Banks share price crashing due to rumours

Now im not saying this is a good idea or anything. But wow. The power of rumour.

My kingdom for some autism.

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Shlomo on suicide watch. Jk (((Trump))) will bail them out if need be


Maybe a rumour about Muslims getting a free 5000BritishMoney payout from MetroBank as long as they show their ID in honor of RamenNoodleDam would be fun..

Just sayin..

Don't the Chinese own WhatsApp?

Zucc owns whatsapp

Well, investment largely depends on promise of growth. If investors are sure, that company wont grow in future, they wont get profits from investments, thus no investments will me made. You can seriously can crash companies with well coordinated rumors.

No. We write "rumors" like decent human beings on this board. Why don't you go take the lift to your flat and wash clothes in your kitchen while the rest of us discuss current events?

I could see a withdraw of money but there's no way in hell I'd let anyone liquidate my deposit box. That's a Day of the rope offense.

All US banks are already bankrupt.

Oh yeah. Banks are unstable.
They use their share price as capitalisation. So a dropping share price can trigger a collapse.

>find sjw banks or sjw businesses that work with banks

>spread rumors

>destroy sjw businesses and banks

fund it!

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Learn true Engrish language user. The actual source of the Anglo tounge.

Imagine thinking banks aren't political.


Which branch is the picture from?

I think it says something about the ethnicity of people who fwd rumours on WhatsApp.

Faceberg does tards. You're thinking of WeChat and 20% of leddit

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London somewhere It's on Business insider.

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Oh right. WeChat. I don't use either one,so they meshed in my memory. China needs to be original for once.

> Another successful test run for a future Mossad OP

Passes the Kitco test for "happening." Could be Iran, but regardless, gold jumped 1 percent today, big for its recent trading range.

When your basic Jow Forums flotsam rush in here with some hysterical "happening," just check Kitco. No blip in gold, no happening.

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a bank run should be impossible unless you are utilizing an unsound commerce system like fractional reserve banking. so once again what have we learned palmer?

Little more than 1%.

Feel good because I bought 10 oz of Canadian Gold Maples at 1298.00 on Thursday...

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>I bought 10 oz of Canadian Gold Maples at 1298.00
On paper. Do you really think they would ever deliver the gold?

That's nothing duestchbank is falling in the next year or two

Damn...that was a brilliant play. Put options could have made thousands into millions

Check the stock market and see who shorted that bank's stock before the rumor hit the 'Net.

nice preview of whats to come

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Lol imagine boasting about being a boomer

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stock was worth over 2000 in February
i doubt that's a rumor

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Ppl seem to have such a deep trust in the state controlled banking system. wow.

Imagine using all the social media sites for no reason.

Those are gorgeous coins. Plus, in just three days you covered the vig.

Now all it takes is a single ship to get dropped in the Persian Gulf and you could cash in for $2K profit easy.

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This is fun.

So we can fight the banks.

Shouldn't it have already happened? Like two years ago?

If anyone can it's Jow Forums.

>tfw you will never insert your spicy curry stick in that bodacious brapper of the Orient and release thick lassi all over last night's Chow-chow soup

Chase the rice, pay the price.