I officially hate my country, and we are officially Sweden 2.0
Princess of Norway is now dating a nigger
Other urls found in this thread:
How Negro?
>Fresh off the boat Negro?
>Educated Negro?
>Hood Negro?
Do yall got waves of rape coming in under the guise of """refugees"""?
He is an American negro and self proclaimed Hollywood shaman
>snake oil salesman
Just so everyone understands. Everyone thinks shes a loonie, and she will never be queen. Shes brother to the crown prince which have a child with the Norwegian princess, her ofc being white.
But yeah, even though shes a nut job it's kinda depressing tbqh senpai.
>Princess of Norway
Looks like Rupaul without a wig.
"fresh off the boat negro" lmao
Are you sure this guy isn't Indian? Some Indians look black.
>A spiritual guide and gifted healer, Shaman Durek acts as a mediator or 'bridge' between the spiritual and physical planes, applies ancient spiritual wisdom
he's one of your shamans
100% black bull.
Does that matter at this point?
Is she actually dating him? Regardless, anyone who buys into religious mumbo jumbo is weak minded.
welcome to the club king
and your crown prince is an indian married to a literal whore. congrats on the most pozzed royal family.
>oh no, this totally norwegian princess is dating a nigger oh deary me how will the national pride recover
My condolences
That's what you get when you import a fucking Danish degenerate prince to become your king.
Nice to see Meghan Markle enjoying a day out with the kid
having a picture with someone is dating?
or are they actually dating?
Those are all men. No way at least Helen isn't.
god is black and all whites seek redemption
Fucking disgusting but it's your own damn fault. Shouldn't have fought a war for your Jewish overlords during ww2.
Now deal with it.
Royals have always been into bestiality.
it’s a psyop, they’re acting
I blame Hollywood and BLACKED shitposting
she looks really old
>waiting for that toll to be paid, time is ticking against her.
uh, your pick, that's, uh...
okay, lemme fix it for you
>*channels latent racism*
I blame leaf posting
>dont have power
He is not indian though.
We have our own permanent black mark in the form of this nigger. Memes are fun but this event should make it more clear that what's needed is solidarity because this problem permeates the entire West.
Nobody really gives a shit. What ever makes them happy.
Still waiting for the tweet confirming that she's now HIV+.
is that the cunt that is talking to angles?
>Nordic princess
>Not Blonde
She's already a mutt so who cares
Ultra cucked
Lightly cucked
No cuck
HIV is a pysop
People like you made Norway shit
A very educational pic. Thanks user.
Think again, bro.
Nah, but White people can't get HIV unless they're faggots or fucking niggers.
Ayö höl ūp
Shouldn't there be a national aristocracy to keep the royal family in check?
His body language indicates that he's not that into her
Iceland looks amazing. I bet they can survive this since they are off alone in their own island.
I almost want to see if I can move there, I'd even become a sheep farmer or fisherman if I had to, I really dislike the US at this point and want to go back to Europe where my family came from.
>Sweden 2.0
Fuck you that’s us, you can be sweden 3.0
Finally, I can laugh at someone else.
Wait, don't you have a closeted faggot rabbi advocating for immigration, and a nigger single-dickedly spreading HIV to 1% of the female population, or am I confusing this with Greenland?
Her fucking eyes are moving to the sides.
You know what they say. People who complain about niggers are just projecting their insecurities. In reality you wish you were the princess.
El gobinos wouldn't survive here
It might be real but I honestly think a lot of it is just homosexual GRIDS and Africans making new diseases
I see a Black man. Only thugs are niggers.
So she's sort of like a Norwegian Prince Harry?
How small Iceland is cracks me up every time
Stronghold for when SHTF.
I saw a nigger with 2 local chicks last weekend. Can we be sweden 4.0?
that is not how projection works you stupid retard
you know what to do
High quality banter there, Nigel. You got a loicense for that?
I see a faggot. Only homosexuals make such distinctions.
>El gobinos wouldn't survive here
While I am a euro mutt I'm not a goblino. I'm much more into the colder climate and enjoy that more than the freaking heat where I currently live.
I consider my Finnish part of me is the reason for that. idk.
dude is living the NEET life milking her for a few mils
Du vil bare suge negerkuk.
Yes, but much like the Duchess of Sussex, it hits its expiry date in about a year.
This is a meme comparable to the «if you dislike fags, its cause you are secretly gay». Liberal talking points aimed at belittleing your opponents views.
Don’t be retarded, goblins live everywhere. Especially since you have a million volcanoes around, it’s just cold Mordor
Norwegians are done.
Sweden: ultra-cucked
Norway: extra-cucked
Finland: cucked
Denmark: resisting cuckoldry
Iceland: mentally cucked, but saved due to its remote location
Yikes. But why isn’t your princess even hot. This is the best Norway has to offer?
>unless they're faggots or fucking niggers.
so all white people? fucking fags
Why are whites so cucked?....
pic related
Generation zyklon was our last hope...
>anyone who buys into religious mumbo jumbo is weak minded.
Aka a woman
I've seen her goblin tits.
I've got nothing.
Unironically based and redpilled.
T. Known Boss
I blame the unites states for turning Europe into a welfare trade system... Free Trade
Ingrid ain't bad.
Non royalty Norskies are much prettier of course.
>twin flame
Holy shit my ex was into this new age mumbo jumbo.
Bet she believes astrology is real too.
Why does Sweden have a boner?
another bbc lover
Its always hunter gatherer cucks
Absolutely fucking based desu, can he be given a noble title and made the official shaman of Norway?
This seems based, but at the same time means nothing if these women will fuck and breed with foreigners...
Because Swedes are always DTF.
Look into the mans eyes, he’s trying to figure out how to put his peepee on all of these wenches
>Princess of Norway is now dating a nigger
>How Negro?
>>Fresh off the boat Negro?
>>Educated Negro?
>>Hood Negro?
Not sure how that had anything to do with what I had said but I would agree, the average norskie is very attractive. Their women are usually 10/10, more so than Sweden.