Are Asian men the most cucked race?

Are Asian men the most cucked race?

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WMAF and BMWF are spammed by the same group of people

literally could not be more wrong

Jesus, that must be the easiest gig ever for guys with yellow fever.

They're eunuchs

When i was in the Philippines random guys, taxi drivers, bartenders... Always asked me how many philipinas i had fucked
They somehow liked it that i came over to fuck their women
Some even wanted to hang out with me to be seen around the cool white guy in order to potentially score some of my leftover girls

>When i was in the Philippines random guys, taxi drivers, bartenders... Always asked me how many philipinas i had fucked
how did you answer? I wouldn't even know what to say even if I banged 10 Filipinas last week.

Sounds like the greatest job on Earth. Anyone want to burst my bubble?

Chinese men. Their bad mix of tradition and government fucked over the population.

It's the same group of mutt cultists invested in eroding the ethnic identities of the higher races

no that tile goes to the Hindus in India

Jesus, how on earth can Asian men even hope to compete

After working at a dairy, i would have to say beaners. I knew multiple who actually liked to watch men fuck their wives. They would even ask to suck your cock afterwards, crazy shit.

no he is right, they try to pit the white and the East Asian man against each-other when they should be allies.

Dame control is strong with this one.
Show your flag, Joshua.

Some of them kill you when you say you fuck their women

It probably sucks bc if you actually find a girl you want to fuck, the cafe contractually prohibits you from fucking her without the owner's consent because it would break the illusion for the other girls going to the cafe or otherwise interfere with your ability to pay attention to the girls according to their ability to pay.

Host and hostess clubs are shady as fuck and often tied to Yakuza, so if you break the contract you might get beat up as well.

Demographically no.

Yeah but you get to serve qt Asian girls cake and they fawn over you.

Yeah what could be better than a bunch of chink mentally damaged whores coming to you and you must act like you are happy to see them

I am happy to see them!

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Someone should make a white man cafe in America. Imagine how successful you'd be. People from all over the country would come to see a white man.

Especially since the guys in op's pic range from 5/10 to 6/10.

>qt Asian girls

We have many Asian students at the university I go to and honestly, 90% of them are fucking ugly bug-people

Asians love white people. Just look at any game or anime made in Asia. They only make white characters.
They would be great allies to our cause.

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>a place that has white men working as servants indicates Asians are cucked...

user, I...

white men are like the niggers of japan, apparently.

The phenotypes depicted in anime are more transcendent of real world considerations of race than they are intentionally white

Ok, just look at the games, then. You know im right

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>White man café
It's a butler café, not unlike a maid cafe.

>Jesus, how on earth can Asian men even hope to compete
war is inevitable

LMAO @ that "eurasian empire" shit spammed on here. As if Chinks would ever let that happen.

>And then reality after they take off their makeup
This KILLS the chinless incel glorifying Asian women. KEK.

Attached: ASIAN WOMEN BTFO.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

those dudes look gay as fuck, the chinks got nothing to worry about

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curious. do the girls pick a man from a menu or do they just get a random one?

what type is the most popular?

>yes princess
Sounds like the whites are just as cucked.

based, all ethnic restaurants should be like this.

Attached: 1547027782504.webm (600x338, 2.87M)

what is this shlomo, tell me

Reminds me of this.

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>create an ideal transcendent people
>it's just white people

Attached: Not the first time hes been grinning like an idiot with a fag that close to his mouth.gif (200x200, 752K)

>qt asian girls
What the fuck are you on
think about the type of girl who would go to one of these cafes
other than the occasional normal girls who just want the experience it would be full of disgusting fujoshits
they would probably make incels look sane

If women want to be treated like princesses, they should be married off to men twice their age, locked in a tower, and be constantly bred to yield viable heirs.

Disney has made women insane, and it has reached Japan. They all want some prince charming fantasy. While I hate japanophiles and think 99% of anime is degenerate shit, if I have any daughters they are only watching Miyazaki films.

Attached: disney_princess_syndrome.jpg (1236x700, 117K)

What the fuck is this kek

I mean yeah Leon is very intentionally a white man
kek. I think there's more to it than that but I'm not well read on the subject

Wish I had cute Asian girls spot me and shit on my form at the gym.

No user not these, this one here looks more like the average customer at those places :)

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You tell me.

These dudes look gay as fuck though.

This girl doesn't look that bad. If they're not much more bad looking than this, then I have no problem.

That's what Japanese women want.

>that hair
So this is where all the mid 2000s emos disappeared to.

Jap women are attracted to ~*cute*~ guys. I watched Terrace House and Ainori (dating shows) with my weeb gf and all the women like feminine men with cute hair and childish personalities. One of the chicks even said that she liked a guy because he brought out her "motherly instincts". Japs are fucking weird and I'm not surprised mother/son incest porn is very popular there.

Beauty standards are different on the other side of the earth. Who would have thought?

Dude, stop shooping pictures of asian girls to make them appear ugly. It's not gonna work you cuck

What, a Jew?

