Jesus Christ what did you retards do? I'm fucking floored at how bad this thing looks across the board. Did you elect a businessman who sucks massive ass at actually doing finance?
Jesus Christ what did you retards do? I'm fucking floored at how bad this thing looks across the board...
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao look at it go
Credit bubbles
They burst.
>Using stocks as an accurate measure of commerece
You must have missed the whole chaos candidate to destroy the system thing this is exactly why we did this. Fuck (((globalism)))
Oh I'm sorry I forgot to check in on the trade agreements between kings and islands drafted by charter today. What a dipshit I am, forgetting Portugal has been working to sway the Finnish to sign a non-compete when dealing certain glazed pottery to the Japanese. Yikes, it's 300 years ago and I've now contracted a disease.
Fuck off idiot the market looks like a tomato.
Are you a teenager? Legitimate question. Do you have money?
Go baby go. We need like a 2k drop for this to be legit. Probably not today, but I have high hopes for tomorrow. Or low. Whichever.
they can all burn for all i care. i hate this economy.
This is great, I hope it gets way worse.
based and redpilled
No, you both need to cut that out because you're suffering from a serious case of not knowing what the fuck a market crash actually does to your day-to-day life. Post all the pictures with text you want, this is going to make people die and lower everybody else's standard of living.
Hes doing perfectly fine. I thought you americans like piling on more and more debt?
I dont own any of it, i hope it goes to zero and the boomers starve. They will be forced to sell their houses for pennies on the dollar, bankrupt all investors and burn this bitch to the fucking ground.
This is good for bitcoin
i really don't care.
that's the point, retard.
Not even close, I have a great rural community whom I am confident it. We don't need the (((dollar))) in my region.
How sad.
oh no, shareholders are losing money....
A bloo bloo bloo I gambled my money at the Jewish casino and lost it all
>trying to get stock advice from Jow Forums
That's assuming the market is actually organic, which in this economy it's really not
Did you just call me retarded for enjoying things like food in my fridge and gas in my car? Are you a bunch of wannabe hermits cherishing the day everybody can no longer shower? Fuck yourself, you're like a communist if they were devoted to sharing suffering instead of capital.
Screeching about shit like this is exactly how we can tell you are a jew.
>yfw the system was built to crash from the start
Oh no not Amazon Apple and Google
>mfw it keeps dropping
I think it bears doing the task of alerting the internet's right-wing board about how the myth of their contribution to finance can no longer be perpetuated thank you.
Did you just use the words "Jew" and "adult with money to help out the market" as synonyms? Is everybody on this board working for minimum wage at a fucking burger chain?
your boomer tears mean little. i think it's hilarious. i want complete collapse.
>being this economically illiterate
classic. Do you even know how stock prices are calculated?
why contain it?
I think you are an actual double digit retard if you honestly believe Jow Forums has any real influence on the stock market.
Like you must be a really special guy, like live in assistance special.
I called you retarded for wanting the jewish system of control to remain in tact so you can have your creature comforts.
What do you expect from a "Businessman" who lost a 1.2 billion in 10 years.
And gold keeps going up. I wonder who could be behind this?
hillary lost 1.4 in less than 2
Observe as it recoils in fear, thinking to itself:
>I've been found out
ffs nigger, everyone knew a recession was coming either this year or next year. this shit was unavoidable.
People are giving you half ass, fuck around responses because you're clearly as dumb as a rock.
Can’t tell if you’re trolling or actually retarded.
>everyone knew a recession was coming
Especially Peter Schiff
>he thought that "chaos candidate" was just a meme
Falling stock prices don't mean actual economic decline. Prices can go up simply because of irrational overvaluation, and then lowering them is a correction of the market to a more rational and appropriate basis. Genuine reform often simultaneously makes passive investing less profitable, while making employment and small business ownership more gainful, as parasites are blocked from siphoning off the products of honest labor.
The ideal economic situation is one where workers can so easily bootstrap new businesses and build up from nothing that passive investors can make no profits at all.
>But muh hillary!
Glad you think Trump is doing as well as Hillary.
dont buy anything except for gold and take your money from the banks
we are crashing this bitch
the stock market is up nearly 50% since Trump took office you fucking moron
>implying this wasnt the plan
>implying we didnt elect trump so that he could destroy the current system by propping it up to explode
Oh no, now everyone will have to have their futures destroyed as well not just us. How (((horrible))). Poor boomers and various parasites.
>jews win no matter what
It's still fun to see.
Digits for China treasury dump, 50+ percent and no more social security, welfare or (((dollar)))
Gold standard and barters baby
>Falling stock prices don't mean actual economic decline. Prices can go up simply because of irrational overvaluation, and then lowering them is a correction of the market to a more rational and appropriate basis.
Try explaining these tariffs to the poor. They're going to fuck Trump at the ballot box.
>stock market is why I have things like food
Why are you so retarded farms bring you food the stock market is just for money laundering
That would be economic suicide for China lol
We would do MMT before going back to the gold standard.
>oh no my 74 cent bag of chips is now 84 cent fuck drumpf
When do I medium sell bitcoin on forex guys? Wait for it to hit 10k usd?
>only gold is green
gee, I wonder (((who))) is behind this
>classic. Do you even know how stock prices are calculated?
Technical Analysis + human psychology.
You mean the poor people that this does not effect at all, other than creating incentive to create more jobs in the US?
We were set to go into a massive recession long before Cheetoman came into power. It is almost like no one has fixed any of the root causes of the previous recessions, and the fact that one occurs about once a decade anyways.
