>hated by both Nazis and Communists, referred on multiple occasions as "racial trash"
>backwards in terms of all European standards, outdated mentality, unable to adapt
>the only ones who accepted communism instead of viewing it as occupation
>degenerates by nature
>all aspects of "culture" stolen from the neighbors and invaders
>didn't ally with their Balkan brothers in the war against the Turks
>were the only ones willing to cooperate with the Soviets, which is why they got all this clay
>claimed to have been the leaders in the resistance against Nazi Germany
>claim that they are the smartest and strongest people in Europe, but they never had any accomplishments because the evil Westerners are keeping them down
>have a habit of moving en masse to a foreign clay and then claiming it as theirs, used this trick to win most of the clay they currently have
>very impulsive, loud and nigger-tier violent
>unwarranted self-importance, will think you hate him because he's Polish, even if you don't know what or where Poland is
>failed in WW1
>started WW2
>claim to be patriots, but work for ShareBlue for 5 cents per post
>>hated by both Nazis and Communists
How do we fix the p*lish problem /pol?
And yet Poland is much better now than Germanistan. I think you're just salty that your women are getting raped by Mohammad and you can't do shit.
whiter than you, mehmet
toilet country, toilet people.
russian women are marrying chinks and muzzis because your men are drunk bums. worry about your shithole
Let's divide them again
lol took you long enough. start spamming your anti German shit and tell us how you're the real antisemites
Rusia Is chink territory, since forever
shut the fuck up Kevin and give us another batch of euromonies.
but I mean literal Chinese not Mongolian or some meme
why would a dumb jew using a german flag keep screaming like a pig that is about to get slaughtered?
why are you so mad at poland for not bending the knee and giving you reparations? arent the USA and germany reparations enough for you
the Jew lives for money
>lists his own flaws and insecurities and poses them as that of another country
Würstnigger stop the hate
That guy making this cringy threats has to be some mohammed fucking fag. No more brother wars.
>the Jew lives for money
>shut the fuck up Kevin and give us another batch of euromonies.
lmao the eternal (((p*le))) strikes again
poles are not your brothers and they will always hate you
>the only one that accepted communism
again with this retard..
>The Revolutions of 1989 formed part of a revolutionary wave in the late 1980s and early 1990s that resulted in the end of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond. The period is sometimes called the Fall of Nations or the Autumn of Nations,[4][5][6][7][8] a play on the term Spring of Nations that is sometimes used to describe the Revolutions of 1848.
>The events of the full-blown revolution first began in Poland in 1989[9][10] and continued in Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Romania.
>A wave of strikes hit Poland in April and May 1988. A second wave began on 15 August, when a strike broke out at the July Manifesto coal mine in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, with the workers demanding the re-legalisation of the Solidarity trade union. Over the next few days, sixteen other mines went on strike followed by a number of shipyards, including on 22 August the Gdansk Shipyard, famous as the epicentre of the 1980 industrial unrest that spawned Solidarity.[23] On 31 August 1988 Lech Wałęsa, the leader of Solidarity, was invited to Warsaw by the Communist authorities, who had finally agreed to talks.[24]
>On 2 May 1989, Hungary started dismantling its barbed-wire border with Austria, opening a large hole through the Iron Curtain to the West that was used by a growing number of East Germans. By the end of September 1989, more than 30,000 East Germans had escaped to the West before the GDR denied travel to Hungary, leaving Czechoslovakia as the only neighboring state to which East Germans could escape. Thousands of East Germans tried to reach the West by occupying the West German diplomatic facilities in other Central and Eastern European capitals, notably the Prague Embassy and the Hungarian Embassy, where thousands camped in the muddy garden from August to November waiting for German political reform.
>fucked up the communists alone in the 20s
>fucked up the turks at Vienna
>fucked up the Mongolians way back when
you are shareblue 2bh
there he is. lol
my first name has czczwzczzczz in it and i like krauts
>failed in WW1
>started WW2
literally pic rel
poles are based af, germans are muslim savages
and so are you kike.
the very moment we told you hooknosed bitches to fuck off we get multiple poland hate threads at the same time and in every one of those the same JIDF faggots
>poles told jews and US to fuck off
>suddenly Jow Forums is full of meme flags, (((germans))) and (((gringos))) shitting on poland.
