Why aren't you marrying a hijabi?

>practically white, so not race mixing
>dutiful wife
>want to birth sons

>must convert to islam
>violent brothers/father

White women are fat and obnoxious, asian women are materialistic whores, and latinas expire into goblinas at age 25. Take the hijabi pill.

Attached: hijabi3.jpg (500x500, 66K)

I hate whites who marry Asians, blacks and other races.

White people are literally going extinct and now Jow Forumstards want to marry other subhumans.

World's gone mad!

Then why not get a Bosnian or Russian muslim gf?

Fuck you and your slide thread but you made me laugh at least.

>latinas expire into goblinas at age 25

>practically white
Lmao fuck off kike

They look white enough to me. I'm not saying to marry a Somali or Yemeni shitskin, but Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and the Balkans are mixed with the descendants of Greeks, Celts, and Crusaders.

Attached: hijabi2.jpg (300x250, 11K)

The cons outweigh the pros, and most of them are both brown and kind of retarded.

Jow Forums is full of yellow fever threads with gook lovers obsessing over the supposed superiority of gook women, yet I get attacked for liking white adjacent mediterraneans! Hijabis will at least give you white sons instead of disgusting hapa sons that Jow Forums seems preoccupied with.

Attached: hijabi.jpg (490x595, 62K)

How do I get a qt arab burka gf

T. Someone who's never met, talked to or dated a hijabi

>El Salvador

Attached: turkish_gf.jpg (453x604, 50K)

Islam is antiAmerican, anti European, and a stupid nigger tier religion based on the ramblings of a pedophile that couldn't even plagiarize the Bible properly.

Fuck off shill.
All fields.

weeb gf
>adopts beauty standards of japan
>relatable because white
>eats pocky
>watches anime with you
>isn't a retarded jap
>white babies


Attached: Dk0UbiLW4AAf_nj.jpg (900x1200, 129K)


stfu nigger, 99% of them are ugly incestkids

Attached: ugly.jpg (615x410, 19K)

>actually looks like anime, doesn't need contacts

Attached: TT7lyGK.jpg (815x815, 78K)

Literally a cuck by default, this bitch has no muh whitu culture. Literally mutt tier. Probably speaks one language too. Wasteman. S

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buy one they are huge gold diggers

Your picture looks 85% like every Muslima I see walking around here

unlike pic that behaves like a nigger

This. I'd marry a levantine hijabi over a disgusting insect chink degenerate any day.

Attached: 1555252316971.jpg (748x715, 84K)

>implying being anti American is a bad thing
being anti American = being anti degenerate

Why aren't you nigging up your bloodline with Mexican-tier genetics?

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What I'm saying is once the physical beauty fades, they will have no redeeming qualities, no true culture probably doesn't even want kids and by the time they reach 35, they'll have a mental breakdown that'll trigger their bipolar and divorce your ass. Taking half of what you own. That doesn't happen with hijabi girls. They're more open to you getting a second wife when they get older. All the benifits but you guys don't want it. Obsessed with race

Attached: Future second wife.jpg (720x708, 471K)

levantine/med/balkan/greek != paki, somalian, sulf arab

>Cheat on your wife guys!
Yeah you're a Muslim alright

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