Hey Jow Forums, why don't you support Israel?

Hey Jow Forums, why don't you support Israel?


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I don't support Israel itself. I support their strategic removal of sandnigger via the use of "strategical" weapon such as white phosphorus,combat gas and heavy bombardement against "strategical" unarmed target.

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I hate Israel because of the chokehold they have on the US. I’d care much less if they didn’t control our foreign policy and our Congress, and if billions of our taxpayer dollars weren’t funding their nonsense. But desu i’d rather that Jews lived in Israel than in western countries.

How are they controlling your country. I mean just don’t do what they say lol nigga are u stupid.

>not the "we should pay more"-guy

Come on, you can do better


Unlike your faggot countries. our millennials are getting more and more based. 20% of isreal are arabs, if you remove them out of the equation its about 80%.

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like half the us congresspeople have dual us/israeli citizenship

>20% of isreal are arabs,
sooner or later, it will be 100 per cent. Just like Lebanon, or Iraq, or Egypt. You already are morphing into them but you won't notice until it's too late.

your faggot country cannot even exist without external support

your putrid diaspora fucking over the west will be your doom

I pray for Israel every day.