Why do people take issue with black people being in shows/movies and medieval Europe, when it was a fact that they did have a presence?
Blacks in old Europe
How many nigger cocks you suck today you stupid wop dago?
Bait threads from the US are worse than leaf tier goddamn.
Because they are using black actors to play the roles of whites, like Joan of Arc. Imagine the backlash if a white dude played Black Panther.
Most of those portrayals of blacks are actually from places like Nubia and came to europe for religious reasons.
In other words there weren’t that many blacks in Europe. Probably 99.9% of Europeans including many high ranking ones lived their lives without seeing a single black.
There's a difference between someone historically being black and blackwashing
In chains maybe.
in medieval Europe they would have been exceedingly rare or non existent in many parts. the way they are being represented is historically inaccurate. would you like a white Shaka Zulu? maybe Mansa Musa was really white because white people did exist back then.
you see that would be completely ridiculous but somehow when it's applied to Europeans it is supposed to be accepted as the gospel and the mere questioning of it is a terrible thought crime.
16th century depiction of a 3rd century Saint from Egypt.
I really wouldn't care if africans were played by whites, it's just a show, and I have no investment of any kind into historical figures..
Why is he black?
Black panther is make believe, joan of arc was a real person
Its more akin to making a movie about Obamas life and having the palest actor you can find play as him
A. Lol. No.
B. Why do you Jews oppose whites having our own things?
I'm black, but why would I gives shit who plays Obama? Why are whites so sensitive?
Europe was 99.9999% white in medieval Europe. Even in the major urban centers, most people would have never seen a single nigger in their whole lives. Niggers were there but they were extremely rare and were not influential. Niggers who did manage to make to Europe were a spectacle to guawk at if anything. Even so far as to land in zoos or freak shows. The depictions of niggers from the Europe of yesteryear is completely inaccurate. If we want accurate depictions of medieval Europe, we should only be depicting whites.
There are other depictions (including Egyptian Coptic - closest to him) portraying Saint Maurice as white.
Nobody knows how he looked like and the depictions are the artist's imagination.
>try to come up with a famous historical nigger
>only option is a comic book character
sorry history is our connection to the past and without that we are nothing. it isn't something malleable that the social engineers can use to justify multiculturalism.
This is why we shouldn't worship icons.
this is some kikery to divert attention from unnatural mass migration of people that do not belong here, these lands are not theirs.
They'll blame Europe's economic collapse on the migrants.
The migrants will get pissed and go to war.
because typically they make historically white characters black for the sake of "diversity." ala any show from the bbc like joan of arc and that ancient rome show where ceaser looks like the big nigger from green mile.
Not one nigger on the beach in Vancouver in the 70's early 80's.
>no nigger has ever complained about "muh whitewashing"
Why are nogs so retarded?
I don't know what is worse. The fact that there are so few notable blacks to draw from or the fact that people know more about cape shit than Mansa Musa. I mean the guy destroyed several economies in the most nigger way possible proving that niggers should never be given money.
b..but germany needs the labor
> Went to the beach of Lake Ontario as a kid just outside of Toronto in the 90s, early 2000s.
> Never saw a nigger there
>Its more akin to making a movie about Obamas life and having the palest actor you can find play as him
That wouldn't even be as bad as Obama is half-white.
Nigger shill
Not even that. European countries were the first ever to ban slavery
Vancouver also used to be an English city rather than half filled with asians and basedboys with their asian gfs.
Obama is full faggot.