Do all American cities look this fucknig depressing? Not trying to be mean but seriously just look at this shit...

Do all American cities look this fucknig depressing? Not trying to be mean but seriously just look at this shit, it's looks like some post apocolypic wasteland
>everything is covered with concrete or asphalt
>roads are cracked and road markings are barely visible
>barely any people just niggers, mutss and fat people
>barely any groundskeeping on public land
>grafitti and trash everywhere
>completely devoid of any culture and soul

Attached: elamericano.png (1275x721, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:

that's just cities in the midwest, there's a reason everyones wants to live on a coast or near the mountains

No, the nicer areas are filled with techie basedboys and have a ton of restaraunts and parks and stuff like that.

The quality of an American city is basically the ratio of urbanite hipsters to gangbangers

The old neighborhoods in Boston and Philadelphia are nice

Yes, the reason for this is niggers. We don't build or maintain public spaces because they just fill up with loitering niggers who ruin it. The whole car culture, suburban sprawl, strip mall culture is the result of the necessity of dividing everything into little fortresses of private property because shiftless, unemployed niggers will ooze into open public spaces

Yes, America is one big soulless parking lot

Why build beautiful cities in the richest country in the world, you can also give Jews or Saudis money.

yes, America is the worst country on Earth, don't immigrate here, especially if you're not white

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Not every nation is blessed enough to be clean, homogeneous and evolved. That should be taken for certain by now.

it depends on how much money the city has retard, just like everywhere else in the god damn world

if you ever have been to southwest florida, notice the key differences in fort myers and naples florida. one city does not have a lot of money and one city has a ton of money. i think even your Norwegian brain can figure out which of those two is a far prettier city

I live in Boston, outside of the tourist traps, the city is pretty shit.


Can you point me the way? I am looking at Philadelphia on Google Street View and it looks filthy thus far (Yugoslavia in rubble tier.)

America is third world

philidelphia is ten to fifteen times more degenerate than new york city. you are being trolled friend

It's worse than you can imagine, The cities in the U.S. are rotten to the core they are containment centers for the mentally ill and disabled people that exist from literal generations of welfare and section 8 housing. I have been to Hongkong, that's what a city should look like. Going through Detroit or Flint at night is a death sentence, the cities are more alive at night time than noon, so many people walk around that they flood the roads the sidewalks are too small making the place look like a little Africa this is the future for all of the U.S. The funny thing is, these animals think they are such tough bad asses when they own nothing and will never own anything, all they care about is where they will get there next fix/pussy from.

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Outside of small towns and rural/semi-rural areas, yes. Sometimes you can visit the older parts of a city (usually called the downtown) and see what things were originally like when we cared about the places we live.

Now all we care about is building the most efficient and cheapest structures possible, with the end goal of making the most profit possible. It's truly sad.

why are you watching this faggotry in the first place.

that's why you faggots turn into trannies


>Going through Detroit or Flint at night is a death sentence
downtown areas of both of these cities are fine. do you even live here asshole. when you drive through detroit and flint you dont have to stop in the poorest nigger neighborhoods, i know this might be a new concept to 4channers

If you think Boston is shitty I have bad news for you about basically every other city in America, lol

This. Like where I live, Denver is a fucking shithole. But most of the rest of Colorado outside of the metro area is nice and wide open

It wasn't always like this. The problem today is a staggering surplus of both lawyers and niggers.

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Nope, america is big. Very diverse land. You just have one picture of a fucked up area.

Salt Lake City looks nice.

No, Boston is far worse
t. Traveling in cali, currently fresno

I live north of lansing, it's a socialist shithole and you know it, I worked in a factory in flint for 8 months, the people there deserve lead in the water. All socialists kids should be snuffed out like the dumb subhuman niggers they are.

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This is what happens to a nation that is a colony of Israel.

I honestly don’t know what to tell you, the US has been in a very steady decline since 2001. Especially with the infrastructure some parts of this country are 3rd world and almost all of Europe outside of maybe Russia and Ukraine has better roads and public utilities

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This tells you everything you need to know about American architecture and city planning. And why it sucks ass.

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You can’t even imagine how terrible our cities are. There’s a reason why most white people leave.

I started wondering why everything was normal, he's literally biking through Grand Rapids, those sketchy parts are the SW side, the fat people were tourists on the river walk. But yes its a poor town trying really hard to be a big city on the back of Founders and Amway.

