How do we treat them, Jow Forums?

How do we treat them, Jow Forums?

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Therapy and barbed wire

With fire

Be open and let them get to fuck the gay out.

Help them, spread their buttcheeks and provide bro fucks.

We must help the gays

with the D

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With respect pls

With love and respect :3

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In the showers

We let them self destruct. Never interrupt a man when he's shoving a foot up his own ass.

Gayness does not work. The competition between two of the same people exist and never goes away. Two men and two women will actually be deep down competitors with each other forever, thus blocking them from ever experiencing true love. I know this cause I have a gay friend who said that it is a hidden secret within their community.

How many nigger cocks you suck today you stupid wop dago?

pinis + bussy = seks

Like a human being. My stepbrother is gay, but he's not a flamboyant screeching homo or anything. Other than his gross sex life (which he keeps to himself), he's just a normal guy

Fuck off you scum. Gays literally did nothing bad to you, and im not gay but i am part of LGBT+

Leave me alone. I just want to die alone in peace.

As long as they keep to themselves and don’t push their shit nonstop in culture, don’t give a fuck.
But that shit ain’t happening.

sorry to tell you user but your bro is mentally ill, you should talk to him and convince him that what he's doing is morally wrong, teach him about Jesus Christ

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This therapy, undeniably, doesn't work often- and when it does work, the treated is damaged for life and unable to function.
I'm no advocate for faggotry, but I say let fags be fags if they form monogamous bonds, adopt orphans, and otherwise contribute to society.

Thing is I'm LGBT+ and we aren't pushing anything.

>adopt orphans
no, fags are pedos, all of them

You mean honklers? We laugh with them.
Honk Honk!

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Why do you laugh at us?

Me and a few other anons plan on burning the rainbow flag at a local faggot festival this summer.

We're going to have a megaphone and announce it is being done in solidarity of children who have been raped and abused by the faggot community.

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They are the means to the end, my friend

u should burn the cross because its the priests who do that

FUCK YOU. I'm LGBT+ and we are harmless

u shouldnt get angry because of him. i mean he is probably the same guy to deny his kids vaccines and having them die of something as pathetic as measles lmao

Leave them alone. Let them sodomize themselves out the gene pool. Focus on cis normative breeding and teach your kids gay = sin

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Many people were LGBT+ who advanced humanity

>Alan Turing
>Alexander the Great
>John Maynard Keynes

Need i say more?

Trump said he would waterboard whoever does that to gays.

you dont know much about homosexuality do you? because the thing is u cant breed out homosexuality lmao. its in plenty of species and its kinda absurd how its still alive because of evolution but i doubt breeding "gay" out will work at all lmao. if u dont change the human genom but thats pretty rash and stupid for removing just gay people lmao



lole. stop using caps lock ur just amusing others with it

God bless you

You’re funny

ahh boo hoo you mad trump hates you hetronormative bitch!

Homosexuality is a joke

God bless you
You’re my hero
Remember to record

Although many are, especially the most visible fags, most aren't.
It's a fair point.

Someone’s butthurt...actually that makes sense since you’re a fag! HAHA burn in hell!!!


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I'm not homosexual

why are you seething so much? also im a fag to so suck my dick :^)

Funny since im literally not gay. Not all LGBT are gay idiot

And all the straight people who advance society...think of them faggot

Nice bait

No that’s Israelites silly

Corrective therapy and reclaim the rainbow flag as a white identity and race separation banner.


have u checked on any of them for yourself?
u cant just assume something is bait just because it doesnt fit your viewpoint. i dont say they are gay. but u dont know lmao if u keep closing your ears

Oooh fighting back are we? Faggot

Ship em to venesuela and lets see iif they are still gay after 6 months

Ignore the ones who keep it behind closed doors, gas the ones who don't.

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Being gay, like the other user said, isn't genetic. It's more of a result of social conditions such as high population and plenty. The gayest countries are often the most developed.

forced euthenasia. same with pedophiles and weebs

You're obviously a troll

LGBT aren't gay idiot. So all priests are gay since they are LGBT+ (asexual)?

I’m watching never know

We allow them to marry and live in peace. Hell, they can even kiss in public without fear of harassment. But they have no special rights over anyone and can’t push their shit on anyone.

I’m bored in my class so yeah...

With therapy and drugs, and if that doesnt work then isolation so they cant convert others

Hey Jude

I hate shitskins and I hate islam, but they have it 100% right here.

Throw 'em off the fuckin roof. You even want the possibility of your kid getting molested by a faggot? No? Then toss 'em. It's awesome.

Don’t make it bad

With electricity

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oof dont get shot murican

like the disease vectors they are.

>hates shitskin
lmao nice

This way, best way

Take a sad song and make it better

I try my friend

Remember, to let her into your heart

u just called a gay guy a friend? i thought u were more like wanting to throw me off a roof lmao

Prohibit clearly misleading public propaganda, parades, and hyperbolic activism. Dismantle any programs subsidizing these groups. Discourage broken family structures and instability.

Promote the act of sticking to nonsensical activities behind closed doors, solely.

It’s hard to keep track my compadre

How do I find a BF that’s not LGBT crazed? I just wanna play vidya and cuddle.

Then you can start to make it better

Hey Jude

Don’t live in me...

Keeping it behind closed doors includes not telling everyone. When they’re out, they’re trying to push it.

it doesnt matter much. u probably see people different if u meet them without jusding them from just what race sexuality blah blah. i used to really hate muslims. well i still kinda do. but i met this awesome muslim guy who is based. he showed me a vid of a trap lmao

keep the colors separated

I forgot the rest sorry

we steal it from them and (((them))).

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based and Pencepilled

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I don’t believe most the shit I post it’s just fun to post it

Wait I got it

Don’t be afraid

ah i get it. so you just larp here. i do to sometimes. tho sometimes i believe there are people here who are for real lmao

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You talk to them like normal people and ignore their gay talk.

Maybe but I believe mostly Jow Forums is a big play and we’re all actors

Some may actually believe in that stuff...I think of them as...method actors

well its a lot of fun here no matter what u believe in. i usually browse here in school too when bored. i hope my teacher hasnt glanced my computer screen and thought im some freak lole

neurological realignment therapy

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Discretion is key comrade