>sided with communists and western allies
>50 years of communism
>how did this happen we "defeated" communists
lol if the jews love you, that says everything
>degenerates by nature
when watch porn i dare not click the g*rman category. all kinds of twisted and fucked up shit going on there
the difference with those euromonies dotations is that germony is making them willingly. jews always force themselves on you when they want money.
yup twice
once in 1920 and once in 1989
germans never did only helped them destroy Tsardom and our country
your country and jewish behavior is responsible for this. remember when you guys transmitted porn into the homes of palestinians
Poland is cool!
>it's not jewy if we're doing it.
you literally bragged about being a parasite then bitched about jews, how polish of you
>jews want to fuck us over 300bln$ right fucking now
>some random with israeli flag says poles are based
>case closed jews love poles
nice try shlomo
What an awful fucking thread.
“Accepted communism”
Legitimate retarded.
Also whiter than you, Mehmet
when you make them your bitch why wouldn't you think that
not going to lie i see a lot of romanians that hate you online
lmao found the (((p*les)))
nobody cares what ethnicity americans are dude
It's time for Poland to pay 300b for their crimes against humanity. Denying their fault makes it even worse.
That’ll be a kek from me.
Romanians and other smaller nations understood the problems in ww2 so they sided with the Axis. The poles thought they could fight everyone and set the terms. That's why.
>slavs aren't white
>>failed in WW1
THIS. pay up
Shut the fuck up kraut,your shithole full with skinny fat manchildren in sandals with socks is no longer relevant and Poland will literally fuck your mouth in some more years
being hated by both commis and nazis is good think
Another shill
Poles are BLACK BVLLS okay?
really?! Explain all the anti white related articles.
what is going on in this thread. i have no idea
polish monsters rape tigers
>be Poland
>walk down street to go to work
>all people look same
>no nigger, no shitskin
>come home to white wife and white kids
>life is good
Can German man say the same?
dude you fucking idiot. i meant that nobody cares if an american is polish, german, irish, english background. you're an american. other countries laugh at us for saying we are "irish american" or "polish american". you totally misinterpreted what i said and probably on purpose because you're a larping faggot
does being killed by both nazis and communists mean anything?
Stay mad hans, is every time I see buttblasted krauts and Russians I’m proud to be 1/4 polish :)
I really hope Trump won't back down. Poland should see who got the power.
most of us are good with each other
(((polititians))) driving hate between us fucked it up as always
see when americans say shit like this leaf here
they get laughed at.
time to stuff your face ahmed
I'm not "American" because that's not an ethnicity ..I wasn't born here nor do I plan to live here. Keep fantasizing about magic dirt and muh vakues
>alcoholic trash sharting the sidewalk
just no
did you even read my post?
Germans agreed to pay us donations and they continue to do so, willingly.
my opinion and opinion of my government are different!
Another kike shill thread
I’m also half American ;)
he's not ethnically Romanian, he's some (((Moldovan))) who loves soviets
you clearly must not understand english because my comments had had nothing do to with 'anti white sentiment'
better own bydło than sandnigs
at least you know what bydło is capable of, unlike foreign sandniggers
>cuck porn watching, nigger cum gargling homo kraut man
First step solve problem is admit problem exist
german coping mechanism. Fail as a Country, Fail as a people, Fail as a Nation. Blame all neighbours. Heres a Little Bit of advice for you hans/ahmed, instead of calling others names with no base in reality look at your failing country and try to do even the slightest bit to fix it or call me when Germany turns into the Germanic Caliphate so that we can take back the Veletian and Sorbic land and integrate them into Poland
Go away Fritz-Mehmet!
keep living in dream world. you'll wake up one day with a pole and (((allies))) at your door *again
Shut up mongrel.
At least Poland isn´t infected by Left progressivism, cultural marxism and massive inmigration from the Islamic World and Africa.
>in 3 seconds...
tbf At least they have more nationalist movments, that and they hate gays and nigs more then OPs country
laugh all they want. they'll understand the gravity of the situation eventually
These threads make me feel like god emperor Leto from Dune, fucking boredom, every one of them, same shit over and over again.
Slavs are the only group of whites left in the world.
Am i right?
no a politician was forced to pay you ..just like jews and Americans will get one of your politicians to "agree" to pay the jews billions of shekels. pick a fucking side already idiots, Nazis or devils
Go eat Zyklon B you filthy jew
I mean.. Germans are the ones who sent Kike Lenin and his Kike Bolsheviks with gold to Russia to overthrow the Czar and implement Communism. Germans are the ones who allied with the white mans eternal enemy in the Ottoman T*rks and declared Jihad in Britain and France
so far we told israeli delegation to go fuck themselves and go where they came from
I really doubt they will get anything.
kys brainlet mutt
all categories are the jewish category, though
They are better than black "bulls"