Why do Americans not like to remember the genocide of native Americans?
Why do Americans not like to remember the genocide of native Americans?
>thinks libfags are american
go back to lellit, fag
turns out all they really wanted was casinos, go figure
most of them died from disease
and we celebrate that shit every year its called Thanksgiving
Their numbers have gone up 10 fold since we found them. Hardly a genocide, by definition.
Nigger, there was never an American history class I went to that didn’t cover this. It wasn’t until later in life did I realize that the vast majority of Indians were killed off by diseases from the old world.
your ancestors threw aids blankets at them you fucking psycho
This. How many nogs in the US own casinos and make a lot of cash? Why can’t Russians pick up a book once in a while?
Because natives got BTFO. Us whites are simply the best.
They were killed by your ancestors who deliberately infected them. Pay and repent now
Cause they didn't do it.
Dude, stop bringing that shit up. It's the only legitimate critique non-whites have on us and thankfully it isn't brought up often in public discourse.
Fuck 'em.
Most of us look at the Indian wars as a conquest but with respect for our lesser-advanced opponents who, savage as they were, alot of them assimilated after being defeated.
getting in the way of Manifest Destiny is a mistake
Native American history is extensively covered in the US, every single history or ethics class I’ve taken from grade school through university has that topic in it to some degree.
They get less sympathy because they don’t cry and whine much, they just open another casino, down some beer, and chill. They get mad money from the government too. I know full blood Seminoles in Florida can be NEETs with drawbacks whatever.
We don't mind. It's just funny watching edgy Euros try to equate a series of wars to genocide.
that why we give thanks each year. we have their land, their wood, and their fertile ground, and a strong immune system.
stupid jungle people couldn't survive a few aids blanks.. LOL
Yes, your genocide is not genocide, keep that in mind.
Yeah, after a good 70% were already dead. How dumb of faggot do you have to be to think germ theory existed when Europeans first arrived in the Americas?
Also, the "genocide" was mostly because the Native Americans largely assimilated into the white population. Most tribes were offered 160 acre farms per family, and alot of them took the offer (while others migrated west and cried about it forever). Picrelated is my dna test, i have trace elements of Native American (my ancestors came to the U.S. from southern England in 1660)
You pay tartars and Siberian tribes
Because there are strong similarities between that and what's happening to white people.
300-400 years ago. we just care about the holocaust in europe now.
We do like to remember it. That is the last time we were seriously challenged for hegemony in the U.S. Unfortunately, many seem to have forgotten the example we made out of the American Indians. Soon, another example will be made.
Steals the thunder from another tribe
Why do people like calling things genocide that aren't genocide? If it was a genocide they wouldn't exist.
Damn you're cute, what's you kik?
i like remembering everyday thanks aquafresh! be sure to repost this tommorow too.
Cause "native" Americans were busy slaughtering each other long before Europeans arrived
We remember that Russians are subhuman slime just fine. Don't worry about it.
Why should Americans reminisce about smallpox?
They don't exist. Were you raised by members of a Wild West show? That's called LARPing.