It's over for global warming deniers

Science guy is swearing on John Oliver

>planet's on fucking fire
>laugh track

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Its ok nobody was watching the limeys show so cursing is allowed

go bitch to the chinese, bill nye the faggot guy

You know what fire extinguishers use to put out fire, Carbon Dioxide.

Checkmate, Mr. Nye.

cast holy

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Fuck that flaming faggot


Timestamp for the butt stuff?

but, the planet is not on fucking fire. we have had global warming going on for more than 100 years, and the climate right now is super comfy.

Based and chempilled

>Bill Nye said a bad word
Ok snowflake




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Why chance being sent to a reeducation camp when you can ride white guilt to the grave?

World3 model doesn't factor in energy source changes.
World3 model uses unchecked exponentials; exhibiting such unchecked behaviors as the model carries on in time no matter what the input variables are.
The Limits to Growth were comissioned by the Club of Rome to justify the case for population control. This is no longer the case; they have switched to the more profitable aim of taxing the most abundant element in the universe. Do not give these nutjobs any attention whatsoever.
Climate change is nothing more than profit-seeking conspiracy theory, remove it from your mind. Focus hard on efficient resource utilization and reclamation, the planet is doing great! Best planet to live on! Don't listen to any of these basic cable kooks trying to convince you of anything different.

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>mechanical engineer tells people world is getting hotter.

Fucking this, he’s no meteorologist or climatologist, why the fuck are we even listening to him?

Only in Western countries which is why we need immigrants to offset declining populations.

That's the other supposition they want you to have. Resource utilization is not consistent across human populations, it's literally a social construct. World 3 attempts to account for this by assuming a linear progression of resource usage, but that's really not a reflection of the ground truth.

Probably because meteorologists and climatologists are saying the same thing

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The distribution of fossil fuel demand is concentrated in the US.

Black people in Africa aren't the lionshare of responsibility your climate change.

Millions of children grew up watching him explain science shit on PBS which has convinced Bill that he is actually an expert.

every time the latest leftist bullshit starts to get put under the microscope - get angry and hate, don't debate

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CO2 isn't pollution, retard. We a PAYING to fertilize their lands.

Bill nye the engineer guy drops f bomb. Bitches about global warming, then hops on private plane and burns more fossil fuel in 1 day than the average person does in a year

If Bill Nye went from ”dont drive suvs” to “butt stuff is the right message” in a decade he will likely find out “genocide of the low iq races” is the only way to save the planet.

Its a step up from greta swedenberg the down syndrome teenager who might win the nobel peace prize because of her speeches

this, at the end of the day we pay for their "errors"

It’s 2019 and we still deny climate change??? Come on!

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That was the most bizarre shit I've ever seen and I've been and this faggot ass website since 2007.
I cannot believe I used to watch the science guy show as a kid and still love it. What the actual fuck happened to Bill?

Until he starts demanding we obliterate China and india, I don't give a fuck.
Let climate change wreck the planet. Only whites and japs will be able to adapt and survive.

aggravated extortion

"curse" words are kool user

Why does anyone take Dr. Spectrum seriously?

Climate Change is real and caused my humans. Mostly women who vastly out consume men and new Industrial nations like China and India.

We should embrace Nye and enforce harsher penalties on women who buy 30 pairs of shoes, endless makeup that pollutes and harms children, and countries that are fucking up the globe.

Man. You can just see it in his face, that guy turned real dark. Has a facial expression that says "I hate everything good in the world" he used to look happy.
Am I right?

All joking aside, it really is our duty to do butt stuff. It just might save the planet.

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I love you, Strayanon.

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Carbon tax is literally there to tax whites to pay for browns

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>Do Butt Stuff


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It's pretty easy to deny something that isn't happening

bill nye the jewish guy

He probably chose the wrong friends, this can happen to anyone, the truth isnt popular, if you stick to your guns , your friends will start to avoid you and ignore you, thus you feel pressure to comply with things you dont agree with, and slowly it creeps in, this pressure is what almost caused alexjones and joe rogan to stop being friends. Its a very powerful kind of persuasion, could be considsred the mechanism that causes group-think

He sold out and/or they have pedo blackmail on him and this is the line he has to regurgitate to the stupid goyim in public

He’s a tapeworm

Tapeworm sez
>do butt stuff

max quality shitpost

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He thought the extra 5 million would make him happy.
He had to sell his soul, reputation and brand for the cash, and now it looks like money can’t buy happiness
The kikes are working him like a dog

Didnt this guy also say melatonin resides in vaginal pores n such?

Idk about that but your mom definitely has had melanin in her vaginal crevice

>I have to drive


Bill Nye?
more like Bill Kike
fuck kikes and their kike bullshit
the world would be better off without them and people like Nye

>tfw I hope climate change is real and it becomes severe just so it will kill all of these leftist retards

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this man or scientist
is the worse ambasador for any ANY credible science

No peasant, YOU will give up everything and live 400 years in the past while he can live a comfy life.

nah yeah, cunt

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This will be posted to r/Jow Forums for sure

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lol gab got hacked btw

Belongs in vahalla

>Bill Nye the bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering Guy opines on the climate

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Cultists act the same way these people do.

Hey now, many important Jews take him seriously


BS in Mechanical Engineering dude is no scientist just a washed up children's TV show actor.

hey now , when he went to school having a degree actually ment you needed to know shit.

>ryone I don't mas
he want us people to pay for the (((corporations))) that are destroying earth as we speak , then this "science" guy babel about going to mars or some stupid shit

that's not possible. We are having an ice age not global mythical warming.

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OH no, a senile actor is cussing about the environment. He must be right!