How will Jow Forums continue after the loss of its leader?
How will Jow Forums continue after the loss of its leader?
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Andrew Neil has consumed the blood of our old leader thus becoming our new leader
Andrew Neil ended him lol
wtf happened? Did he died?
The new leader of the alt-right.
Hitler died well before this board started
i want to put Benji in a little Elf outfit and let my dog hump him
As a jew...
Lil Benji will be back. Nothing can keep /ourguy/ down for long.
That shitty kike never was my leader
>eternal anglo
nah just had a nervous breakdown from a few simple questions
Nobody has been beaten this badly by the English since the Zulus. He's dead.
He just got pissed and ended some garbage BBC interview early because the guy interviewing him went on for 10 minutes giving him questions about old tweets to piss Ben off (which it did) when he was there for an amiable book interview. Honestly the whole thing was a complete waste of time
who is this faggot
The questions weren't about old tweets. The old tweets were given as context for the audience and for Ben to understand the questions.
The questions were about the style of discourse in America, specifically the anger and coarseness of the discourse and whether Ben Shapiro was contributing to the anger and coarseness which he condemned in one tweet but continued to use in other tweets.
Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. He will actually grow and gain much from this lesson, learning humility can be difficult.
Literally no one cares about this kike
Excellent b8, leaf, your shitposting must make your ancestors proud.
He's a jew. They don't grow and gain, they avoid and retreat as he did. I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew Neil started having terrible luck in the future, with his career, interviewees being prepared for him, high profile guests cancelling at the last minute, the BBC going in a new direction giving the young journalists a chance etc.
I wouldn't put it past them to poison him.
God speed Andrew Neil. You're a champion.
Yeah but the mentioning of the tweets were dragged on for way too long and were phrased in a biased leftist manner (which is what Neil admits to intentionally doing). I don't think Ben should have gotten angry over the questions but instead calmly responded to them. But at the same time the questions seemed to be biased which is why I understand it some. All in all i'm sure Ben will shape up from it
The tweets had to be stated and restated because on the rare occasions Shapiro allowed Neil to speak uninterrupted Shapiro always refused to accept that the tweets were relevant to the question and instead talking about how Andrew Neil was literally ATTACKING him live on air and how Shapiro was more POPULAR than Andrew Neil who NOBODY had ever HEARD OF.
There's no such thing as a leftist manner you daft twat. This is why America is awful.
Did we watch the same interview? Many tweets, such as the tweets about Obama and Islam were irrelevant. The questions were proposed in a critical format from a liberal POV. Neil admits to doing this, after looking at your flag I understand why you don't get it. In America people have become used to biased reporting or statements taken out of context, that many will assume the same of the interviews; hence the defensiveness. I already said I don't agree with Ben anyways, don't get what you're getting angry about.
We don't follow kikes
Too late.
Find someone that appreciates looking at Ben's blackheads at full resolution and I'll concede.
Ben Shapiero, some kike hosting a podcast. Far from Jow Forums's leader
According to the interview Shapiro referred to jews who voted for Obama as jews in name only, this implies that jews who voted for Obama are less jewish than jews who didn't vote for Obama. If being jewish is a good thing which Ben Shapiro clearly believes it to be then taking away someone's jewishness because they voted for Obama is akin to calling someone less human because they exercised a right they have in society. This fuels anger and coarse discourse.
In the Islam tweet Shapiro dehumanises every Arab in Palestine regardless of what they believe in, it was a racist and dehumanising series of statements. This fuels anger and coarse public discourse.
Ben Shapiro wrote a book about anger and coarseness in public discourse and why we should avoid it. Ben Shapiro's intellectual thesis in the form of the book is hypocritical when deconstructed in the context of the above mentioned tweets. Ben Shapiro was given the chance to retract his earlier statements and bring his overall political stance in line with the book he was selling for shekels. He refused to do so and instead cried like a little girl because a man was asking him questions.
It should be noted that many of the statements made here are irrelevant to Jow Forums users such as racism and jewishness. We're not talking about this in the context of Jow Forums, we're talking about this in the context of the majority of American public discourse in which racist and dehumanising and anti-semitic statements like Ben Shapiro made fuel anger and coarse public discourse.
Regarding the image you posted while Andrew Neil doesn't go in to details and instead answers the question while ignoring irrelevant parts (solid interview technique) I would like to point out that Andrew Neil did not use the word barbaric at any point within the broadcast.
