Zanizbar: killed all the Arabs there
Zimbabwe: chased out all the whites
South Africa: currently genociding all the whites there.
Why does pol complain when blacks defend their home land?
109 times, kike, 109 times
The Dutch settlers in South Africa lived on that land for two hundred years before they saw their first African face. It was uninhabited until then. Did you not know that already or are you a kike shill?
"WAHHH wahhh muh Rhodesia and saffar"
Kys incel enough with the fantasies nite nitr
We complain that there's no media coverage of it. When protected classes are killed, they can't stop talking about it, but when white people are killed, it's a conspiracy theory from the alt-right. Want to kill white people? We'd rather, of course, they be returned to white lands, but then white countries should also be allowed to banish other ethnicities from their countries.
Will to power is a bitch. They shouldve realized that after they were finished conquering the other tribes in the area.
K Y S you Indian or paki browncel spammer.
Why is India so filthy?
Just walking to the market
Your fellow poo in loo drowned in the loo
Dead holy animal
Subhumans can't claim anything, even if they have a concept of land ownership. It's like chimpanzees claiming the Congo.
OP taking a bath in his homeland
What does India mean by this?
How many times are you gonna make this thread?
It’s a british poo in loo browncel. He also hides under a WN memeflag and makes the why are white boys so undesired by zoomer girls threads
You know, I wonder who really makes these images. Is it leftypol, or someone from here who just likes to troll his fellow pollacks? Some other party?
Have sex incel
>Zimbabwe: the reality
How can a human even stand this?
t. meximonkey
We're mad because they're OUR people.