>Falling stock prices don't mean actual economic decline. Prices can go up simply because of irrational overvaluation, and then lowering them is a correction of the market to a more rational and appropriate basis. Genuine reform often simultaneously makes passive investing less profitable, while making employment and small business ownership more gainful, as parasites are blocked from siphoning off the products of honest labor.
this is completely correct BUT because the market reflects psychology, drops in stock prices are always correlated with recessions.
lol wut
Apply that same logic to basically any major purchase now.
>You mean the poor people that this does not effect at all, other than creating incentive to create more jobs in the US?
An enormous plurality of Americans can't afford a $400 emergency. This is just going to shove them deeper into poverty.
>Especially since domestic producers now have an excuse to raise their prices to be just under the rate that the Chinese goods cost.
>mfw gold is going up
heres some good shit for ya. Wonder why they termd it the black box? Oi Vey iht vas da djews...
Why would the retards on here know anything about leverage trading lol
If you have chickens you don't need economy.
All that "junk" silver gonna put me high on the hog tho.
Yup. Idiot in charge.
Jokes on you!
I'm already poor!
Gold tends to go up in times of uncertainty since it is the natural currency. Basically if gold is skyrocketing we are in trouble.
and if they raise their prices, and nobody buys their shit what happens?
China certainly isn't going to buy it.
The market needs this correction, and it would be great it it quadrupled.
>forced to sell their houses for pennies on the dollar
plz let this be so. i'm waiting for the housing crash to buy in.
imagine thinking the stock market is a meaningful measure of anything
nah more like this
>and if they raise their prices, and nobody buys their shit what happens?
Production cuts and layoffs before the price cuts, which leads to more people not being able to afford more things.
>when you’re worried about a market crash affecting everyday life but there is no market and there is no life
Here's a secret, outside of the jewish community, many peoples have values where the economy doesn't really matter as much as things like pride and honor and blood.
Only people with a stake in the (((economy))) care about that shit, look at niggers for instance.
The only actual major purchase I can see having a real effect is car prices, but truly poor people don't buy new cars, we just buy used cars
(((they))) want you to cower in fear over the stock market reacting to businesses that outsourced all of their work abroad just to saturate the market with non-durable goods. The reaction to this should bring jobs back then create an incentive for durable goods over non-durable, meaning more quality goods albeit at a slightly higher cost.
you are just a boomer that is over leveraged and don't give an actual shit about your countrymen. You would rather sell our souls to China to get garbage non-durable goods for cheap.
>Try explaining these tariffs to the poor.
Okay. "We're protecting your jobs and increasing your wages. Imports are going to be more expensive, but you'll earn more and your kids will have a bright future, since you're not going to be competing for your job against Chinese and Mexicans."
Low-income whites are Trump's strongest supporters. When they're mad at him, it's for not going far enough, for cucking out to the establishment and letting things carry on as they did before he got elected. If they vote for someone else over Trump, it'll be someone who means it when he says he's going to militarize the border and shoot illegal border crossers on sight, end work visas entirely, retroactively declare all "birthright" citizenships of the children of illegal aliens invalid, end nonwhite legal immigration, seize all assets of anyone caught employing or housing illegal aliens, close the ports to Chinese imports entirely, and put most of the upper echelon of the federal government in federal prison for the rest of their lives.
But who is gonna make our tacos?!?!
>muh drumpf ruin economy
buy the dip goy
Ammit digits for day of judgment
wrong. It's a very literal calculation based in dividend payments or net value of the firm divided per share. Meaning that anything influencing the bottom line of the company will be directly reflected in the stock prices.
With confirmation that Trump is not going to back down with the china tariffs, companies are preparing for higher cost and are planning accordingly. This leads to a direct reduction in stock prices.
Now consider that the stock market is inherently interdependent, so large gains or losses can be seen throughout the entire market.
Now consider how chinese tariffs impacts the technology sector the hardest due their reliance on cheap chinese hardware, and also remember how highly regarded Apple, amazon, and alphabet stock is. They have large influence on the market as a whole.
So this dip is not surprising or unexpected, and isn't the start of a grand economic collapse. The key part of all economic collapses is the mass devaluing of held assets by a majority of the nation, which this dip is not an indication of.
By an EV faggot
Everything is going exactly right, just keep it that way and don't fucking touch everything.
>there are retards spending their time bitching about losses when they could be buying up cheapies
Also if you didn't pull out on Friday you're objectively, incontrovertibly a brainlet.
Ah yes, all of those poor people with their stock portfolios are going to be so pissed.
Ammit posting for day of reckoning, financial apocalypse incoming. Iran treasury dump + Middle East oil fiasco world economy crash incoming
>The only actual major purchase I can see having a real effect is car prices, but truly poor people don't buy new cars, we just buy used cars
Virtually everything from computers to toasters has some kind of steel and aluminum in it. Trump taxed the shit out of that.
Never mind the rare earth minerals that China has a massive hold over.
>You would rather sell our souls to China to get garbage non-durable goods for cheap.
What are you going to do when those tariffs push more people into poverty and they moonwalk their way over to someone like AOC or Elizabeth Warren?
That's what I'm saying.
>We're protecting your jobs and increasing your wages.
They're not. Tariffs make all of the goods in the store more expensive. If there are production cuts because of that, people get fired.
>Imports are going to be more expensive, but you'll earn more and your kids will have a bright future, since you're not going to be competing for your job against Chinese and Mexicans.
Why wouldn't they be competing against Mexico? It's not tariffed.
By the way, what about automation?
>Low-income whites are Trump's strongest supporters.
Low-income people overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.
Well, China is most certainly not one of those communities. Otherwise their rich wouldn't be desperately buying up foreign assets to hedge against a massive recession in China.