Ok bro I hope you will pick yourself up a TWICE or Black Pink member one day

Tell what?
Gaijin cafe things isn't popular or famous in Japan

funny when i was in vietnam all the guys also wanted to have sex with me

asian chicks lmao

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>WMAF is the most realistic pairing
>there's barely any quality porn of it

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yeah, angry little hapas that blame their genes for their own failures

Actually, there's a phenomenon here of hot Japanese hostesses taking their earnings and blowing them on dudes in host bars.

Not every Japanese girl is hit, but most are thin, take care of their appearance, and are lady like. That goes a long way.

that's how gyms will be like in the waifu robot AI age.

My Mexican coworkers did something similar when I went to Mexico. Before I went, they'd say "you're going to get a lot of pussy" then when I came back, they asked how many different girls I fucked. They were total cucks for encouraging me to fuck their women. I know that I'd never dream of encouraging a spic to fuck a white American girl.

Japanese hostesses go to host clubs because that's usually the only type of guy who understands their lifestyle. The average salaryman isn't going to be able to handle dating a girl whose job is to pay attention to other men, especially since many hostesses also work in soaplands, deai cafes, massage parlors, stripping, or even prostitution.

Either that or they date some rich old dude for a bit until she finds a richer dude or he finds another hostess to fuck.

Honestly sounds like a nice job. Get paid a bunch of money to act like a Southern gentlemanfor a couple minutes at a time. You'd get slapped for that shit nowadays.

do they actually get customers or are they just fantasizing that they don't look retarded

They are paying foreigners to be subservient to them. How is that cucked?

>We have many Asian students at the university I go to and honestly, 90% of them are fucking ugly bug-people
Fucking this. Don't cherry pick people. Most asian are fugly.

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It's cucked when you allow foreign men to breed your women but not cucked the other way around. Even if the jap women control the cards, it's still cucking because they are women.

asian women are fucking retarded kek

Most of those boys aren't fucking their clients. There are hotspots to pick up women in japan but those cafes aren't it.

>The phenotypes depicted in anime are more transcendent of real world considerations of race
Just like white people.

>There are hotspots to pick up women in japan but those cafes aren't it.
Where? Asking for a friend


mutts btfo

I'm guessing you are blonde with green or blue eyes no?

They value it like crazy down there. I went a few years ago and women fawned over my blonde hair despite it being dirty blonde. I imagine a proper nordic looking dude would slay more women than the cartels do.

>tfw I'm nowhere as cute or white enough to qualify for the job

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that so degrading man. You should do him a solid though and teach him white ways.

you forget the roof koreans that enacted their 2nd amendment rights during the LA riots by standing on top of their properties with firearms and shooting anyone that tried to fuck with them.

Saw you in another thread darkie, prove to me you are white

You'd have to ask an expat but there are bars usually near airports that are known for it. Women go there hunting for handsome (at least no ugly) white men. Business Chads get laid like crazy.

the guy on the right is 6/10?

All nationalities women are whores.

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Get paid money to flirt with Japanese women and you don't even need to be a Real 24/7 Butler.

The cafe is likely air conditioned as well and less exhausting than a fast food job.

Why would anybody complain in this thread.

The women who go to this cafe likely dress up decently as well so no Hoodies or Sweaters.

is a guy going to hooters deranged?

i mean yeah a little bit but not that much

no he's not, none of these guys are 5/10. Dudes probably some fat fuck who thinks he's god gift.

Yep, tall, pale, green eyed white American. But for American standards I'm not particularly good looking, I'm definitely not a Chad. Which is why I was surprised that they predicted I'd have such great success in Mexico.
Funny part is that I didn't even fuck a Mexican gal when I was down there, instead I fucked an Israeli girl that I met at the hostel I stayed at.

Its not the jew cafe why are you here

Laurens still cute

He wishes he were. He's like a solid 3.

Jap girl in an oversized hoodie is 10/10 cute tho

There is no excuse to be a white incel unless you're super fat and hideous. Just being white and taking care of yourself entitled you to girls spic, asian, black that are at least 6/10 - 7/10 just off the top. If you're semi decent looking and white you can literally get any you want.

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It sounds pathetic as fuck desu what those white lads are doing and the only ones more pathetic are anime loving faggots here and in other white countries who dream about having a Japanese waifu and are big into all things Japanese. I've worked with Japanese girls who were sweet and I like their culture and all but those autistic anime types who pine after Japanese girls and all things Japanese are fucking pathetic.

Guy on the left probably pounds a lot of nip pussy. The two to his right probably just fuck each other.

They're fucking ugly too

Yeah if you're a dumb race traitor

>Just being white and taking care of yourself entitled you to girls spic, asian, black that are at least 6/10 - 7/10. If you're semi decent looking and white you can literally get any you want.
never seen this meme in real life

This. Also I dont make fun of other people. I just want my continent to be homogenous. I dont shit on other people and so far Asians in RL have been fairly okay, Chinese excluded.