Thank you Trump for making Europe great again!

Thank you Trump for making Europe great again!

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how can they know how every single trading partner reacts to the tariffs?

Stop asking questions, just consume, goy

read: Germany

Germany owns Europe so that's right.

jewish math maybe?

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IDK maybe if OP posted the fucking source instead of a picture we could read it and see.

wtf ? usa wasting 94bil on trade war but only giving us 38 bil ?
they should give us 100 bil

It's almost like a supernational union the size of the continent has a budget and whole agencies to assess the trade flows it is regulating and gather statistics for public policy propositions.

I'm beginning to oppose this trade war. Why can't people just let us all die in peace?

why would ever believe their statistics and/or their methodology?

why would you ever believe Gabe Lipton to accurately report those statistics?

How much of a sheep are you?
They have every reason to lie about the proposition because they hate protectionism, strong borders and Donald Trump.

>why would ever believe their statistics and/or their methodology?

You don't have to. The EU is a technocratic supernational union and not a democratic state. It is not dependent on popularity polls and approval ratings from people like you.

>undemocratic states/institutions never used propaganda and misinformation because they don't have to

How much of a brainlet are you?

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>It is not dependent on popularity polls and approval ratings from people like you.

that says a lot right there about the EU. they don't care what their people want only what globalist and pro-immigration advocates want.

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oops wrong pic.

there's loads and loads of foreign companies in china exporting to the US. you really think meme graph like this is even remotely realistic?
besides, the chinese made a stop for 60 billion vs trump's 200, indicating the chinese are mellow and conservative in their response. it's not going the be the 'next' apocalypse as you cancerous hype-faggots keep suggesting.
just like Iran, China knows how to pamper trump as nothing bad will come from it because tomorrow he will be distracted by a fucking fly again. they are playing him, and getting more and more global support.

At least the kikes aren't lazy about their theft. Gotta respect the hustle.

it's not theft if they give us the shekels willingly

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I mean you aren't wrong, but also "willingly" is the operative term.

All according to keikaku

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it's almost like the unelected artists of the great european replacement program are ready to pull some fake numbers out of their asses at a moments notice to keep the cattle quiet

This looks fine to me.

Now the EU, Canada and Australia need to send us the 94 back as a sign of good will for defending the white race and fuck chinks.