

>Mad Remainer Files Official Complaint that Brexit Party Logo is Too Good

>Mogg: Majority of Conservative members I speak to are voting Brexit

>BAFTAs: Barry Chuckle and Love Island's Mike Thalassitis left out of tributes

>Brexit: Cross-party deal must include confirmatory vote - Sir Keir Starmer

>How does voting work in European elections?

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for fuck Ethan


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Second for fuck Eddie

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This timeline is great

>In 2014 the prospect of Sargon campaigning for political office after the UK voted to leave with a post-meteoric rise & fall Milo, flanked by security because his campaign is headline news & a magnet for violence would have seemed so absurd as to be surreal but here we are.

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Holy shit, Anglos are such disgusting brap hogs.


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Tell me your political beliefs

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>funding socialist healthcare

Europe for Europeans

All politics is for cucks.
A return to an absolute monarchy as soon as possible please.

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Thinking about buying and setting up a tropical fish aquarium lads, not had one before.

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I would gladly lay down my life and end other's in the service of a man who actually had convictions at this point, regardless of ideology.

With whomst as monarch?

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A MASSIVE cheer goes up as Nigel takes down ambitions of a European army.
>"I'd rather put the future trust and security of this country with the 5 EYES, and America with NATO than any EU army led by Brussels."

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Imagine being American and not understanding that healthcare is the one thing that should be socialised. Because life and death shouldn't be for profit, stop believing the (((lies))).


Glad he has security tbqh you just know if anybody managed to milkshake him the photo would be in all newspapers as YESFUGNAZIS

Based and purplepilled

Subjugation of the human menace.

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Anyone, doesn't really matter. All leaders are cunts in the end. May as well have one cunt leader for life.

>Tfw have American girlfriend
>Said she had to pay $300 dollars to get her ear checked
Lol state

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some user was on last night who set up a pretty neat one (although no fish as the tank was still settling in)

When I buy a place instead of renting it's something i'd like to do

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Friendly Reminder


Are KNOWN ANTI FA Paid Shills ! FACT

Been here for Years shitting up this Pol , Mods Have Confirmed .
Cumbrian Police are investigating the Ethan Case , cannot say any more as I have given them my info ,and the US Owners of site have said will give LEA/Police all archived Evidence .
Report and Ignore the shitposters , like cokeposter and the Horrible alt/left Cunts .

Mods sticky this

>not had one before.

you make it sounds like tropical fish aquariums are very common

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>I has got the diabeetus Mr Shekelburg
>”Oh Yes!.. I mean oh dear, well I’m afraid your insurance premium will be increasing to $400,000 per month

They are

question why is Labour losing so much support in your country? I only ever hear news about the Conservatives unless Jeremy Corbyn says something controversial

>pay for insurance
>pay in taxes for NHS
Costs the same or maybe even cheaper so what's the difference?

You post this every friend, and literally no one cares. Bannon is based, and Kassam is borderline honorary white.

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They don’t have a coherent policy on Brexit. Some want a second referendum but the leadership are quite anti-EU or at least, they were in the past.

Brexit party slowly morphing into the Commonwealth Party :)

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Labour voters want 2nd ref, Corbyn doesn't.

>muh judeo-christian west
>muh jew cocksucking

Because he's a Marxist.
And not even a Marxist like you call anyone left of centre just to rip on them, I mean a proper card-carrying commie Marxist. He is the most dangerous threat to this country in a long time.

Because they're a party for socialist teenagers and nobody else so who cares

Yeh you said this last time. No one cares.


Don't do it lad, fish belong in the sea not in your prison aquarium.

Simple as.

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Labour is gaining support m8


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Esoteric Hitlerism

Really? Where?

Its a very shitty life for them

how big are you thinking?

The dumb Yanks only still believe it's bad because the CIA convinced them all any fourm of socialism was bad during the red scare

they already won lad

Who is most likely to be the next Prime Minister? Theresa May has done serious harm to Britain's image imo. surely she's not very popular domestically

Hes a filthy antisemite


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Kek, Jezza Kyle getting suspended and probably cancelled is pissing off all the brainlets who watch it all day on ITV2. Good fucking riddance. Just hope that prick Jezza fucks off to America instead of getting another ITV show.

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They planning on invading Venu soon

Diane abbot

Americans don't want to have to pay for healthcare for niggers, so it's kind of understandable.

Why do you have a gf in another country?

If the Tories don't replace May soon, sadly, Corbyn.

If the Tories sort their fucking lives out, Boris or Raab could swing the support back if they deliver a proper Brexit.

sounds good. I've been looking at aquariums on youtube and some of the set ups people have made are amazing. Probably gonna go for something the surface area size of a dressing table. Need to think about how i want to design the inside and i really like those swarms of little blue neon fish.

He could just get some ants instead.

Your point being caller ?

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There's nothing to fear with Huawei installing 5G nationally for the UK, the Chinese would never abuse their position like that.

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She moved to the UK ages ago user

Passes you some mental meds

What did he do? You just know the self righteous chav baitmonger is a nonce or something.

What would you rather have? American style (((healthcare))) or the NHS with the option to have health insurance for better service? I know which one I prefer.

they will die you will have killed them

get a kittie

about 100 liters

Based Jezza

NHS that charges ALL foreners and extra for lifestyle illnesses

Just a dream I know, that cunt will never quit and Corbyn is our new Dear Leader. Remember lads, we're all going to the gulag together. Our type ain't welcome in Corbyn's utopia.

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fresh or salt?

It will be that anyway after Brexit (well except for the lifestyle surcharge, which I fully agree with you on)

This. Fill it with scorpions instead.

>Being a republican

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>American gf
Is she loud?

Corbyns doesnt want the winrar ! ?
he could of tuck control loads of time , he wants the tories grown into the filth .
Im oldfag deaded soon
so dont care user

from DA YOOF all over the fucking country

or lizards

Did someone say gulag?

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Most under 25s don't vote. They just bitch and moan on twatter. Voting requires effort and determination to leave the house and go down the council hall to vote.

>sadly, Corbyn.
Why is that a bad thing?

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chernobly but comrades that core is still there

true but you can see what I mean


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nice lad - does sound like a redpilled hobby, aesthetic too especially with some real plants and nice fish

post some pics if you get one set up

cats suck, plus they kill birds

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Postal votes

>imagine not being accelerationist

I haven't stored up enough MRE rat packs and water purification tablets yet.

cats suck
MODS ....
House katties dont they great mousers /snipers when the bailiffs come
