Will you vote for Trump in 2020?
Will you vote for Trump in 2020?
Voting tulsi or yang.
No, he cares more about Israel and Nonwhites than he does about the people who voted for him. Until he stops bitching like a little girl on Twitter and do something. I’m staying home and I’d recommend everyone else should too. It’s time to hold these fuckers accountable and show them that without whites. They’re nothing.
yes. obviously
>record immigrant niggers
>everyone in his cabinet is a jew
>no arrests
>no wall
>no MAGA
what am I voting for, exactly?
Everyone else is more retarded than he is. If Ron Paul ran again I'd vote for him.
yes, because i love jews
Absolutely! Can't wait to suck on jewish cock again.
I don’t know how democrats can be any worse than Trump at this point. In some cases, we actually did get Hillary.
Live in a blue state vote doesn't matter anyway plus Trump pissed me off over numerous shit so fuck it all.
Bring on the civil war!!
I'm not American, but that doesent mean I can't vote through your mind... BWAaaHahahahahA
nice back and forth routine, you guys are getting better at this.
Of course, he needs all the help he can get
Of course I would
Yes, because Im not fooled by the Jews schilling extra hard today.
>Bot starts thread
>human handlers reply
t. kushner
Still no fresh memes, what's it been now. A month? Two? Sad. MIGAtards and the christling ziodon supporters are all NPCs.
Wah kushnerbot is salty Jow Forums no longer worships zognald.
It's important for the retards that are still on the Trump train to understand he's losing support. Anyway I doubt it's a bot. ///Leftypol/ is leaking from it's science pussy as the board owner quit.
Yeah that will help us. Might as well KYS, faggot.
I’m a heterosexual white Christian male, so of course. Can’t vote democrat and nobody is challenging Trump from the right so yeah, he’s got my vote
Fuck no. Virtually any Democrat is better than him at this point, especially since the economy is tanking.
No, he cares more about Israel and Nonwhites than he does about the people who voted for him. Until he stops bitching like a little girl on Twitter and do something. I’m staying home and I’d recommend everyone else should too. It’s time to hold these fuckers accountable and show them that without whites. They’re nothing.
No I will be voting for Bernie. Even a literal new is less subservient to the the elites.
One of your comrades already shilled that point, keep up.
>Voting tulsi
>what am I voting for, exactly?
for epic memes and to make sjws mad
Yes because I fully support israel
Over Biden or a socialist? Yes I would vote for Trump
I ain't American
Well I'm sure as fuck not voting for the Democrat platform of retardation
Probably even though he's a piece of shit
No. His policies are identical to the democrats', but we (whites) end up taking all of the backlash. So we (whites) lose more than we gain from Trump.
The electoral college has rendered my vote meaningless. It doesn't matter who I vote for.
Neoliberal and zionist or neoliberal and socially progressive
Hell yeah, brother. The Trump train is gonna run wild in 2020 and all you anons wondering in the desert will change your tune come election day.
I was considering Yang out of protest, however, He recently began helping SEALs and other vets accused of war "crimes." If he continues, yes, I'll be their for Him.
>he's losing support.
People losing support don't have anti candidate bots.
>tear down the walls
>allow all illegals
>Medicare for all illegals
>voting rights for all illegals
>outlaw all guns and jail owners
>after birth abortion(?)
Maybe people don't care for the democrat party platform
Trump will win again. Deal with it libtard.
I voted for chaos and Trump 2020 is still the chaos ticket
take a look at this retarded shill
Fuck Trump. Lying Kalergi cunt.
Hell yes
Why don't more of you support Bernie?
t. resident of a social democratic paradise
checked. based.
Trump voter here, I love watching the Russian pissgate dosser crash and burn, but in all seriousness we cant let Trump get The nuclear codes. I’ll be voting for the child raping Moloch worshippers.
Thanks Iran shill!
Yes, not excitedly. He is good but not great. Slows down our fall but doesn't stop it.
Just remember without the electoral college EVERYONE'S vote is meaningless unless you live in LA,NYC or Chicago
Yeah, I'm not an accelerationist faggot just yet.
