Bro when America was white it was fucking BASED

>bro when America was white it was fucking BASED
>bro i wish i could go back

Attached: jacob-riis-how-the-other-half-lives-27.jpg (750x567, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

terrible strawman
fuck subhuman non-Whites

Fuck off kike

Attached: 1556570976201.gif (480x267, 419K)

Absolutely BASED
Kids working, learning how to be productive members of society instead of some meaningless trash in public school.

i’d rather be poor and white majority than poor and white minority

>have to cherry pick a crisis during a world war to compare to the modern day shitskin subhuman

Fuck off kike

he's right you know

Attached: mi-24-5.jpg (640x426, 50K)

kill yourself bourgeois shitter

Most people tend to refer to 1950's era generally when they say go back. Not 1903