Stfu Zionist shill
Ben really is finished after that. He was NEVER an intellectual, just repeated out neocon ideas of the past while talking fast and trying to sound angry.
Also he has Khazar milkers and only 5'4". PATHETIC.
Jow Forums is a Maga board, we don't support snake in the grass nerver trumpers.
wrong pic mate
>a kike gets publicly zyklon'd by a random politician
what a nightmare
He responded to the public discourse questions in the interview, (which lets be real, no discourse was actually caused from those tweets.) and the Obama Jew thing. I'm not defending Shapiro's angry reaction, he definitely could have responded much better.
>Jow Forums's leader
>the stereotypical badger jew
There's a few /leftypol/niggers endlessly spamming "HAHAH BEN GOT BTFO" thinking we give a shit about this kike or about the BBC. It's a weird op, I don't know what they are trying to achieve.
Ben Shapiro 1488
>no discourse was actually caused from those tweets
>Ben "I am more popular than you" Shapiro
So he's not popular then?
I think they're trying to get the mini-boomers out which I fully support. Once they're done we get rid of /leftypol/.
> leader of pol
> Jeewish
fuck that cruz missile
nobody here ever listened to anything that kike had to say.....
anyone that fawns over these e celebs are just plebbit tier newfags that are lost and need to go back
There was literally no discourse, Shapiro hardly matters present day outside of talk shows and debates and he definitely hardly mattered when those tweets were written, since then hes changed his viewpoints and agreed and admitted the Palestine tweets were stupid which is why I thought the question was irrelevant anyways since he doesn't hold the same viewpoints.
Found the newfag. Ben is based.
Anyone defending (((Shapiro))) in any way shape or form is a cucked faggot and shouldn't be here.
redditor detected
Any tweet certainly influences the discourse, if you use coarse and angry language in a tweet you make it more acceptable. The more influential you are the more you shift the overton window.
It's possible that Shapiro has changed his views since he made these tweets which supported and encouraged the use of racist, anti-semitic, dehumanising and angry language but he had the opportunity to say so and failed to do so. I'm not a mind reader so I can only go off what Shapiro said, not what you wanted him to have said. As it stands Shapiro supports and engages in the use of angry and coarse language in public discourse while selling a book that condemns the use of angry and coarse language in public discourse.
What do you mean he never said so? In the interview he admits it was a dumb tweet, and says where you can find proof that he changed his viewpoint online right after.
>/our/ leader
>1 post by this ID
It's all so tiresome
Ben Shapiro, who is a jew which I only mention to give context for why he might hate Arabs engaged in what the enlightened might call a lie when he said that according to Andrew Neil.
As you can see in the clip below which starts at 12:51 Shapiro does indeed claim that he includes those tweets on the list of bad, dumb things he has said. He also claims that the next few tweets following "Israelis like to build, Arabs want to bomb crap and live in open sewage" clarified that he was only talking about the HAMAS leadership. Andrew Neil claims that the next few tweets actually went on to condemn not all Arabs, just Arabs in Palestine with the statement "It's not all Arabs who want to live in open sewage and blow things up, it's just Palestinians."
To recapitulate this information, Ben Shapiro used racist and defamatory language based on ethnic and national heritage, he then went on to reinforce this with follow up tweets, then realised he might get in trouble and made a pseudo apology by including the tweets on "a list of bad dumb things [he] has said" without actually apologising, then when confronted on the issue told a lie to make it seem less bad by claiming that it wasn't aimed at all Arab Palestinians merely the HAMAS leadership then attacked the interviewer by claiming that they weren't condemning HAMAS hard enough.
Here's a thought, if you want to reduce the level of anger in public discourse do you do that by a) being less angry and explaining why things you said in the past which added to the anger were bad or do you b) lie, deflect and pretend to have apologised for things you said which added to the anger in public discourse while using methods designed to induce anger to avoid having to admit that you might have been wrong?
brainwashed liberal nazi zoomers keep trying...
keep failing
brainwashed liberal nazi zoomers
no value
no future
he's not our leader, but he did get the better of that exchange
Why do people continue to post this kike fucker on here?
ITT rats escape a sinking ship
You mean...
>How will Zionists continue after the loss of their leader?
Nick Spic Fuentes is way better than that Jew
Hail hortler bitch
my sides
Nobody followed a gay jew.
Nice try lefty.