>be german
>jerk off to people eating literal shit

Dude's got a hog on him.

Is that supposed to be a dick?

>when only lab grown meat is good enough.
what a wonderful world (((we))) are creating

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>Non-Americans don't even know what meat looks like

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There's feces on your toothbrush.

Attached: 7248815B-CF1B-4D98-9EFB-83F643900D80.jpg (251x227, 12K)

Looked for the rl example of his picture, and unironically, I found it... xDDDDDDDD

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ill shit on ur toothbrush

Is that for one serving?

Babby who cant into food standards detected

>Posts obvious PETA propaganda to Jow Forums

Eat shit you mutts

There is faeces literally everywhere. Everyone is covered in it, your mouth is full of it. Anywhere there is animal bacteria, there is faeces.

And of the trace amounts of faecal matter of mammalian origin in food, the moment you remove that is the moment humans stop using their immune system, which means that generations from now, any faecal matter will cause severe illness.

Unless you are getting ill, there is literally nothing wrong with faecal contamination, and it actually makes your body work.

Of course. You'd be surprised how much prime rib you can eat at once. These places offer free 2nd cuts if your still hungry.

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nice get

>can I haz a shitburger for free?

You filthy German's probably get aroused with all this talk of literal shit

i think you should tell that to your kebab sellers too

remember goys, the corporations know what's best for you. say NO to (((governmental regulation)))

shit in your meat, computer spying on you and selling your data, company skimping you on pay and benefits? god bless ameriga!!

>invite street shitters in
>shit ends up in food supply
How did this happen?

Instead of condemning the non-whites in their country who contaminate their food with literal shit, the americans will be along to say to all foreigners that comment on the situation: "FUCK YOU WE'RE WHITE!".

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This is the best (and only) argument for vegetarianism. My fitness gains shot up after I stopped eating factory-farmed meat.

How did this happen?
World will never know.

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I can't help but feel like this is a vegetarian ploy initiated by the government themselves.

If he'd have got down the stairs quicker, we'd have seen the logo hit the corner of the screen.

Just like peanut butter is full of cockroaches
Its extremely low but theyre there

It should be zero tolerance, any violation met with stiff fines.

what is that thing?

>kraut ragging on anyone for eating shit

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Take a pick.

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The magical mystery SeRb

Whenever I see someone who's upper arm is about the same length around as their wrist I wonder how this could possibly happen.

Alright happy Serb...I get it...death to America....

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It's a shit post not a shoah don't get gassed so hard.

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You can tell here in la when the mexicans fry up their meat at the taco stands that there is literal shit in the meat.. It has a smell and flavor.

Same thing for the pork from the lesser Asian races. Their pork literally makes me almost vomit, its so clear from the flavor that its tainted.

>acceptable amount of smellz per cow BRRAAAAPPPPP

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It used to be way worse, everywhere. Read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair.

You're one to talk Hans-hammed, god knows how long Germans have fertilized their crops with their own human shit. Was so bad, during the great war, American G.I.'s couldn't even stomach it.

You are free to leave any time, big ass doors on either coast.
>learn to swim

> eating shit

sounds like some degenerate kraut fetish. gas yourself nigger


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>Dark Souls and Silent Hill crossover confirmed

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are you burgers sure you're not actually secret poos?
you're already shitting in the street on the west coast and now your food is full of shit too

Kek amerimutts