Yes. Absolutely.
Correct nobody is interested anymore. I don't think his turnout will be the same while the left is getting riled up. Trust me there are no bots here anymore. This place is slow because the magic is gone. We'll see what happens, but I don't care either way.
Trump is the accelerationist candidate Momo.
Whether you retards refuse to accept this or not, a vote against Trump is essentially a vote in favor of the Democratic Party.
anyone roped in by the miga zion don shills needs to dejew themselves asap
what is the alternative.... commies.... fuck that
"he didnt go full 1488 in his first term reeeeee"
fucking morons if you are falling for that shit.
Nope. The invasion is worse than ever. Censorship is worse than ever. Now we're looking at another war. Not voting for him. Probably not voting for anybody.
Yes. Nevermind the flag, i'm in leafland for work. So far the dens have shown no attractive candidates and have no ideas i think will put the states in a better position than what the donald is currently doing. While my stocks have taken a beating lately on trade worries, i am very happy a president is finally playing hardball with China over trade. In other circumstances i would short (as i did on the december dip) but i think this sell off will turn around in reasonably short order.
YES. hahahah
RP isn't running again unfortunately
no wall, no vote
no im writing in Ron Paul again
>pretending Democrats won't shill just as hard for Israel, if not harder. Priceless.
why vote for Gabbard? isn't she retarded? pic related
I don’t vote. Nice digits.
>no wall
>no mass deportations
>no drain the swamp
>no lock her up
It's almost like Trump is controlled opposition and he is there to advance the Democrat agenda until they have their permanent majority
of course because i'm neither a nigger nor a faggot
>Hillary wants more Mexicans
Trump wants more Mexicans
>Hillary wants globo-homo
Trump: "I'm a globo-homo and a nationalist-homo"
>Hillary wants the deepstate to remain intact and in power
Apparently so does trump
>Trump is controlled opposition and he is there to advance the Democrat agenda until they have their permanent majority
>better vote democrat instead!
you shills are fucking retarded and pathetic
Yes, bigly
Trump is basically a Jew so I’m voting for Bernie.
im voting for whoever will collapse the US the fastest
No one else to vote for that i dont want to personally murder and itll be funny when he wins
I’ll hold my nose and for him against Biden. Accelerationists are too white pilled on whites. Hopefully, American jews so hell bent on fucking this country get israel nuked accidentally.
Yeah, obviously. What the fuck am I going to do, vote for the literal communist the democrats pick because I'm pissed that Trump hasn't done enough to curb illegal immigration?
yeah, but what about in the general election? Bernie aint gonna be on that ballot lmao
Makes sense...
He betrayed us
Yes, he will be re-elected.
Too bad, faggots.
In 2020, Donald Trump has to do the following:
1. Make a public statement that his business deals are illegal and that he has used illegal means to make illegal business transactions.
2. Ask any federal agency directly involved in the Trump business to provide him with evidence of the businesses. The reason I say directly is that in the Trump Organization (and therefore you have his children and many thousands of other people under his control), we were given access in the first place to a massive database of tax returns of all our business dealings. What follows is Trump's statement: "I will tell you, if I win, I'm going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been anybody in the history of politics who's abused our system as much as I have."
3. Call and invite all the federal officers who have been investigating Trump to come in and help investigate him. If they disagree to help the investigation, this will become a great scandal as it already is with Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Sessions, the OPCs.
4. Release his tax returns
>leaving your cuckshed
>Will you vote for Trump in 2020?
unless the left comes back way center or a libertarian has an actual chance, i will absolutely vote trump for the luls alone
jew shill.
>people losing support don't have anti-bots
So if trump goes from 46% approval to 44% approval, all enemies of his automatically stop using bots?
>hey Hillary, look at this! Trump's support is down 2%
>Hillary: "end the anti-trump bot program. There's no reason to keep it running if he's losing support
Imagine being retarded enough to think this makes sense
Hell no, trump is a kike
I learned in 2016 that voting won't change anything. I used to hear boomers say that but it was only now that I realize the wisdom of it. *Sips*