Do leftists think that having high testosterone is bad ?
Cringe anti masculine comics
I honestly cant tell is this anti-trump picture or for-trump.
Not if you're ftm
these days i just assume the left is self-memeing and people who mock the left are falling for the troll
i cant believe anything else or I'll go full honk
How is that worse than the soi bois being bred by the Left? That dude looks like the kind of guy you want on your team if some shit jumps off. Not some faggot in skinny jeans and a scarf.
FP nailed it.
That image is my life goal
If you take out the Trump pin and the GOP belt buckle, it's mine as well.
why dont they know that the military gives you an ID?
I look at it as that is a person running in government. At my current rate I'll have a very healthy retirement fund by 55. Perfect time to make a run for a leadership. Heck I'm only 30 now and people keep asking to run for my local town council and run a few societies around town.... if only they knew
Shouldn't have lost troops, nig.
>small testicles
>inevitable tax payer funded heart surgery
Funny thing is....
Urine test can’t detect anabolic steroid use! Hahaha
The lab techs probably knew but just didn’t give a fuck were like, “ok negative UA he’s good!”
He probably rejected her.
>thinks steroid use and healthy T levels result in the same outcome
Ayo hol up das raciss
I... Don't get it. Is Ohio not giving out drivers licenses anymore?
I need to order some Steds now.
the left doesnt want voter ID laws because its effective against voter fraud (which always goes in their favor), so they lie and say minorities have a hard time getting IDs and that the law is racist
I'm moving to Ohio now.
That's actually how they view people that disagrees with them
oh fucking bullshit.
niggers can vote just fine.
it's pretty obvious
OI! you got a loicense for those muscles, mate?
That's not how it works
>...Sir don't you have a military ID?
Oh, by the way. If you drop in on the Paludan threads. The OP's question is the reason why Jow Forumsudans appearance is just perfect! It inoculates against a huge portion of the regressives usual arsenal.
I tried
based and swolepilled
Damn crakkas.
LOLL it does sounds something like that.
I think it's more that they associate weakness with virtue. They view strength sort of in the same way a fat girl views a Jow Forums girl. Mixture of jealousy and self loathing meanwhile blaming her better and society for the iniquity while failing to aknowledge it's her fault she's fat to begin with.
Of course.
Can't be a victim if you can defend yourself.
>fo' Israel
A hearty KEK, lad.
Swedes fear the Polish BVLL
I'm not the only pol yard that's going to run for office? I was going to go for city council but to be honest our voter turnout in my fairly well off city is so low I think I'm going to shoot straight for mayor, I'm currently starting a few local charities to get involved in the community, I'm not doing this strictly for the sake of my planned run, my lack of community in my community is sad, I just think it will probably help so I'm going to go this route for a couple years first, plus I love my current job and I'm not ready to leave it yet.
Nerds Invent Shit
Tuff guys die poor
How is this insulting in any way. Wtf
10/10 would have swole babies with her
nigger cant vote anywhere with felony/dishonorable discharge
>Fought in Iraq and neither has a driver's license or cac card.
Troops are given free military IDs even after they leave the service. This comic is just a lie.
It was also my first thought
>tfw no muscle gf to workout with
why even live
i dont get it. is this meant to offend the right or something?
>The virgin "No one has ever heard me say, 'hey guys, let's vote for a man'"
I love trumps face in this one. It's like it's from futurama
>Literally just "our guy good, you're guy bad"
This intellectual laziness drives one to drink
>leftists think that having high testosterone is bad ?
>Its honks. Honks all the way down
That's only if you have high dht testosterone, which is different from normal testosterone.
The most fucked part is he just looks like a regular dude that works out sometimes. Ffs
that's because of your toxic masculinity.
This is some serious delusional shit
If you posted this on Jow Forums everyone would make fun of him for being small
Absolutely. Fucking Sweden
he's croatian
Muscle girls tend to be degenerate
only those with incredibly tiny amounts (or none at all) think it is bad
sort of like MC skinny penis bitching about huge cocks
>vote for beta backstepping
>or chad aggression
tough choice.
>dht testosterone
>Dihydrotestosterone testosterone
Jesus fucking christ
I have Crohn's disease and I'm bigger than him.
Med fag here. Its almost impossible getting men with low test onto test replacement, but girls and women who say they're transgender? Have as much as you want!
You really have to ignorant not to realise that there is a plan behind this.
>Its almost impossible getting men with low test onto test replacement,
What why? There's low T shops all over here. You can stroll in and do the test and get injections no problem
Not in canada
What the fuck how do any of those basic bitch muscles imply steroid use
Fucking hell
Did you miss the part where he's in Sweden?
this comic is literally "this person has interests in things that i don't have interest in so they're boring" and "i'm projecting my own insecurities through a public medium like an autist ass"
Isn't it slightly racist to assume retarded niggers are too retarded to obtain an ID?
They also suck the EU's cock but they don't want to vet voters like they do.
Because women don't know shit about muscle development because they don't actually lift or have an interest in lifting. Usually you can tell if someone is roiding just based on their delts. If they are unusually big and out of proportion then chances are they are taking something.
I lift literally for forty minutes every other day at home. This guy probably stalks the little girl next door's bedroom window for longer than that each day.
seriously, he probably spends that much time on reddit looking at shit people drew, or what they read, or James Charles' new covers. Talking with friends just means upvoting your cuck pals
>forty minutes every other day
Whats the point even
Yep. That's a Croatian name 100%. It's hard for Swedes to comprehend just how big Southern Slavs are.
What would happen in leafland if a man 'identifying as woman' were to ask for test?
Lmao @ the insecurity.
Gym is one of the most fun things I get to do during the week. I really look forward to heavy bench sessions. And you can spend time with your friends there... Or bring a book with you to read between sets. And you can 100% listen to music lmao.
>protecting people who want to vote in iraq
yeah sure
Military ID?
Leftists HATE the military with more passion than a lot of us realize.
Their hatred & bigotry has put them so far out of touch with reality that they are completely unaware that they make themselves look like complete fucking idiots whenever they say Anything about the subject.
Remember this (PIC) from those Leftist idiots at NYT? Some fag went and corrected them on it and they changed the word 'enrolled' to 'enlisted'.
Look at how Leftists have sick demented fantasies of having the military kick down 100 million gun-owners' doors and machine-gun them all to death.
They think that because communist-country-military-forces obediently carry out orders of genocide against free-thinkers,----that our forces will do the same.
These are only a few examples of many-----where Leftists sorely have no fucking clue about military-matters in our country.
>how big Southern Slavs are.
>Only way I can think you can leave the military without any ID was a dishonorable discharge
>doesn't even have DD214
>Nog probably raped some fat e2 and got DD
>Or bring a book with you to read between sets
If you're calm enough to read, you're doing it wrong