I drove across the State of Colorado years ago, and it was absolutely gorgeous. I remember driving before dawn, and then the sun rose and gradually illuminated the landscape, like a painting come to life in slow motion.
It was one of the most awe-inspiring moments of my life. Then I got into the Denver area, and... yeah.

damn, its nice being up north but the whites up here arent the smartest either. i wont argue. flint is bad im just saying its safe to drive through

Finally, a non-american that understands and appreciates our thinking.

I call bullshit most of middle America has been falling apart for a decade pretending it’s just a city like Detroit is a lie. The most rural and whites areas are also the most poverty stricken and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. Jobs are all in the cities

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Portland (Oregon) looks nice too.

Philadelphia is an absolute shithole

Are you fucking kidding?
Old east cost and NE cities are like toxic waste dumps.

Except the toxic waste is just garbage people.

Small towns are the poorest regions done so by design. You just won’t get stabbed because everyone is white.

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>The south
Sounds right. The northern States are more moderate. I don't lump them in as much.

>Not trying to be mean
>proceeds to try to be as mean as possible

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>concrete or asphalt
in a city???? how strange

American cities are not well planned and now they are run by blacks. I don't really understand why people foreigners want to visit America as a tourist, you are just going to get shot or become depressed.

the south just doesnt have any money.

Close. But no cigar.

Yeah, because you can't build anything of any appreciable density lest it get filled with nigs. If you were to build cheap, high density housing / urban development / job training in the middle of North Dakota there would instantly be a flood of shitskins that would defeat the point

You better be from Michigan memeflaggot, otherwise your talking out your ass. Detroit and flint are trash overall; but the DNG zones are far smaller than you think and both have places that are safe to be in anytime of day.

Yes, American cities are, by and large, a putrid fucking disgrace.
0 culture, 0 inspiration, all made by the lowest bidder.
However we have stunning natural landscapes that keep me here.

I’m not even from the South I’m from Idaho and the state has been getting colonized like Colorado and Utah.
>northern states
Those are the shithole cities no one should visit full of minorities and crazy liberals. The cities have money but shit people and the country side has no money. Everywhere with a population less then 100,000 has no money and the roads and general infrastructure is falling apart.

At least Denver has a cool airport

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Are there any cities that are actually good in the US?

many of those people are "poor" by choice, especially in those rural areas, in my state we have a lot of those places. Jimbob goes out once a week to do some job, comes back and does meth for 3 days and drinks until he has to go back and do another job. if they weren't on welfare he'd be going out twice a week.

sure they're poor, but they also spend most of their time doing nothing. if you found a map of happiness, you'd probably find it overlaps with "poverty" more than it does with prosperity. I can't speak to nigger dens though, i imagine it's probably similar.

Like 6 or 7.

Yeah the last hundred years did a number on us, and the past 10 did double digits.

>Close. But no cigar.

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Yes I dated a girl in WV these people lived in a literal decaying double wide with multiple huge holes just out into the wilderness!! Moths and bugs swarm all the lights in the house, they had 8 dogs and countless cats, none neutered of course. Both parents smoke 2 packs each a day. The entire house is sticky and humid, dogs shit in the house even though they have multiple open dog doors and they just roll it up and throw it away and don't even wash the floor or anything. It is unbelievable no amount of words can describe what I experienced, the mother had a job where all she had to do was control traffic with a sign in a chair for pipleline construction starting at 15$, didn't stand 2 days, not worth the effort. These people want to live like this make no mistake.

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No, I'm not. West coast cities are mostly just suburban sprawling nothingness full of cardboard buildings built by Mexicans last month and drug addicts pooping in the streets. Boston has history, architecture, and charm that the west will never know. You can actually walk almost anywhere in the city. As with literally every city in America with more than 6 people it's ruined by niggers, though. You know what, fuck it, every city in America is shit.

Yeah that country matters.

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I’ve heard that pittsburgh is pretty good


Grand Rapids is a decaying city. It's losing population. Part of the Rust Belt that used to be the manufacturing region in the country.

I actually really liked Pittsburgh. It has a lot of rust belt decay in parts and a huge black people problem, but I've never seen so many white boomers walking around in a city before. I really like the walkability too, as that's something sorely missing in most American cities. I think Pittsburgh will be a happening place in the next couple of decades.

I wish I was born in Norway instead.

We were great once

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Imagine thinking cities on the coast look any better.

honk honk!

Sure are a lot of pissed off changs on the board today. God bless Trump!

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Yes, they do. Only parks here are great.

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>concrete and asphalt - check
>cracked roads everywhere - check
>just niggers, mutts, fatasses - check
>public land not maintained - check
> graffiti and trash everywhere - double checked
>devoid of culture - not checked - plenty of 3rd world culture here (see above) - because Diversity is our Strength
Remember - everyone want's to live here. It's awesome.

t. Bay Area California

t. beautiful diverse California

Attached: muhcoasts.jpg (630x354, 69K)

>live in america
>be rustbelter
>shit's only comfy in autumn when the leaves fall
well, at least I'm not a nigger

No, but cities are magnets for degenerates. White flight will eventually push us to the woods.

Unfortunately, yes. Especially fly-over states. If I were to blindfold someone and take him to a different city every day to a midsize city in middle America he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Literally same fast food, grocery chain, high school sports team, gas station. Same 2.5-4.5 bedroom houses 1500-2500 sqft with frontyard/backyard. It really blew my mind when I roadtripped across the country.

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Most of our cities are garbage outside of the bar districts and sports arenas.

STL is a dump, but I love visiting it because I like baseball.

Based and NWOpilled

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Go Cards!

If you’re white and not poor, then this is the type of scenery you see

K well original pic didn’t upload so this is now a shitpost

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Stop lying you fucking scumbag you are no better then kikes sitting up in there ivory towers talking shit about the goyim who have to deal with cleaning there own houses. You are disgusting kike

>everyone want's to live here.
>minorities want to live here

There's cool shit here and there.

Even in Europe when you leave the old City centers it's usually just commie blocks.

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>Cycling in the road when an empty pavement is right there at random points

Let me guess, if he goes on the pavement he will be either robbed or murdered by police?

Actually, I'm leaving for good in 90 days and moving to the least diverse area of the midwest I can find. Nothing made me more racist than 2 years in the Bay Area.

city engineer niggers make lots of efforts to disconect earth from humans to damage them

>implying it is not the pajeets feces
Designated shitting state.

I work at a Sixflags near me at let me tell you now, Out of all the white woman I see with mulato children none of them come with fathers.

Yes. Only the cities. Which is where all the jobs are. I am trying to get out into the country where my grandparents are but there are only sales jobs and truck driver positions. I want to kill my self. This city is overrun by foreigners and liberals.

Wonder why white people are shooting yo synagogues and schools? That’s why.

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remember lads, we built all this without an income tax, property tax, social security, federal reserve, women's suffrage, or foreigners of any kind

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user, everything you said is true. So true that I don’t feel comfortable in my own country anymore

Fuck off I was just at Santa Monica blvd and could barely walk park without having to step around homeless nogs sleep on the grass.

Notice how few people there are compared to a European city center? Whites all fled to the suburbs after the civil rights era race riots, which is consequently where all the nice places in the US are now. I know you euros like to make fun of our suburbs, but now you're getting a taste of diversity yourselves I think you understand why we do it.

not really

>Michigan: We're not all niggers, just mostly niggers.
>T. Mitten Nigger

CharlieBo is doing da Lawd's work by showing how niggers destroyed America.

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Based and boomerpilled! My grandparents moved up north to work on as engineers on the automobile industry. Factory work made them wealthy.

They ultimately felt homesick and moved south to St. Louis in the early 1960’s.

They drove down town one night and saw horrible race riots. They went home, loaded they’re truck up with everything until the truck drug on the ground. They left immediately that night and never returned. Now we’re in rural Arkansas. The shocks were totally busted after that drive but they escaped the niggers.

Now our rural town out of Jonesboro isn’t getting fucked because Jonesboro is filled with NIGGERS, traffic drugs and crime.

Can’t fucking go anywhere. Fuck this country. Here where I am in northwest Arkansas it’s full of Mexicans and Indians and they’re hardly better. I saw an Indian stick their hand out the window driving down the road yesterday and they just fucking threw out a plastic bag onto the road.

Mass immigration is choking our country dead.

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Pull up any city map, draw a mile wide corridor over any public transportation routes. Outside that zone are all your nice areas. We essentially had to rebuild our entire civilization after forced integration. Also had to give up public transportation to keep the orcs out. This is why everyone in America drives everywhere. We refer to this as the 'nigger-tax'.